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Slicing nerfed AGAIN


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simple answer dont send your companion out to do slicing for you. Do it yourself, think that was their intention with repeated nerfs.


They dont want people just sitting there sending out 3 companions farming loads of credits with no effort it seems.

It requires the same "effort" as sending out companions to craft or gather resources. The cost is an opportunity cost that they cannot be doing something else.


The whole point of crew doing missions is to take some of the drudgery out of crafting and make it more interesting to more than a small number of fringe players, and they want to take that away from slicing.

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A lot of games and Eve basically let you convert money to credits . Has their economy ceased to function? Nope.


EVE's economy is fundamentally different from TOR's in so many ways that it's virtually impossible to compare them. Just a brief list of examples:


1. Manufactured items are worth using.

2. Ships and items that are destroyed are actually destroyed, so there's ongoing demand rather than each character getting the top of the line of a particular type of item and then never buying anything again.

3. Nothing binds to a character (other than implants after they're plugged into your head), so high-level drops can actually be bought and sold.

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Yes it was nerfed again. Now it is a rare thing to get a container with more credits than the mission to get it cost. That's just ridiculous. Yes you can go out into the world and slice containers for free but since you can get your crew skills to far higher ranks than your level, at my lvl, 25ish, they generally reward 100-250 credits, which is pathetic of course.\


So I dropped Slicing and picked up UWT. I did this two days ago and have made about 60k off selling mats.

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Wow, I was just barely making anything before. I did notice this morning that I didn't have as many Rich/Bountiful missions. I was getting 2 per tier, now I'm getting maybe 3 throughout all of the tiers. For those that don't want to do the math, I was getting 10 now I'm getting 3.


This is very unfortunate. I'm going to have to really think about if slicing the world boxes was netting me anything.


It should probably be noted that other Mission skills are reporting the same drop in Rich/Bountiful missions, so this may have been an across the board nerf to all of them, or a mistake.

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It should probably be noted that other Mission skills are reporting the same drop in Rich/Bountiful missions, so this may have been an across the board nerf to all of them, or a mistake.


likely this is a poor attempt at a fix to slicing, the idea being to make the mission rewards that we receive from slicing more applicable on the GTN. I really hope so, because in the end that will mean that the other mission skills that complained about slicing screwed themselves over too. :D

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The problem being, the best gear isn't crafted, nobody wants craftable gear when there are commendation/flashpoint/pvp pieces that are easily attainable and FAR SURPASS what is available through crafting. Your entire post is rubbish built around a false sense of "how things should be". Having 500k credits so you can ignore the GTM and spend money on NOTHING because you got all of your gear through commendations, pvp, and flashpoints, and you have no expenses because you don't provide anything through crafting does not in any way encourage crafters or help the game economy.


Thats not how things are, Slicing was far, far too profitable and needed to be "FIXED" not nerfed, but fixed. Oh and by the way, Cybertech is virtually useless. I'm capped in Cybertech on my main and I have yet to make ANYTHING other than ear pieces that I actually use on my character. Levelling up I made a few mods, but not since capping, and the only other thing to consider is mounts.


How can you even say something as ridiculous as cybertech being overpowered?


So why would anybody craft? doesnt the fact that better items are easily obtainable make crafting obsolete in and of itself? if BW wanted a great econ, they would have made crafting viable and worth doing, but you just said it isnt because there are better things from vendors.

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I haven't seen the lower level augments sell for much either :(


i held onto mine after slicing got nerfed, but sold them when i switched to biochem because i was running out of cargohold space. they sell, and i know there is a demand for them, especially after i critted a prototype implant that can accept augs. more people will crit, and more people will want augs. it just takes time to mature.

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level 49 augments. listen to yourself. most people aren't level 49, so there probably isn't a market for them, is there?


so much derp.


I find it difficult to control myself when i read crap like this. there is no market for augments of any level due to the fact it takes a crit from a crafter to create gear that can use an augment. i've seen no orange gear with augment slots on them, i WILL not buy anything that does not have 4 slots on it so why would i expect anyone else to.


so before you come in here with your condescending attitude formulate and argument and then supply data to back it up or please zip it and go sit in the corner and watch the adults have a conversation.

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I only got 400 a while after the nerf and thus did not notice the difference pre and post nerf (since the first 3 tiers of slicing missions pre-nerf clearly was not that fantastic to begin with)


That's good for you.


Now with 400 i can make about 100k a day in slicing still, i cannot produce 'actual' figures however i made 240k yesturday whilst doing missions with my missus, level 37 guardian in Quesh/Hoth.. did not do that much on missions but whilst doing them i found pleanty of lockboxes around also and i think the world slicing combined with the 3 missions from my little minions... and artifact schem/mission sales... contributed to about 100k at a guess


Today, I've been running slicing missions, while doing nothing. Not PvPing with my guild, or questing, just o see the net profit. I think after 18 missions (3 companions a time, with a spread of affection rating) - I've made 500 credits. Truthfully - I'd have made more credits sending them out scavenging, then using my Cybertech to craft something and then vendoring them. Oh wait - I do that already on my level 18 (ironically enough). Except a lot quicker.


Standing in your ship sending people out on missions nonstop is not going to be as good as doing missions/dailies for credits, however the most important thing about this is... you can do both activites at once ;)


This is like - well duh Captain Obvious. Just today - due to real life, wasn't able to play. +500c for myself when normally I'd be able to net about 10x that via an "active day".



Bottom line is... Slicing is far from useless, it has funding my 400 artificer alt and near 400 synthweaving alt.


You're right, it's far from useless. It's so much worse that it is beyond pathetic. It's so much dross that it does less than nothing, and I critted in my tests today. I got blue lock boxes to open. Perhaps I'm doing it wrong. Or perhaps - your story doesn't check out with the rest of it. (Note - PvP grind's are faily consistent cashwise, as are grinding out greens and vendoring off the GNT).


I'm not calling you a liar, but my "average" day of PvP and grinding mats from the GTN - with a side order of slicing agrees with my "average" day of slicing alone. Slicing is worth less than the slot you pay for it.


The rest, make noticable profits, far more than Pre-Nerf Slicing did. Except in the case of some - who make the bajillions of credits and say how great it is. Except it isn't.


EDIT: And yes, my average day doesn't include me running 7 alts all doing slicing 24 hours a day. For the record, before some idiot chirps in.

Edited by Dorkfrey
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I find it difficult to control myself when i read crap like this. there is no market for augments of any level due to the fact it takes a crit from a crafter to create gear that can use an augment. i've seen no orange gear with augment slots on them, i WILL not buy anything that does not have 4 slots on it so why would i expect anyone else to.


so before you come in here with your condescending attitude formulate and argument and then supply data to back it up or please zip it and go sit in the corner and watch the adults have a conversation.


i'm glad that my prose is able to rile up your emotions. just because you will only use orange gear doesn't mean that others won't use an exceptional prototype, but please continue to think in your insulated manner. i hope this insulation provides a proper environment for your emotions to stay hot.


also, as others have mentioned in other threads, an critted prototype, with an advanced augment, is better than a comparable orange for the level the person is in, assuming they aren't level 50. furthermore, there are other items in the game that aren't orange, such as implants, that can have an augment slot. i know this because i made my first two last night! ruh roh, looks like there is a market for augments, but it just hasn't totally developed yet due to the early state of the game.


i hope this post of mine created an emotional state within you that was similar to the first instance.

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I had slicing pretty decent level before the nerf, and decided to keep it in the hopes that it would get unnerfed. It didn't, it got nerfed slightly again.


That being said, I make about 30K/hr with slicing just grabbing the lockboxes laying around, if I choose to stop and pickup every single one at lvl 38ish. But I dont bother with about half of the ones I see, so I net maybe 15K/hr from slicing boxes. I don't run the missions at all, unless I have a million relics from TH, and already have a ton of relics on the TGN.


That being said, slicing is still a decent gain to my income. Total income being close to 100K/day, playing about 5 hours a day. Slicing still makes decent money. Less than some gathering or non-gathering skills? Probably, but it does still make money, with next to no effort to get it. The only Slicing requirement to generate income is that you have to be actively leveling, and mostly in city/urban zones. Once I hit 50, it becomes useless. I will probably take the money I've saved/made from slicing, and use it to level a different crew skill to 400.


My friend was the one who told me to get slicing at launch because it was free money, and for the most part it was. I didn't abuse it like he did though, and he dropped it the moment it got nerfed. His daily income is lower than mine, and now has to compensate by questing/pvp/etc. Whereas I can pick and choose what I want to do, because I am not dictated by income. He quests to get better gear and money. I just walk to the TGN and buy what I want and usually end up getting the same gear and money. But life is definitely easier.


Slicing may be a ghost of what it was at launch, but it is still very useful, if you can figure out what is worth slicing, and what is not, what your time is worth, your income per hr/min/day/etc. And finally what to do with the extra income ( as miniscule as it may be ) to generate more income, or create a better playing/lvling experience.

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i'm glad that my prose is able to rile up your emotions. just because you will only use orange gear doesn't mean that others won't use an exceptional prototype, but please continue to think in your insulated manner. i hope this insulation provides a proper environment for your emotions to stay hot.


also, as others have mentioned in other threads, an critted prototype, with an advanced augment, is better than a comparable orange for the level the person is in, assuming they aren't level 50. furthermore, there are other items in the game that aren't orange, such as implants, that can have an augment slot. i know this because i made my first two last night! ruh roh, looks like there is a market for augments, but it just hasn't totally developed yet due to the early state of the game.


i hope this post of mine created an emotional state within you that was similar to the first instance.


I'm glad you've been able to sell your Artifacts, not Prototype. Oh wait - you're not saying you're selling Prototypes? I'm even more impressed. No seriously - guys, we need to bow down to this man's acumen, for selling substandard gear - in an economy where it comes freely - and 90% of the time, is as good as crafters can make.


So, he's the exception to the rule that we must all look up to. Please, oh great master, explain your secrets.


Since, running the GTN selling artifact - purples at cost, has netted me stuff being sent back to me, over and over, mostly, because of two reasons:


1: No one has money to spare because they can barely afford their skills if at all.


2: Vendors offer as good as I can craft easily (we're talking prototypes here) without needing to pay a dime out of their now "tight" wallet, since there's no easy money. Please explain your wisdom and insights for all to see. (I have my niche markets of buying things and selling to vendor at a profit, but it's slow and small - i.e. pre Slicing nerf amounts).

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That being said, slicing is still a decent gain to my income. Total income being close to 100K/day, playing about 5 hours a day. Slicing still makes decent money. Less than some gathering or non-gathering skills? Probably, but it does still make money, with next to no effort to get it. The only Slicing requirement to generate income is that you have to be actively leveling, and mostly in city/urban zones. Once I hit 50, it becomes useless. I will probably take the money I've saved/made from slicing, and use it to level a different crew skill to 400.



I'm sorry the database of slicing rewards say you're lying. Outright. We've already on mass calculated the net max, and you cannot physically do it in that time.


But keep sprouting nonsense.


Slicing does not make 20k an hour. It only barely reached that pre-nerf. Before they removed all the good lockboxes and took them out. Because the ingame lockboxes are tied to the same rewards system as the mission ones.


Unless - what you're actually saying is, while grinding mobs, which returned more than pre-slicing did, you now make 20k an hour. Which isn't ANYWHERE near the same thing. Especially since the majority of high end boxes have been removed, and the boxes remaining have had their rewards massively lowered - when Slicing was NERFED.


Edit: Dyspraxia - for those of you whom may have quoted me immediately. I often reverse my two's and five's. It was not intentional. Hence my typing of two's and five's - I can see that difference.

Edited by Dorkfrey
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I find it difficult to control myself when i read crap like this. there is no market for augments of any level due to the fact it takes a crit from a crafter to create gear that can use an augment. i've seen no orange gear with augment slots on them, i WILL not buy anything that does not have 4 slots on it so why would i expect anyone else to.


so before you come in here with your condescending attitude formulate and argument and then supply data to back it up or please zip it and go sit in the corner and watch the adults have a conversation.


Orange gear doesn't get augments. Only purple gear does. If it wasn't this way, there'd be no market for purples. Orange is not "best." It's just convenient. Learn the game before "losing control" over issues you don't understand.




Slicing is a gathering skill, not a free money skill. That you can still come close to breaking even while training it with missions and pick up occasional items is perfectly balanced for somebody who doesn't want to participate in crafting. So yes, you have to actually play the game to get creds. Bioware deserves QQ for letting such an unbalanced element through the gate in the first place, not nerfing it to reasonable levels. You can still make money without crafting or killing monsters. You just have to find and open lockboxes to do it. Will you make as much? Of course not. Why should you? Get over yourself and play the game for a change.

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I'm glad you've been able to sell your Artifacts, not Prototype. Oh wait - you're not saying you're selling Prototypes? I'm even more impressed. No seriously - guys, we need to bow down to this man's acumen, for selling substandard gear - in an economy where it comes freely - and 90% of the time, is as good as crafters can make.


So, he's the exception to the rule that we must all look up to. Please, oh great master, explain your secrets.


Since, running the GTN selling artifact - purples at cost, has netted me stuff being sent back to me, over and over, mostly, because of two reasons:


1: No one has money to spare because they can barely afford their skills if at all.


2: Vendors offer as good as I can craft easily (we're talking prototypes here) without needing to pay a dime out of their now "tight" wallet, since there's no easy money. Please explain your wisdom and insights for all to see. (I have my niche markets of buying things and selling to vendor at a profit, but it's slow and small - i.e. pre Slicing nerf amounts).


what in god's name are you even talking about? especially in your first two sentences? haha. i said that i was able to create my prototype implants that were lucky criticals, meaning they had augment slots. these do not drop from mobs, nor can you buy them from a vendor. additionally, the only way to fully use these items is to buy an augment from the GTN. these items are also not substandard, as they are better than what is available on the vendor market in relation to the level of the item. seriously, what vendor sells prototype implants with an augment slot?


what about this do you not understand? implants with augments are a direct example how there is a market for augments. the reason i listed implants is because the angry person before you raged that orange gear doesn't currently have augments slots, as far as we know.

Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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So let's see if I have this right:


Credits appearing out of thin air by pushing a button = bad.


Items appearing out of thin air by pushing a button and being sold for credits = good.


I say things like Underworld Trading needs the next nerf. Nothing should be created by the push of a button. Everything should require actively going out into the environment and getting it (nodes).

If there are no such nodes for Underworld Trading, then get rid of it. "Printing items" with the push of a button while sitting in the Fleet is just as bad as "Printing credits".

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Slicing does not make 20k an hour.


Running around at only lvl 38 opening boxes on the ground nets me 20K an hour, easily.


I only imagine this amount increases with level. Exceptions being in areas that are completely barren of anything at all. Some parts of Hoth I'd spot maybe 10 boxes per hour, yield on average for me, about 600 credits per box. 6K creds an hour on a relatively desolate planet is still better than nothing.


I find so many boxes that literally I run out of bag space because I dont remember to open them and move onto another box on my map right next to it. Since the slicing nerf, seems like everyone and their mom dropped it as a crew skill. Which probably inflated my income. In 3 days, I've come across 1 other slicer that stole my box while I fought the trash. Before the nerf, I was usually competing against 2-3 people at a time for each box.


I don't mean 20K a hour running the missions, you'd have to be retarded to still run those at all, at any level or yield. I play 5 hours a day, @ ~20K a hour fro slicing boxes on the ground. That yields about 100K total income from slicing in that time period. What is hard to grasp about that?


You're just outright stupid.

Edited by Tipptoe
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3849 - Start

3937 - 4 missions

4141 - 8 missions

4048 - 12 missions

4147 - 14 missions

3892 - 16 missions

4176 - 18 missions


This is how many credits I started with and how many credits I had after completing each set of missions for slicing. Overall I have net gains. The points where you see that I lost credits are because my crew failed their missions and didn't bring back a lock box, otherwise I would be farther ahead.



This is very low level slicing, I stood at my ship without moving and I did not sell anything they brought back from slicing missions. The margin of profit is even larger at higher levels. I understand that the missions take longer, but if you are questing and slicing nodes while you quest, then you are making huge profits. What's the problem?

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So let's see if I have this right:


Credits appearing out of thin air by pushing a button = bad.


Items appearing out of thin air by pushing a button and being sold for credits = good.


I say things like Underworld Trading needs the next nerf. Nothing should be created by the push of a button. Everything should require actively going out into the environment and getting it (nodes).

If there are no such nodes for Underworld Trading, then get rid of it. "Printing items" with the push of a button while sitting in the Fleet is just as bad as "Printing credits".


I believe the difference is that in, for example Underworld Trading, you're spending the money on the mission in order to get the items that the mission rewards. If all you did was send people on missions, you would eventually run out of money. You could sell the items from the mission, but not for anywhere near what you paid for the mission.


So I don't think it could be said that you're "Printing items" with those types of missions. At least not in the same way you used to be able to "Print credits" using the slicing system before it was adjusted.

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i even dont have slicing and i never had money problems...


you guys just to lazy...


some tips for menoy?


i see loads of people feeling very smart cause they cloak all thair way around mobs


to finish quests etc...


you know what? kill everything on your way on and on...money and xp is yours...


I have 400 slicing, still make money, granted not as much, but I do. Plus I kill everything I see (Jedi included), gather from Slicing nodes, and do all quests. 650k by level 35? easy.

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3849 - Start

3937 - 4 missions

4141 - 8 missions

4048 - 12 missions

4147 - 14 missions

3892 - 16 missions

4176 - 18 missions


This is how many credits I started with and how many credits I had after completing each set of missions for slicing. Overall I have net gains. The points where you see that I lost credits are because my crew failed their missions and didn't bring back a lock box, otherwise I would be farther ahead.



This is very low level slicing, I stood at my ship without moving and I did not sell anything they brought back from slicing missions. The margin of profit is even larger at higher levels. I understand that the missions take longer, but if you are questing and slicing nodes while you quest, then you are making huge profits. What's the problem?


I've done that over 300 missions and had a net loss to show for my trouble.


Plus, there are a ton of spreadsheets out there that show you shouldn't run the highest level missions and should stick to the lower level ones as the actual margin is better.


And nodes while questing do not make you 'huge' profit by any means.

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Running around at only lvl 38 opening boxes on the ground nets me 20K an hour, easily.


Sorry - I thought there was a discussion about missions there. My level 17 Scavenger Cybertech makes 10k an hour minimum selling stuff converted from DESH - not Aluminimium or Bronzium to Vendors, the latter stuff gets even higher. (I mean Hell, it gets even higher buying off the GNT and converting it, since I don't have to farm - but WHATEVER BRO - you are in the credits am I right?).


Oh sorry - you were saying your skill isn't broken. Keep on. Just the crappy Desh I get. Can't wait to see what I make when my lowbie Scavenger levels up. For the most part - my higher level slicer, it's not worth me walking over to the boxes, because they'll net me less than the mobs will drop.


Bah-dum-psh. But slicing isn't broken right? Carry on as you were. It's literally at the point where its not worth checking the boxes. So - that's why you're making that much. Go you! Cos I'd rather hit mobs that can give me more. And more often, and more frequently. Hell, I was pushing slicing amounts of pre-nerf missions back at level 27 while grinding some areas of Taris. 2cd's would net me a lockbox of that area level if not more.


Data would agree with me, but carry on. I'm personally only bothered because the folk out there don't have the cash, because the crafts have to make artifact level items (which idiot boy before doesn't get) and pray they crit (not prototype) before they are stronger than levelling commendation items. Not prototype. But carry on as you were. Literally. I'll say it a lot. You think you has your niche (this typo was deliberate - speaking to yo' level bro). Great. It's a pointless niche, but if you feel the vibes, dig it man. Don't let them hold you down or back for that matter. Go you. Since From my experiences, the nodes don't hold anywhere near what they did, and are not worth deviating for if there's a credit or decent grey dropping mob nearby - and definately not if there's a pack of credit or decent grey dropping mobs nearby.


It's all gravy though - you can bask in what they offer you as sloppy seconds and think it's wonderful. Anyone who's been there and done the maths - will tell you what bunk it is - hence the number of posts on this topic that would disagree with you - saying the same thing I do. The nodes aren't even worth investigating, becase the packs of mobs will net you more than the slicer running for the nodes. Best part - is watching them wait for you to pull the mobs, so they can run in and steal it from under you - and seeing you loot more than they could from that lockbox. By all means though - knock yourself out.


You do that to my Scavenger or Archaelogist and I'd be calling you bad words. My Slicer - wouldn't even notice. And that's the biggest joke.

Edited by Dorkfrey
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