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Op healing.


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I just need to laugh at people saying we are fine in pvp healing :)

I rerold a sorc healer for the fun of it and i got alot more utility + healing output my Ops will ever have -_-


But knowing how people **** on our class we wont get anything usefull but a few nerfs in a future patch :)


Ashame bioware isnt aktively scanning our situation with healing and see for themselves how **** we are compared to a Merc/Sorc healer.

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I easily keep up with Sorc/Merc healers in PvE.


My theory about the people who complain about our healing is that they burn every TA on Surgical Probe. If you are using SP as a bread and butter heal, you are doing it very wrong. Compare its HPS to Kolto Infusion sometime.

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I am using The instant heal as my bread and butter heal. Keep the kolto probe up on two stacks, use kolto injection and then surgical probe ->kolto infusion probe etc etc, I can easily maintain between 61 and 82 energy and continue to chain heal. this way I can pump out between (2.5k per kolto injection, 1.5k per surgical probe and a 500 hot tick every three seconds) so in technicality you do around 1.3-1.4k hps without critting at all that enough to keep stuff at bay for a long time and if you have to you can manage this for near infinity standing in the fray and healing all around you. when they go for you evasion and all other related defensive cool-downs can make you last long enough to keep them off your back and kiting is always a valid option, trolling with hots and probe below 30% is just fun when you got 2/3 chasing you.
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my opinion on healing...


the class is a capable primary healer, just not as good as Merc and sorcs... I find one screwup in your group and it will sponge you too severely.


my recommendations:

1) improve the energy regen rate from diagnostic scan when improved by skill pts

2) move a stim boost improvement from one of the other trees, or create a new stim boost skill in the medicine tree... ie generate more energy or have it last longer.

3) recuperative nanotech needs to be more powerful

4) kolto probe should tick more frequently; I'd rather a second application of it tick separately instead of just doubling the hot tick amount.

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My opinion that would help OP healing in PVP would be


-Increase TA stacks upto 5 (talented)

-Diagnostic scan: Allow mobility while casting. Increase energy regen by x amount ONLY when our Stim(forget what its called) is active. (could be talented)

-Kolto Probes: after casting it on a target it should have in instant heal that heals for say 700? then ticks 2 more times of what it ticks for right now. ex. 700/200/200 (I took 700 as a number cause im not level 50 and I have no idea how much the normal heals go for, but if anything it should be 25% of what your Kolto injection would heal for.) Just make it a 4s cooldown

-Toxic Scan: I feel like for pvp toxic scan is hella useless... Hell I dont even know what it purges to be honest. Why cant it just purge 2 of ANY negative effects? I would like to see it cleanse any 2 negative effects and reduce the CD when talented.

-Surgical Probe: If TA cap was increased to 5 - When casted on friendly it provides a 1000dmg shield and heals for what ever it does now BUT consumes 3 TA. When you have only 2 TA it adds a 500dmg shield and heals, and when you only have 1 TA it only heals you for its base.


To me, I feel like we lack protection skills compared to other healers, and cc's to prevent melees from focusing us. I know OPs and Assassins eat me up if my trinket skill is down, I also know that im not level 50 and dont have the expertise gear yet so I cant really complain all that much, but this is just my opinion on how it would help us be more viable in PVP

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Diagnostic Scan: In its current form, the only think it could be made better was by making it into a +healing buff (as mentioned, even if only single target), increasing the length of the scan (as free, I have no qualms about interrupting it for a more important ability), or making it a short/long ranged AoE around the user (and changing the energy restore to a per crit instead of per tick and doubling the restore amount).


Kolto Injection: I personally have no complaints about this ability.


Kolto Infusion: For the costs of this ability, it doesn't restore enough HP. It should be our "Big Heal" as it has some pretty staggering costs required to it. Or, adding a % "HoT" effect after it hits. Provide some reason to cast this ability on a target (HoT stacking). As it stands, with K. Injection and Surgical Probe, I don't see why you would cast this (emergency, SP, normal, KI). Also, with the high cost (TA) you wouldn't want to keep the HoT up on more than 1 target, if you even could.


Kolto Probe: I feel it should last...longer. That's it. As it is I barely feel I can get 2 KI's in before I have to refresh it. For non-critical sections it all me to do more to other players and for critical sections I can focus more on spaming heals vs wanting to refresh the HoT.


Surgical Probe: Only suggestion would be to unlink it from the other heal's GCD. That way, hitting it and KI could simulate a "big heal" when in trouble. For the cost of a TA proc (which reduces our overall healing) I think it's a fair trade.


Regenerative Nanotech: Can't comment, haven't gotten there yet.



As previously suggested, I don't think we need a "shield". Sorcs/Sages are the damage "prevention" class. It sounds like Mercs/Commandos are the "throughput" class. We're the "HoT" class, even though we only have 1 HoT. Our benefit comes from the fact damage is healed as its taken without much thought on our part save setting it up our abilities on our target.


Oh, one other comment. If I have a free GCD to use in combat, I want to be able to use my damage abilities to my target's target when I'm targeting a friendly character. just sounds...simple to me.

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A few issues that I have which more then likely have been said 9at least a couple)


- shield: not being able to place a probe on other people is well just silly....why is the sorc shield so much better then ours?


-hots they seem weak, very weak even with champ gear they dont stand up against a sorc.


-surgical probe for lack of better wording is garbage it does not scale at all, when i got it it was awesome and every level up to 50 it just seemed weaker and weaker this ability takes T.A. and therefore should be worthy of the ability.


-Recup nano is so very blah this is our top tier talent and scaled terribly.


- our second to last tier shield talent is terrible and needs a good reworking.


The class has to be the most complex to heal with which is why I play it but we need to be looked at without question

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As a recent level 50 OP Healer, I would only suggest a couple things.


1. Diagnostic Scan: I would like to see something different. For example, if you have kolto probe active on your target and you cast diagnostic scan on the same target, you consume the kolto probe and heal for x amount. This will proc for both KP if you have them stacked. The x amount would maybe heal for the entire duration of KP at once, with a chance to crit.


2. Shield Probe. Again, I'd like to see something different. Seeing as we can only cast this on ourselves, I think it should be slightly buffed. For example, make it so that we are immune to all damage for 10 seconds, unless the shield probe itself is destroyed (you know, the thing that flies around you). Seeing as the SP would have a small hitpoint count, if it is destroyed before the 10 seconds are up, the IA is healed for x amount. If 10 seconds is too long, you could cut it down to 5, and include CC immunity along with damage.

Edited by Eeuul_Mithraa
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dont get it why ppl starts talking about pve? we dont give a crap.


anyways.. I think the energy is fine.. the amount of healing output is also fine.. its the matter of mobility and lack of shield that is the problem in pvp. Showing a pic of doing 400k+ healing dosent say anything about how the game where. Still think we need a stronger shield that can be put on a low health ally or self.


all healing classes get out of energy/force ect when spamming big heals. learn to control it even in pvp.

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Just healing hardmode fps, Operatives problems compound when the group takes damage.


An aoe dot is all you get.


Otherwise you have to use energy heavy abilities to heal the group. And if you run out of energy and adreniline probe is down, well the group will probably wipe.

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Just healing hardmode fps, Operatives problems compound when the group takes damage.


An aoe dot is all you get.


Otherwise you have to use energy heavy abilities to heal the group. And if you run out of energy and adreniline probe is down, well the group will probably wipe.


I'm not a huge pve guy atm but I have decent pvp gear and noticed that healing HM's is very very difficult even in purples and not being new to the healing game in anyway. For a HOT based class our hots sure do suck lol.


31 point talent is LOL.

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I am currently level 38...


I was told that healing gets a lot easier in the high 30's

all i got was a crappy stackable hot that i have to re-apply more than i possibly can on the entire group lol


Something along the lines of a debuff that can be put on the target that when hit heals the team member would be nice (think of RIFT mages)


We need an emergency burst heal and if thats not possible an autocast modifier or a multiplier for the next casted heal


i like the tactical advantage system but unless you spend the points on letting all your HOTS have a chance at granting you it, youre in for a rough time lol


I find it frustrating as a non-50 that going in as a healer is usually more of a gimp to my team than help lol



That and the mere fact that I am at a complete disadvantage when it comes to medals unless


1- im actively looking for killing blows

2. get lucky on a few perfectly timed heals

3. hope my constant casting of little "beep bop, beep-beep" probes adds up to a medal or two


BUT, i am hopeful that once the 50's get put on their own brackets, healing ops will see an improvement as we will no longer have to contend with more than one level 50 player dry humping your team mates

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I am level 50 and engage in both Operations/Hardmodes and Warzones. The only glaring issue I have with how Medic Operatives play is the lack of throughput cooldowns; I feel that our quality of life would be much improved with either a form of external mitigation (e.g. targeted shield probe) or a straight throughput cooldown (e.g. guaranteed crit on next KI, increases all healing by 20% for 10s, etc).
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Right-oh, I'm currently in the higher L40's and frankly I stopped seeing myself as -only- a main healer somewhere in my L30's. Sure, I can pop 200k healing in a WZ during a lucky break, but I can see another class fulfil that job a lot better. Personally I focus on targets between 60-100% health (get them back to 100%) and targets below 30% to give them that little extra boost to win that one on one fight or perhaps even a two on one fight if I give them some kolto loving and get involved with my little dagger.


I don't know how many people here played WAR, but I used to play a DoK there and I really miss that one skill that allowed to regain HP when hitting an enemy (was pretty bloody annoying for them as well). I wouldn't mind an alike skill to be implemented for OP; let backstab refund some energy or HP on yourself or a friendly target - would make it more worthwhile to get involved in a fight and a better chance at turning the tide instead of popping a heal and wondering if 'escape' isn't on cd anymore.

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Op healing is terrible for PvP. All that really needs to be said. HoTs crit for 1k, fully champ geared players have over 16k HP, people take 2k+ hits all the time, you need to cast heals that isn't "energy efficient" but PvP isn't about efficiency it's about keeping your allies alive. You can't do this "energy efficiently" as a healer so you will run out of energy while a sorc or BH probably has around 60% of there resource bar left.


Go concealment and dominate people. That is what we are good for. We have no utility for hutball besides killing as many people as you can before you get knocked off and have to make the run of shame back.


I Beg to differ. Op healing is great. I have only played an op healer so far and I've been doing up to 621k healing in a warzone. And about the burst issue, your combat awareness is very important. You need to prehot based an advancing enemies. I have no problem accept I believe alacrity should decrease the amount of time in between HOT ticks, but only slightly.

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I Beg to differ. Op healing is great. I have only played an op healer so far and I've been doing up to 621k healing in a warzone. And about the burst issue, your combat awareness is very important. You need to prehot based an advancing enemies. I have no problem accept I believe alacrity should decrease the amount of time in between HOT ticks, but only slightly.


You need to understand that raw healing numbers are useless when discussing pvp viability. HoTs heal like crazy in WZs because a lot of people are taking damage from one source or another. Total numbers mean jack-all when the guy you are trying to keep alive can't be kept alive.

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I have to admit Operative healing is one of the most class to play. We got Stealth, 2 CC skills, ability to take cover, Hots and heals etc. There's so much things to look out for during healing. Have to watch the TA buffs, the Hots on tanks, the energy management bar and of course the health of the group.


But the icons of the buffs are so small, it really hurts my eyes staring at it consistently and we got no ways to adjust the size of the buff icons.


And possible to include something like /targettarget function? I would like to apply the damage skills onto the target of the person i am targeting (for example tank's target). :D

Thank you.

Edited by Milkgod
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I can pull 400k+ heals in some warzones with multiple immortal players....keep rolling hots. Stack crit and surge and surgical probe will be spammable till a player comes out of the 30% range then if you're spec'd in med shield pop that and a trinket before you start spamming. There's nothing wrong with Op heals. Period.
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I've healed most heroic fps, 4/5 nightmare EV, hm SOA, pvp...doesn't feel broken to me, I hate to say it but...L2P?


We are 5/5 16HM, and 4/5 Nightmare 8m. I can tell you, compared to our other healers, Op healing is BEYOND broken, and needs a rework or a huge buff.


We have no panic heal, we have no shield, our HoT is decent, our group AoE is decent. The biggest part of our class, the second we have to spam heals at all, we are going to be energy starved, especially in 16m raiding atmosphere. Do Hutt Hospitality on 16m, and you'll see how energy starved you become.

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We are 5/5 16HM, and 4/5 Nightmare 8m. I can tell you, compared to our other healers, Op healing is BEYOND broken, and needs a rework or a huge buff.


We have no panic heal, we have no shield, our HoT is decent, our group AoE is decent. The biggest part of our class, the second we have to spam heals at all, we are going to be energy starved, especially in 16m raiding atmosphere. Do Hutt Hospitality on 16m, and you'll see how energy starved you become.


I agree something seems off.


An interesting idea would be to let Shield Probe be targettable, spammable, only cost a TA while still benefiting from Med Shield.


As it is, I think our heals are underpowered.

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Diagnostic Scan - this needs to be reworked. The healing needs to be increased, and the energy regen should be increased a bit as well. Alacrity does make it a bit better but alacrity is not an attractive stat for operatives since we use the energy mechanic. In lieu of increasing the energy they could make it castable while moving.


We do not have an effective "emergency" heal - SP is not an "emergency" heal, its a "heal on the go" because it requires a TA which we have to set up through KP or KInj. A Shield on a CD would be great for this - just rework our shield so that we can cast it on allies too. Easily solved.


I also find it annoying to have to spam KP on people so often, I'd rather increase the energy cost and increase the healing, and make it not stackable so I only need to refresh it half as often


I'd like Diagnostic Scan to be switched to an Instant Cast HoT for the same duration as the Channel and for the same healing.

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As long as we're throwing out ideas. In Warhammer, the sorc had an ability that could cast a DoT on an opponent which would then additionally tick damage for other foes around the target. I think a healing version of this could be a useful replacement for RN. A hot that you cast on a friendly target that then ticks heals for additional allies around that target, even while moving. Regerative Nanofield or whatnot...


Ie. Cast it on the tank and the HoT also tics for the melee dps around the tank.

Cast it on the ranged and as long as they stay together they all get healed.


Again, just another idea with a little more variety.


And I also agree with everyone that Diagnotstic Scan is lackluster and could be looked at.

Edited by SithariAzurwrath
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We are 5/5 16HM, and 4/5 Nightmare 8m. I can tell you, compared to our other healers, Op healing is BEYOND broken, and needs a rework or a huge buff.


We have no panic heal, we have no shield, our HoT is decent, our group AoE is decent. The biggest part of our class, the second we have to spam heals at all, we are going to be energy starved, especially in 16m raiding atmosphere. Do Hutt Hospitality on 16m, and you'll see how energy starved you become.


I agree. We need talents to either lower our Energy costs or some other adjustment to our regen. Energy based healing is interesting (Rift got it right IMO) but is hard to balance.


The main problem with our Energy model is it works great for a DPS spec. High burn, Adren. Probe back to full, maintenance rotation until Probe is back up then repeat. That doesn't work for Healers since there's no consistent "rotation".


We also need a Buff to Probe healing and/or the ability to use Shield Probe on Party members. Something. Either make us strong Hot Healers or give us more tools like Sorcerers.

Edited by zootzoot
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