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3 Nights of Maint in a row?


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Is this going to be the norm? I mean Its cool you guys are updating the game and all....but can't you do the normal practice and do it during the regular schedule time frame? Three nights in a row is cutting into the time we paid to play. Or are we being refunded that time?
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People are complaining that BioWare isn't fixing the bugs.


And now that they are, people are complaining that they have to take the servers down to apply the fixes.


You want them to wait until next scheduled maintenance, when half the community is downt heir throat wanting issues fixed?



Are you serious? What do you want Bioware to do?



And now you want refunded time? Hahaha.

Edited by MattieP
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Simple answer.... people cry there are too many bugs and problems, those people want them fixed "NOW". So, BW is fixing them as quick as possible. As a result people will cry that the servers are down... In the end, people are never happy.


Yeah except they are not fixing the major issues that people want fixed now. All those issues are things that will have to wait for a major patch.

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Yeah except they are not fixing the major issues that people want fixed now. All those issues are things that will have to wait for a major patch.


One problem with that statement is that a lot of what people want "fixed" right now are not bugs but game design that they disagree with. And so what they really want is not for it to be "fixed" but for it to be changed.


They ARE working on a lot of the things that truly are bugs.

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Did I complain about the bug fix's? No, your being stupid. They can do what every other MMo did when they was fixing bugs.... Fix them on that one set day a week the servers are going to be down anyways.


So many stupid people, so little ammo......

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Yeah except they are not fixing the major issues that people want fixed now. All those issues are things that will have to wait for a major patch.


I repeat... People will never be happy.


They could throw out a big patch next week and shut down for 12 hours to fix the FPS problem. yet still, people will complain about the PVP, or ability delay, or any other bug/ feature. Bioware is doing what they need to do on their own schedule and priorities. Not our's, your's, or any other specific customer's.

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Did I complain about the bug fix's? No, your being stupid. They can do what every other MMo did when they was fixing bugs.... Fix them on that one set day a week the servers are going to be down anyways.


Except when the bugs in question are game-breaking exploits.


/getdown was bad in terms of what it enabled.


The commendation duping has quite possibly ruined the economy on some servers.

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Seriously go play WOW where you wait several weeks for a "possible" MAJOR fix only to find out that for additional money you can now view your AH on your droid phone.....Seriously cancel and go play another game, one less tool on the servers.


Stop being a biodrone, Just because someone wants to get what is being paid for doesn't mean they hate the game and want to quit. They simply want what is being paid for. You order a cheese burger you want a cheese burger, you don't want a hamburger without cheese two days later.

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People are complaining that BioWare isn't fixing the bugs.


And now that they are, people are ************.




Are you serious? What do you want Bioware to do?


While I agree people are making a bigger case of this than it should be, their point is valid for concern (although blown out of proportion for now). Unless it was something absolutely game breaking, as in no one can even play the damn game literally (can't log in to any server, action input doesn't respond at all, you can't leave any zone, etc), typically you won't call for consecutive maintenance downtime. These fixes are generally handled during scheduled maintenance or in a single big bug-fix patch that takes care of several other bugs.


I think people want to know if BW intends to have consecutive maintenances to fix what seemed to be moderate tier bugs throughout the week. I probably won't stick around if that's the case, not because I'm raging about it, but simply because these recent maint hours are the only time slots I have avail to play lol. No point paying for something I can't play the majority of the time I'm free. That's my concern anyway, if this is going to be a trend during these early stages of the games life (fixing most bugs). I'm sure later on, if this is the way they're planning on doing things, it won't affect people like me as much with most bugs fixed.


It is quite an inconvenience, given the situation, for them to spread out maints like it was this week. It's obviously not a concern for the people that can play during other hours, but for those of us who can't, it can be a problem.

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Stop being a biodrone, Just because someone wants to get what is being paid for doesn't mean they hate the game and want to quit. They simply want what is being paid for. You order a cheese burger you want a cheese burger, you don't want a hamburger without cheese two days later.


But you agreed to a set of terms that allow them to do that.


If you don't like that, then I strongly recommend a different genre of entertainment other than MMOs (P&P RPGs maybe?).


Also, once again, you have not stated an understanding that the recent patches have been for very serious exploits, that simply must be patched. If that means taking it off at night to apply them, then so be it.


Sadly it appears you live in a world where your prime time is not as valuable for them to service as the rest of the world.

Edited by KommissarK
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While I agree people are making a bigger case of this than it should be, their point is valid for concern (although blown out of proportion for now). Unless it was something absolutely game breaking, as in no one can even play the damn game literally (can't log in to any server, action input doesn't respond at all, you can't leave any zone, etc), typically you won't call for consecutive maintenance downtime. These fixes are generally handled during scheduled maintenance or in a single big bug-fix patch that takes care of several other bugs.


I think people want to know if BW intends to have consecutive maintenances to fix what seemed to be moderate tier bugs throughout the week. I probably won't stick around if that's the case, not because I'm raging about it, but simply because these recent maint hours are the only time slots I have avail to play lol. No point paying for something I can't play the majority of the time I'm free. That's my concern anyway, if this is going to be a trend during these early stages of the games life (fixing most bugs). I'm sure later on, if this is the way they're planning on doing things, it won't affect people like me as much with most bugs fixed.


It is quite an inconvenience, given the situation, for them to spread out maints like it was this week. It's obviously not a concern for the people that can play during other hours, but for those of us who can't, it can be a problem.


Exactly! But people will defend biowares action to no end even when they know how ridicules 3 days of patching in a row is. These are all things that could of been fixed in one patch or avoided completely by testing the patches better.

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I don't mind the patching but the start time was really irritating. If this mornings patch was scheduled to last for 7-8 hours then I could understand but it wasn't. It was a 2 hours long patch so why didn't they postpone the start time a few hours so it wouldn't impact the PST players as much without hurting the other time zones? I know a lot of Texans dislike Californians but geez, no need to get so vengeful. Edited by Oneirophrenia
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Stop being a biodrone, Just because someone wants to get what is being paid for doesn't mean they hate the game and want to quit. They simply want what is being paid for. You order a cheese burger you want a cheese burger, you don't want a hamburger without cheese two days later.


Xuluth, I tried to give you a simple straight forward answer to your post and now your just digging yourself a hole.


If that said resturaunt forgot your cheese, then after you complained and asked for your cheese, they responded with - " sir, i'm sorry your going to have to wait because this other customer does not want us to stop making his sandwhich right now."


I forgot, your special... Bioware should keep the servers up at all times that Xuluth wants to play, because those bugs that other people want fix aren't as important as what Xuluth wants.

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Unless it was something absolutely game breaking, as in no one can even play the damn game literally (can't log in to any server, action input doesn't respond at all, you can't leave any zone, etc), typically you won't call for consecutive maintenance downtime.


What BW has been fixing during the consecutive downtimes ARE what they define as game breaking though. While many people can log into the game, there have been many that could not. There were also emotes that would exploit combat that people were using to cheat their way through Ops. I mean seriously, on the one hand you have people complaining Ops are too easy, and on the other hand you have people needing to cheat their way through them?

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Xuluth, I tried to give you a simple straight forward answer to your post and now your just digging yourself a hole.


If that said resturaunt forgot your cheese, then after you complained and asked for your cheese, they responded with - " sir, i'm sorry your going to have to wait because this other customer does not want us to stop making his sandwhich right now."


I forgot, your special... Bioware should keep the servers up at all times that Xuluth wants to play, because those bugs that other people want fix aren't as important as what Xuluth wants.


Ah yes, they will make you wait but guess what. They like most people who knows good PR/Customer Relations will give you free fries or something to make up for it. Because guess what that's what your suppose to do when you make mistakes.

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Exactly! But people will defend biowares action to no end even when they know how ridicules 3 days of patching in a row is. These are all things that could of been fixed in one patch or avoided completely by testing the patches better.


They fixed some exploits that were game breaking. Just because it didn't affect you directly, doesn't mean it didn't affect the game.


You've demonstrated you want the world to revolve around you, but sorry that doesn't happen. There are people who were very happy these patches were made so they can play. By not patching as quickly as they did, those people would have remained unhappy. So who should Bioware please? You or them? Toss a coin. Can't please everyone. Try thinking past yourself and you may see how that works.


And if you had any knowledge of software programming, you wouldn't have said 80% of the things you think should or should not have happened. But you don't have that knowledge, so I can understand why you "think" that way. Now, take some time to gain knowledge on what it takes to create software of this magnitude and maybe you can see a logical perspective into things, rather than going by rage and emotions.

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They are fixing my issues but how dare they fix my issues!


You're asking for the mechanic to change your oil but wait until next week to change the oil filter.


More like asking the mechanic to fix the car while you're driving it.

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Ah yes, they will make you wait but guess what. They like most people who knows good PR/Customer Relations will give you free fries or something to make up for it. Because guess what that's what your suppose to do when you make mistakes.


Except you've been notified ahead of time that there was going to be a fairly heavy patching process for the next couple of weeks (http://www.swtor.com/blog/word-bugs-james-ohlen).


Once again, you don't think commendation duping was a meaningful enough bug to fix immediately? You can actually say "No" to that with a straight face?


That a random injection of 1.3T (hyperbole, but it was pretty bad) credits to the SWTOR economy is a perfectly legit thing to allow happen?

Edited by KommissarK
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