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Target of Target


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I think right now the only way to tell is by situational awareness. I've found it's easiest to tank facing your group (should be doing this anyway) and watch to see if anything is running off to your healer or DPS. Hopefully it is added eventually. Edited by Jediwran
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I thoguht Alt T showed the target of yuor target? or am I not understanding the real question.


Alt+T is assist. It will change your current target to the target of your target. What the OP is asking for, is an addition to the UI that displays the target of your target without actually changing your current target.


For example, a tank wants to target Mob_A so that all his attacks, taunts, etc. are directed at Mob_A. However, the tank needs to also know who Mob_A is attacking at all times (if it's not him). Another UI window that shows the nameplate and healthbar of the mob's target is a needed addition.

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Yes this is my biggest gripe right now about the game. I need a darn ToT ui frame or I'm going to lose my mind. Now right now in my leveling it's not super-important, but with situational awareness being max'd out usually in FPs/Ops it can become very very insane trying to see what every mob is targeting and if anyone else is taking direct damage instead of the random aoe damage going out.


I think I'm going to tweet some certain developers about that right now.

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Yea, I cannot believe how naive the developers were when they designed this game to omit some specific things like this. Some other things missed:


- Combat Logs. They put stupid enrage timers for the Hard mode FP's but no combat logs for us to eval performance from dps, or why the tank was just 1 shot.


- Movable frames. UI customization helps a lot to keep things organized certain ways.


Many more, but it is early, so wont ramble on.

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Its already in the game under your keybinds. Target Targets Target. I've got it set to my mouse so I can jump back and forth.

That's completely different and it's useless for tanks As a tank I'd like to be able to see the moment that a boss changes attention to someone else in the group, which a target of target frame gives us. How does changing my target to my target's target (which is probably myself) do anything but screw things up?

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Its already in the game under your keybinds. Target Targets Target. I've got it set to my mouse so I can jump back and forth.


Please read the OP statement again before responding. While it is handy to have a hotkey assigned for Targeting our Target's current Target for the purpose of Guardian Leap, this is not what we want. We would like a UI target's current target frame to see. Plus a threat meter would be kind of handy. Tidyplates anyone?

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Its already in the game under your keybinds. Target Targets Target. I've got it set to my mouse so I can jump back and forth.


That is ASSIST, that is not at all what is being discussed in this thread. Read my earlier post explaining the difference as I don't feel like repeating myself.

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Alt+T is assist. It will change your current target to the target of your target. What the OP is asking for, is an addition to the UI that displays the target of your target without actually changing your current target.


For example, a tank wants to target Mob_A so that all his attacks, taunts, etc. are directed at Mob_A. However, the tank needs to also know who Mob_A is attacking at all times (if it's not him). Another UI window that shows the nameplate and healthbar of the mob's target is a needed addition.


Yes you are correct...


There are a few critical changes to the UI that NEED to be made!


1) Above your current target's health bar....there needs to be a small, scaled down version of a nametag and health bar of YOUR current target's target.




3) Target Assist Window: Displays the assigned group members target next to their name. Basically shows you who your teamates are targeting which you yourself can use to target from as well. (Yeah this may be more for amateur players but still is nice at least for the dps to focus fire)


I realize this thread wasn't meant for bit***** about the UI however those are my top 3 problems I have seen so far.


As for the OP's question...NO..there is no way to turn this feature on because it doesn't exist

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Thanks for the replies. I was really hoping I was missing something. Having tanked for years in WoW I saw it as a required function and was a bit annoyed that I couldn't figure out how to turn it on. Really wish the beta testers had noticed some of this ****. I am getting a bit tired of all of the annoyances of an unfinished game.
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Target of target display and skill target forwarding would both be extremely useful in this game.


Thanks for the replies. I was really hoping I was missing something. Having tanked for years in WoW I saw it as a required function and was a bit annoyed that I couldn't figure out how to turn it on. Really wish the beta testers had noticed some of this ****. I am getting a bit tired of all of the annoyances of an unfinished game.


Lol, don't blame us. We posted, BW ignored.

Edited by dougan
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