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10 Good
  1. I can pull 400k+ heals in some warzones with multiple immortal players....keep rolling hots. Stack crit and surge and surgical probe will be spammable till a player comes out of the 30% range then if you're spec'd in med shield pop that and a trinket before you start spamming. There's nothing wrong with Op heals. Period.
  2. I think people need to manage expectations for the game in general seeing as its still in its infancy. Everyone is going to have their own opinions of how they perceive the content to be and should be respected. So far, I think the game is great and will continue to get better as more content is introduced.
  3. Everyone has valid points towards this discussion. It is, in fact, too early to tell what class will trump other dps classes. However, I think its safe to say that we've all had beta experience and some of us have experimented with several classes and therefor have somewhat of a knowledge base for which they can comment on. I think it should be noted that any conclusions made shouldn't be set in stone (as far as I know) as I don't think anyone has seen the full potential of any one class with "tier" level gear. Myself, I played a BH and a IA. I found the BH has much more sustainable damage as it was mentioned before. The BH has utilities that can be used to maintain steady DPS where an IA is similar to a vanilla POM pyro mage from WoW (sorry for the reference). It may seem irrelevant now but I think this something worth while to discuss because it will give other players some insight as to how certain classes will operate and hence give them some direction for what they want to do/play. Looking forward to EGA as well as further input into this thread. Gets people thinking and thats good! Cheers.
  4. Thats assuming bioware honors even that much...so far their track record for sticking by what they say is disappointing to say the least.....11/08/2011 and I'm still waiting.
  5. It's starting to seem like a cash grab to me "pay the extra 5 bucks and youll get to play early based on when you redeem your preorder!" 5bucks x 1 million preorders =.. Then they invite people at random, disregarding any previous statements made. GG bioware for making blizzard look good.
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