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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR total sales passed 2 million copies!


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Impressive to say the least.

Going to be interesting to see how it is after 20/1.


And regarding people saying about empty zones.

On my server (Hydian Way) we have around 170 ppl in Imperial Fleet during prime time (19-22 CET), beginner planets are around 60-70.

Voss, Belsavis and Ilum are mostly around 30-40 and Nar Shadaa, Tatooine etc are around 80ish.

So atleast on my server we have people everywhere and the masses seem to be around lvl 25-30 now.

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I'm not entirely convinced TOR sold 2mil copies either. VGCharts is hardly a reliable source and TOR only broke 1mil copies like a week-two weeks ago. So for them to double their copies sold in that amount of time leads me to believe some numbers have been fudged. And even if they actually did sell 2mil copies, it's still not that grand.


While other mmos didn't necessarily sell 2mil copies in their first month, most of them sold 1-1.5mil copies. So close enough.


More like 500-700k copies, but close enough

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More like 500-700k copies, but close enough


lol? You know you've won when the opponent resorts to blatant lying. I'd suggest you do your homework. Pretty much every big name MMO nets around 1-1.5m sales in the first month. This is cold, hard, undeniable fact. Most MMOs will sit around 500-700k SUBS, same as TOR will be in a few months.

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dude you've said what you've said. and that was so funny and untrue that i pointed it out for you - counting every mmo that breaks at least 600-700k initial sales then goes flop for a nickel you wont even have a dollar. because in fact there were 2-3 of those, may be 4, i CBA to count.


that means you cant even construct a proper hyperbole, how can you be taken seriously?


Exagerration and Hyperbole OMG! Its meant to be a joke.


Does not detract from the point, all judgments on this game are meaningless until we see retention. Judging by your other posts, understanding of a joke, and your poor English I wouldn't expect you to understand economics either.

Edited by Lightmgl
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lol? You know you've won when the opponent resorts to blatant lying. I'd suggest you do your homework. Pretty much every big name MMO nets around 1-1.5m sales in the first month. This is cold, hard, undeniable fact. Most MMOs will sit around 500-700k SUBS, same as TOR will be in a few months.


Keep living in fantasy land bro

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So what retention % are all you negative nellies expecting?

Keeping in mind that 1% = 20,000 subs the way some here have been talking SWTOR is going to lose more then 95% of their subs in the first month.....


I figure it'll do a little better then most other MMOs given fanboys. So I'd say TOR will hover around 600-800k subs after six months. Which, according to the people in charge, would be more then enough to generate a profit, so meh.

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well they reached and they are falling...




Simple fact 25% less people logging in since go live and the free time has not even run out yet.... OMG these figures are gonna look horrid once the 21st comes...


What these graphs say (even taking into account seasonal adjustment the trend continued downward over the xmas period) is the trend is straight down and thats still in the free play period...


the thing to look at is teh high peaks which are evenings when people log in!!! no arguing cold hard facts


This means that after the initial 2 million bought 500k are no longer logging in AND ITS FREE...! this game is freefalling faster than any other MMO in history... except maybe FF


Go argue those figures SWTOR (So Waste Time Online R3T@RDS!) fanboys!!!!!

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Or it just means that after the Christmas holiday people are back on track with their busy lives? Like university and such. I for one am not playing as often because I can't, I have other things I need to do. And I'm sure there are lots more like me. I'm sorry those stats (at the moment) prove absolutely nothing.
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Not to mention these stats are bogus. I'm not a GW fan, have never played it before even, but they have sold over 6 million... I'm pretty sure EQ has sold quite a few as well as Mass Effect, which is also an RPG.


Please get your facts right before making some crazy thread. Thanks.

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I seriously put little faith in a list that classifies Diablo as an RPG. I love Diablo, Diablo I even more than Diablo II (and there's no way I'm gonna bother with cash-shop Diablo III), but Diablo is NOT an RPG by any means. It's a Hack and Slash


And since Cata-clysma is merely an EXPANSION to WoW, one that only cost them subscribtions at that, it simply shouldn't be on that list either.


Meaning: SW:TOR should actually be #2 on that list.



I'd actually even say that WoW is not an RPG. It's also a Hack and Slash, just like Diablo. Making it an MMOHnS. Good luck finding ANY MMO that is actually an MMORPG. SW:TOR is actually the only one that could loosely qualify for that category, technical limitations permitting.

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I'd actually even say that WoW is not an RPG. It's also a Hack and Slash, just like Diablo. Making it an MMOHnS. Good luck finding ANY MMO that is actually an MMORPG. SW:TOR is actually the only one that could loosely qualify for that category, technical limitations permitting.



Why? Because there is a lot of talking?

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I'd actually even say that WoW is not an RPG. It's also a Hack and Slash, just like Diablo. Making it an MMOHnS. Good luck finding ANY MMO that is actually an MMORPG. SW:TOR is actually the only one that could loosely qualify for that category, technical limitations permitting.


You linked to the definition of hack and slash but did you read it? WoW cannot no matter how hard to try and spin it fit into the Hack and Slash category.


It is an RPG, not as pure as some but it is still a Role Playing Game.

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Why? Because there is a lot of talking?

No, it's because your characters' PERSONALITY is woven into the game mechanics. It's not just the talking. It's the DECISIONS.


A hack and slash like WoW doesn't allow your character to have a personality.

A hack and slash won't send you on a mission to rescue a pirate and give you the decision to rescue him or let him have a little accident.

A hack and slash game won't give you a detour because you killed the captain instead of sparing his life.

A hack and slash game doesn't open up some avenues of gearing your character while closing other paths because your character behaves nice or behaves like a tool.


It's about your characters'personality.

THAT is RPG. RPG isn't a matter of levels, getting better equipment or stats. Those are only a framework meant to constrain the player and prevent him from powerplaying like an idiot. Without them, the 3-minute newbie would oneshot the endgame raidboss, and that obviously makes for a very short game experience. So that is why there are these things called levels and gear and stats. They're not the essence of the RPG. They're only there to make the ride last longer.

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