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Everything posted by CaineDVamp

  1. LFG Tool = breeding ground for D-Bags that drop group when things don't go their way. Making people interact with each other builds interpersonal relationships which weeds out the good from the bad.
  2. Caveat: If this has been posted before, I apologize for bringing it up again. I didn't know where to put this thread, so I'm just going to post it here and see what people think. I submitted this as a feature request ticket and I was advised to post it on the forum for discussion. So here I am. I think it would be a really cool addition if the developers could add two more Map filters. 1) Fleet/Orbital Station Shuttle 2) Spaceport/Hangar While the Spaceports actually SAY spaceport on them, but....there's a filter option for the Taxis and the Quick Travel points, but nothing for the Shuttles/Spaceports. Obviously once you've gone around a planet a few times, you start to remember where they are, but it would be really nice if they added a filter to the map so you could easily find a shuttle location. I've found myself more than once wanting to just find the nearest shuttle and go up to fleet and it stinks to have to use a Quick Travel or Emergency Fleet Pass if you want to get there quickly (yes, i know they sell a 1 time use Teleport to Fleet). So, I open the discussion to you, the SWTOR community. What do you think? Good idea, bad idea, Indifferent?
  3. WoW! Someone needs to tell Apple that iPhones ruin people's spelling and grammar! WHY DON'T THEY FIX THOSE BUGS! You know, Android phones don't ruin your spelling and grammar. Maybe you should look into getting an Android phone and that way your spelling and grammar problems would go away completely. . . . . wait why do I feel like I've had this same conversation on another subject.... see what I did there?
  4. Ya, yanno, you are probably right. I doubt anyone at BioWare even know what country Europe is in....!!!
  5. A) No it doesn't. B) No it wasn't. C) Yes there is. 1. You can do that now and don't need some window to do it, if you're sitting around in General just standing at an instance, then ya...you'll wait until you fill the spot. 2. Who are these "Trolls" who are "ruining" general chat. First of all, general chat in ALL games is pretty full of trolls. But I think you just don't like seeing "LFx" messages. I mean...who are these FREAKS that can type and actually try for THEMSELVES to find a group, Bunch of Trolls, that's who! 3. I was waiting for the punch-line in this post, and here it is. Like BioWare is sitting there going, DUDE! We need to put in a LFG mechanic like now because the "doesn't go outside, powerleveling, damage parsing, ain't-got-no-job-ain't-got-no-life crowd will give us "Street Cred"". Ya...more likely adding LFG will drive most of us away that left WoW and other games because of the lack of "community" you feel on those servers. 1. It does. That's your opinion. Nope, because I'm a nice guy and I end up finding nice people to group with. 2. I have a guild and it has all of about 50 people in it. And in general, we're all too busy playing, BSing and having a good time to worry so much. That and if we have a healer (which is me) we pretty much have a group. I've run Flashpoints with 3 commandos specd healing. So....I think you might have a different view on group formation than the rest of us. A group is a team working together. Don't go and log out of WoW, into SWTOR and expect nothing to change but the graphics.
  6. Does anyone actually do a Google Search prior to posting "facts"? Go search "Starcraft 2 Exploits" or "Starcraft 2 cheats" /thread
  7. HAHAHA, now that made me laugh! Thank goodness for some levity in this thread. Oh...wait...you were serious...
  8. The only thing horrible about the game is players like you.
  9. Can we ban anyone who already has a level 50 from the forums and FORCE them to go out and get some sunshine?
  10. I still call BS on this whole "Ability Delay" thing. Based on paying attention to when i pressed a button, when the animation starts and when damage starts to appear, I haven't seen a single delay in damage appearing on a target. On my Commando I fired off Mortar Strike, the channeling bar appeared. My good did his "get a wide stance" animation and let loose with the volley. and before the first explosion animation had gone off, the group was faceplanted to the ground getting mortared. On my Jedi, there are some lightsaber attacks that the damage appears on the target BEFORE the animation finishes. At some level I have to wonder about how much attention people are actually paying to what happens when they fire off an ability. Too many people are apt to jump to, I thought it was going to work this way and since it doesn't its broken.
  11. Yup, was the best day EVER when I found that checkbox.
  12. This is not the forum you are looking for, only trolls and haters here.
  13. "I think if they would have let me design this game from ground up, it would be exactly what I wanted. But they didn't, so it's a fail."
  14. We're talking about breaking the line between Healer/Tank/DPS. But, why does that setup exist in an MMO in the first place? Because you have health bars and damage dealing attacks. In order to deal with damage dealing attacks, you have to recover from them, that's healing. The only way to get rid of it is have Jedi/Not and then let people pick and choose their skills and abilities at their leisure. But, until you get rid of a health bar and dealing damage, you will never get rid of healers. And therefore never get rid of "The Trinity". Also, I think I speak for everyone when I say that "people that say they speak for everyone" mean that they are speaking for themselves and anyone that agrees with them, and I'm really sick and tired of people claiming that they speak for me on these forums. Let me be clear. I do not want to play WoW. I do not want SWTOR to look or feel ANYTHING like WoW. If I liked how WoW worked these days, I would be playing it. Obviously, I am not. In summation, your arguments are invalid.
  15. Ya, I would have looked IN GAME before searching online. That and the big "WARNING! You cannot undo this" message when you choose. I guess it says a lot about the culture of the world we live in. We're so pampered that we think if we just stomp our feet loud enough we will get what we want. Whatever happened to "You make your choices and you live with them"? Personally, I like the fact that once I make the choice between Commando/Vanguard, I'm stuck. I can "play" like a tank, but not really designed for it, but I can heal or put out dps, so its a trade off. Sort of sick of people trying to change this game into something that it isn't. I will be disappointed if this game implements the following: A) LFG/LFR (ESPECIALLY cross-server) - what happened to good old "personality" and building relationships with the other people on your server? B) Resetting Advanced Class - NO PLEASE DO NOT CAVE! Stick to your guns and make the choices you make for your character mean something. Otherwise, just have 2 classes Jedi/Not and let us a la carte our skills and talents, because that's what you will be doing. C) Combat Parsing/UI Mods/Damage Meters. Don't do it. The day I hear "DPS Meter Plz" in party is the day i rethink subscription. Just some thoughts, troll/flame away
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