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A positive thread - 2 WoW accounts cancelled today


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I'm glad the bugs you are experiencing are minor, however, this is not the case for all players. Some players have game-destroying bugs plaguing them.


Calling a bug experienced by SOME, something game destroying is misleading at best. I suggest that even those "SOME" have options. Just wait.


Others believe that Bioware took on a behemoth of a project and for the MOST part got it right. Bugs happen. Games get released before bugs get fixed. Been happening like that since PC gaming took off (I've been playing PC games since ID software's DOOM).


A lesson you should learn now or forever grumble: New games of any nature will be pushed out the door with intent to fix after release (for the most part). Never buy a game new if game release bugs annoy you to RAGE KILL your keyboard monitor mouse game chair and game forum. Please if this is your first game you ever bought take this as a lesson. I'll personally buy you a beer if I'm wrong, but the next new game you purchase will probably have a few game-destroying bugs upon release.


OP is right, the game is good. Wait if you have to if you want to let the game mature (find and fix bugs, impliment bug fixes with server wide patches). But don't let negative misleading comments persuade you to miss out on Bioware's successes that many players are enjoying right now.

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Wow is the at&t of mmo's. Its customers are clueless. Therefore their opinions are irrelevant to most logical arguments. Giving blizzard 7 + years of money is really something to be proud of. Canceling and trolling other mmo boards because your finally waking up is priceless. Explain to us how great wow is again, and by canceling wow it must mean that this game is perfect. everyone is just complaining. You have convinced me, I'll never point out the obvious flaws in this games again. Go team, Go at&t, go swtor wow is dead.
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Doesn't boil my blood at all. Just seeing all the unsubbing comments makes me laugh. If they believe the other game didn't have these issues on release is actually pretty ludicrous.


Oh, as to your point about this being a public forum? Yep, sure is, thus my positive thread to let the Devs/SWTOR team know I am enjoying the game.


Still doesn't invalidate my point that if a player doesn't want to experience the growing pains of a new MMO, they should wait a few months.


Look dude, you made a thread where you tell people to stop being all "whiney (sp) on the forums" because you just love the game.


But that's what they're here for, and if you aren't mad about it you're doing a bad job of showing that. This thread seems like you read one too many threads you disagreed with and it set you off.

Edited by Excedrin
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Not picking on ya, nor making fun, but I think you meant "cockles" and not "cackles"; "Cockles of my heart."


according to the Merriam - Webster online Dictionary - Cackle means :


1: to make the sharp broken noise or cry characteristic of a hen especially after laying

2: to laugh especially in a harsh or sharp manner

3: chatter


That my good sir was a well thought out come back which means you have some intelligence.


You must weigh more then a goose



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Look dude, you made a thread where you tell people to stop being all "whiney (sp) on the forums" because you just love the game.


But that's what they're here for, and if you aren't mad about it you're doing a bad job of showing that. This thread seems like you read one too many threads you disagreed with and it set you off.


Nope, just wanted to add a positive thread...


It's also here for us to show our support. If you don't agree, don't read ;) I don't actually read the unsub, I quite, WoW or other game is better threads, just the titles so throwing my 2 credits in to show the Dev Team/SWTOR that I enjoy the game.

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Cancelled 6 out of 7 EVE Accounts...No Joke. The only one I left running was my main...because he has some pretty hefty training to do and I expect to go back eventually. The time while I'm playing TOR is the perfect time to get those skills done that will take 30 days or more to train. Edited by Thunder-God
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It's a new MMO, for those who don't like to be in on new games growing pains, try waiting next time when another MMO is released so you don't get all whiney on the forums.



You know who else had "Growing pains"?






Age of Conan



I hate to tell you, these aren't "Growing pains", these are death rattles

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You know who else had "Growing pains"?




Age of Conan


I hate to tell you, these aren't "Growing pains", these are death rattles


Don't forget to add all the others to the list


My point still stands.. many players should never start at the launch of an MMO. I enjoy playing.

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Don't forget to add all the others to the list


My point still stands.. many players should never start at the launch of an MMO. I enjoy playing.


Funnily enough, the WoW forums were filled with all the same comments when it was released, much the same as every other MMO.

Edited by Loxion
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I always get a little warm spot in the cackles of my heart when I read a positive post about swtor


Kronix, I probably agree with you. The forums needs less cacklers cause after a while it gets old. Especially when people on the fence of buying this game come here to see if the game is any good. (IMO - the game is a good value at the current price. I will extend my sub too. So much to explore in this Star Wars galaxy.)



Not picking on ya, nor making fun, but I think you meant "cockles" and not "cackles"; "Cockles of my heart."


according to the Merriam - Webster online Dictionary - Cackle means :


1: to make the sharp broken noise or cry characteristic of a hen especially after laying

2: to laugh especially in a harsh or sharp manner

3: chatter


Ujest, don't make it a point to correct these folk. I always get a little warm spot in the cackles of my heart when I read posts like these. They have the greatest in chances in creating a hilarity, lest you incesantly fix them.

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Funnily enough, the WoW forums were filled with all the same comments when it was released, much the same as every other MMO.

And you know what WoW had to compete with at the time? Everquest. ONE game, AH game, barely even a number.


You know what SWTOR has to compete with? A 7 year behemoth with multitudes more content and polish.


I'm not saying people should expect a perfect MMO at launch, I'm just asking "Which will they choose" you REALLY think the majority of players are gonna grit their teeth and wait on Bioware for 5 months? A year? Maybe 2 to match WoWs content?


Please, you clearly don't understand human nature.

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Let's change WoW to EQ and then you are closer to the mark. EQ was the game that started the ball rolling in the MMO market. Yes, UO was before EQ but EQ became "The MMO".


WoW was fun, now it isn't. SWTOR is fun...for me. People have to make their own choice but all the players saying they are unsubbing, should never, ever play an MMO on release. They will only experience the same frustration on the next one if they do.


Fair enough dude! However I've never played EQ though i've heard fine things about it.


WoW also wasnt my 1st MMO, it was a game called City of Heroes, which i played for 4 years before I tried WoW on a free trial, and never looked back. I'm pretty dedicated player so I'm certain I'll be subbed here for a few years.:D

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A 100% fanboy post is just as useless as a 100% hater post. Most people do not fit in to either category. I would bet most people feel like this - "I like this game and want the issues fixed so I can enjoy it even more"


Discussing the issues is a fair and sensible way to improve the game we enjoy playing. Pretending that issues do not exist is pointless. If I see somthing terrible in the game I will highlight it. Otherwise, nothing would ever Improve.


Posting "OMG I love this game" or "OMG i hate this game" are both useless and should be jsut deleted. Sadly, with all forms of media, the extreme views are the ones that get shouted the loudest. The Fanboy and the Hater represent very few people and should be just ignored.

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It's a new MMO, for those who don't like to be in on new games growing pains, try waiting next time when another MMO is released so you don't get all whiney on the forums.


This is not the forum you are looking for, only trolls and haters here.

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And you know what WoW had to compete with at the time? Everquest. ONE game, AH game, barely even a number.


You know what SWTOR has to compete with? A 7 year behemoth with multitudes more content and polish.


I'm not saying people should expect a perfect MMO at launch, I'm just asking "Which will they choose" you REALLY think the majority of players are gonna grit their teeth and wait on Bioware for 5 months? A year? Maybe 2 to match WoWs content?


Please, you clearly don't understand human nature.


Who said anything about people 'gritting their teeth and wait for BW'? I merely commented that every MMO has a magnitude of 'it's going to fail' threads, that doesn't necessarily mean it will. This is the nature of forums, it's far easier to complain than it is to praise, that also is human nature.

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A 100% fanboy post is just as useless as a 100% hater post. Most people do not fit in to either category. I would bet most people feel like this - "I like this game and want the issues fixed so I can enjoy it even more"


Discussing the issues is a fair and sensible way to improve the game we enjoy playing. Pretending that issues do not exist is pointless. If I see somthing terrible in the game I will highlight it. Otherwise, nothing would ever Improve.


Posting "OMG I love this game" or "OMG i hate this game" are both useless and should be jsut deleted. Sadly, with all forms of media, the extreme views are the ones that get shouted the loudest. The Fanboy and the Hater represent very few people and should be just ignored.


I agree. But which of all the posts of "I'm quitting" are discussing it in a fair and sensible manner? There are things to fix in this game, and when I encounter them, I will look to see if anyone else posted the same thing, if not, I report it.


WoW still hasn't fixed my hunter pet bar from disappearing...on their stock UI even when I entered an instance, got ressed, got off a flying mount...etc.


I don't mind the sensible discussions, it's a laugh to see all the I'm quitting threads when most of the problems aren't game breaking. Annoying, certainly. But have they taken the proper steps to report it?

Edited by Stirek
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And you know what WoW had to compete with at the time? Everquest. ONE game, AH game, barely even a number.


You know what SWTOR has to compete with? A 7 year behemoth with multitudes more content and polish.


I'm not saying people should expect a perfect MMO at launch, I'm just asking "Which will they choose" you REALLY think the majority of players are gonna grit their teeth and wait on Bioware for 5 months? A year? Maybe 2 to match WoWs content?


Please, you clearly don't understand human nature.


It doesn't matter how much content you have when a customer has been looking at that same content for years. Cata tweaked the world a bit, and added (5?) new zones. But soooo much of the game is the same. People want something different.


Don't be offended, rejoice that someone has finally managed to create a well polished mmo on another popular ip.


Have some fun with it since we know you have to be tired of the same old stuff. Then go back to wow when they release more new content. It's easy and benefits both wow and swtor in the end.

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