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Gold farmers rejoice


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It looks like Bioware has given gold farmers another way to profit off of MMO's. If the staggered early release becomes the industry standard it presents an opportunity to make some easy money. Bioware with their 5 dollar preorder charge actually showed how it works.


It’s a pretty simple question. “How much would the average nerd pay to guarantee they would get into early access on the first day?” People already willingly paid 5 dollars just to get into EA without having any idea how much time they would get. Would those late to order rather pay an extra 10-20 for an account that was registered on the first day of pre-orders? A lot would in my opinion.


While the player base gets more upset each day that goes by without EA being accessible to everyone the gold farmers are counting their future profits.

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It hasn't even been 24 hours since launch! LOL. And how much would nerds pay??? Really we are all nerds. And your going to have gold farmers no matter what. It has revenue lol. Anyway who cares its a game. Most of us will be in by the 15th and well there are still alot of people who didn't even get a pre-order code from there pre-orders.


Someone needs to nuke these forums! They are getting bad.

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Considering how easy the money flows in the game, I don't see how gold farmers will make a good deal from this. It's almost like back in Tabula Rasa. There were actually some and they were generally ridiculed, cause money just flowed. Gold farmers will go back to their main customers in WoW.
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I'm always surprised to see how many people managed to convince themselves that the 5$ they paid when they pre-ordered the game was an extra 5$ they had paid to get in the early release :rolleyes:. When will they start realizing that these 5$ will be deducted from the price they will be billed for the game.
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It looks like Bioware has given gold farmers another way to profit off of MMO's. If the staggered early release becomes the industry standard it presents an opportunity to make some easy money. Bioware with their 5 dollar preorder charge actually showed how it works.


It’s a pretty simple question. “How much would the average nerd pay to guarantee they would get into early access on the first day?” People already willingly paid 5 dollars just to get into EA without having any idea how much time they would get. Would those late to order rather pay an extra 10-20 for an account that was registered on the first day of pre-orders? A lot would in my opinion.


While the player base gets more upset each day that goes by without EA being accessible to everyone the gold farmers are counting their future profits.


So... how different from people buying the CE just to sell it on EBay?

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First off I really could care less when I get into EA. I’m pretty sure all pre-orders will be in by the 15th giving everyone at least 5 days. If not, well that just adds more fuel to the fire.


Gold farming operations have always sold accounts, so why would they pass up an opportunity to sell more?


As for purchasing the game earlier, thanks for making my point for me fool.

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People ARE paying a lot of money for early access accounts that can already log in, incase you didn't realise it.


I'm sure they are, but my point is in the future it will not be a smart individual that maybe buys a couple extra accounts to make a few bucks. Instead it will be at a much larger level.

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