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Slicing nerfed AGAIN


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Seriously, enough with the QQ


How did you expect our Chinese credit farming overlords to make a living with slicing the way it was.


Support your local sweat shop, revel in the nerf ...






etc etc etc ... in the week following the nerf 618,000 sites alone popped up. With slicing the way it was people didn't need the farmers, they had a skill that allowed them to acquire their own credits in a reasonable amount of time and enjoy the game the way they saw fit ...


Damn those casual players straight to hell ... A billion farmers were starving thanks to you heartless wenches.


Be thankful you now have another assembly line grindfest mmo and count your damn blessings!

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Nope, but it is more than 6:


Custom speeders (3)

Rank 2 Ship gear (4)

Rank 3 Ship gear (4)

Rank 4 Ship gear (4)

I almost have them all, just missing one rank 3 ship grade, and two of the rank 4


I think crafted Ship stuff is Rank 2(blue),4(blue),Purple (6). The stuff you buy at the ship vendor for credits is Rank 1(green),3(green),Blue (5)


No earpiece schematics?


They sure are less prevalent than Mission discoveries. But I get my +2 Slicing crit companion soon...

Edited by Spifnar
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Slicing provided money as an alternative to crafting

That money would inturn be used to BUY gear

The best gear is supposed to be crafted

Slicing gives the people funds to buy your lightsaber crystals, mods, Speeders, Grenades, Armors, Medpacks and Stims


Slicing was supposed to allow people to forsake physical crafting and focus instead on just getting money so they could buy things.

As a result, someone that dosent want to go around collecting garbage could take Diplomacy, Investigation and Slicing and effectively use their money to buy stuff from other players which requires Slicing to have a return equal to that of what those other crafting professions make.



Slicing should have been considered a crafting skill.

1) You cant take any other crafting skill with Slicing

2) Mission times are equal to the actual time spent gathering for other crafting skills

3) This would be a mission only skill


As it is now, Slicing is effectively worthless because the returns are poor and the schematics are all the same.


New FOTM: Cybertech

Now the complaints about Cybertech being overpowered can begin so it will naturally be nerfed into oblivion.


QFT, what i've been trying to explain to people for months.


Credits are USELESS unless you have something to spend them on. There isn't anything crafted that I want to buy.


So people blame slicing for that? Nonsense.

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The problem being, the best gear isn't crafted, nobody wants craftable gear when there are commendation/flashpoint/pvp pieces that are easily attainable and FAR SURPASS what is available through crafting. Your entire post is rubbish built around a false sense of "how things should be". Having 500k credits so you can ignore the GTM and spend money on NOTHING because you got all of your gear through commendations, pvp, and flashpoints, and you have no expenses because you don't provide anything through crafting does not in any way encourage crafters or help the game economy.


Thats not how things are, Slicing was far, far too profitable and needed to be "FIXED" not nerfed, but fixed. Oh and by the way, Cybertech is virtually useless. I'm capped in Cybertech on my main and I have yet to make ANYTHING other than ear pieces that I actually use on my character. Levelling up I made a few mods, but not since capping, and the only other thing to consider is mounts.


How can you even say something as ridiculous as cybertech being overpowered?


You are actually supporting his arguement that crafting is what is broke, not slicing.


Slicing is a red herring. They say they are fixing the game and everybody is falling for it.



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OP states slicing has been nerfed again. People ask him to provide proof of his claim. Everybody ignores the posts asking for proof and either believes him immediately, or just dredges up the same arguments after the first nerf.


If slicing has been nerfed AGAIN, show us the proof.


There has been no information from BioWare stating that it has been nerfed again, and if it has they should not be stealth nerfing it.


From what I can see on my slicer alt, it's has NOT been nerfed again.


I don't have to prove anything. You're going to see it after an hour of slicing when you don't have any rich or bountiful missions to select.



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The problem being, the best gear isn't crafted, nobody wants craftable gear when there are commendation/flashpoint/pvp pieces that are easily attainable and FAR SURPASS what is available through crafting. Your entire post is rubbish built around a false sense of "how things should be". Having 500k credits so you can ignore the GTM and spend money on NOTHING because you got all of your gear through commendations, pvp, and flashpoints, and you have no expenses because you don't provide anything through crafting does not in any way encourage crafters or help the game economy.


Thats not how things are, Slicing was far, far too profitable and needed to be "FIXED" not nerfed, but fixed. Oh and by the way, Cybertech is virtually useless. I'm capped in Cybertech on my main and I have yet to make ANYTHING other than ear pieces that I actually use on my character. Levelling up I made a few mods, but not since capping, and the only other thing to consider is mounts.


How can you even say something as ridiculous as cybertech being overpowered?


The problem you are describing is not that Slicing was "too profitable" it's that no other crafting skills have any value. They are entirely different problems with very different fixes.

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Seriously, enough with the QQ


How did you expect our Chinese credit farming overlords to make a living with slicing the way it was.


Support your local sweat shop, revel in the nerf ...






etc etc etc ... in the week following the nerf 618,000 sites alone popped up. With slicing the way it was people didn't need the farmers, they had a skill that allowed them to acquire their own credits in a reasonable amount of time and enjoy the game the way they saw fit ...


Damn those casual players straight to hell ... A billion farmers were starving thanks to you heartless wenches.


Be thankful you now have another assembly line grindfest mmo and count your damn blessings!


By stealing people's accounts. I've already received in game mail from a couple of them for buying credits. Pretty sad really.

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i even dont have slicing and i never had money problems...


you guys just to lazy...


some tips for menoy?


i see loads of people feeling very smart cause they cloak all thair way around mobs


to finish quests etc...


you know what? kill everything on your way on and on...money and xp is yours...


What if I want to play the game MY way and not YOUR way?

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Gathering skills should be used primarily for gathering materials/recipes/missions/etc, not farming money.


Except THIS gathering skill was primairly used for gathering...now get this...credits, not materials/recipes/missions/etc.


So your comment is pretty much invalid. Read what slicing is about on the SWTOR site and in the codex in game.

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If I had a button that gave me money every time I clicked it, I'd click it every chance I got. There's no choice. There's no investment.


Gather in MMOs generally takes time, effort, and/or money away from doing other things (opportunity cost) and then requires you to sell at market value. This adds to the game economy by introducing goods, not just inflation.


Click -> Gain Money is not the same.


It most certainly IS the same.

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The problem you are describing is not that Slicing was "too profitable" it's that no other crafting skills have any value. They are entirely different problems with very different fixes.


Slicing out of the gate on Dec 22nd was too profitable. A level 17 toon should not have over 2 million credits after a week of play, that should be pretty obvious hehe.


You are right about crafting professions being fundamentally broken though. That and all of the crafting/gathering/mission skills should have had some sort of level requirements for reaching certain pinnacles. (A level 10 with a 400 profession... really?)


I'm sure Bioware is aware of these issues and is probably trying to come up with something to do about it. I would also guess BW intentionally had slicing as good as it was at the start to get some money into the economy. (There is no way they "accidentally" changed all those credit ranges on all those lockboxes to drop as much as they did lol)

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Gathering skills should be used primarily for gathering materials/recipes/missions/etc, not farming money.


Funny, I make 10x the amount of money with Underworld Trading than I do with Slicing. Slicing may have needed toned down, not gutted.

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Wow, I was just barely making anything before. I did notice this morning that I didn't have as many Rich/Bountiful missions. I was getting 2 per tier, now I'm getting maybe 3 throughout all of the tiers. For those that don't want to do the math, I was getting 10 now I'm getting 3.


This is very unfortunate. I'm going to have to really think about if slicing the world boxes was netting me anything.

Edited by Rhinoplat
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What if Bioware wants you to play the game the way they want?


Why doesn't bioware just take out slicing if they want it to be useless :confused:


Over time the "real" materials are going to increase in value because of inflation. While the credit boxes will probably stay the same >.<

Edited by Purlana
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Take underworld trading, put mats on GTN, profit. If you're too lazy to do that, than eff your slicing. underworld trading mats are basically non existent on the GTN and sell for obscene amounts. I actually use mine for crafting and never once sold them on the GTN. Positive there are plenty of folks like me out there.
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