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Stunned at how BAD Vangaurd is.


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Im stunned. It is the single worst class ive ever seen. What where they thinking when they made this? A tank class with 2 dps trees and a tank tree called "Shield Specialist" with hardly any tank or shield moves. The damage is pathetic the survivability its SHOCKING. Cant even take on low level elites 2 at a time cause i die so fast and the dmg is pathetic. Honestly, Im so mad i chose this class, to anyone considering it. NEVER CHOOSE VANGAURD ITS LITERALLY THE SINGLE WORST THING IVE EVER PLAYED.
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I'm stunned at how bad you are at failing to play one of the most OP classes I've ever played.


Do go on sir. How EXACTLY is this class OP. And dont try and be clever, Enlighten me to what im doing wrong and tell me how this class isnt completely shocking,

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Do go on sir. How EXACTLY is this class OP. And dont try and be clever, Enlighten me to what im doing wrong and tell me how this class isnt completely shocking,


As shield spec I take next to 0 damage even against elites and put out almost as much damage as I do in tactics. I have literally the highest DPS of all the tanks and literally the highest passive defense. No one has higher passive defense than Vanguards. Elara Dorne makes PvE a joke with her massive heals on top of my already massive not taking of damage. I died once from 1-50.

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I actually know several Vanguards that are actually great tanks or can put out a whopping amount of DPS. You might need to take a second look at your spec/gear/rotation before saying that the class under performs. I've heard the same thing about the entire Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior advanced classes yet again people are doing something wrong.
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As shield spec I take next to 0 damage even against elites and put out almost as much damage as I do in tactics. I have literally the highest DPS of all the tanks and literally the highest passive defense. No one has higher passive defense than Vanguards. Elara Dorne makes PvE a joke with her massive heals on top of my already massive not taking of damage. I died once from 1-50.


I dont get it. I really dont. I just tried to take on 2 level 16 strong enemies and got battered. My dmg output is so low. The strongest attack i have, my biggest HITTING attack IS a melee where i hit someone with my gun. isnt right is it?

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I dont get it. I really dont. I just tried to take on 2 level 16 strong enemies and got battered. My dmg output is so low. The strongest attack i have, my biggest HITTING attack IS a melee where i hit someone with my gun. isnt right is it?


Stockstrike should be your hardest hitting ability as shield spec, at level 16 if you don't have Elara Dorne yet keep trucking until you get her, the game gets easy after that. Also, keep in mind, for some reason all strong enemies aren't equal. There are strong enemies that I've come across that should be normal enemies because they die almost instantly, and strong enemies I've come accross that should literally be elites.

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I actually know several Vanguards that are actually great tanks or can put out a whopping amount of DPS. You might need to take a second look at your spec/gear/rotation before saying that the class under performs. I've heard the same thing about the entire Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior advanced classes yet again people are doing something wrong.


Hmmm....Okay, im just damn frustrated atm because i expected alot from Van and its not delivering. But ive stacked aim and endurance, and filling out the assualt specialist tree atm.


It just seams moves like, Hammer shot, full auto and explosive round do such little dmg. it takes me ages to kill enemies.


Now with the talent tree, Do you just focus it on one? or do you go hybrid instantly and fill out all three to best boost you're class?

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Two friends I have. Run flashpoints often we do - one - a Commando healer. Other, a Vanguard tank he is. Often keep us alive he does - nickname meatshield for us. Survivability amazing as he facepulls - astonished I am that you do not know to play such an amazing class :eek:
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Two friends I have. Run flashpoints often we do - one - a Commando healer. Other, a Vanguard tank he is. Often keep us alive he does - nickname meatshield for us. Survivability amazing as he facepulls - astonished I am that you do not know to play such an amazing class :eek:


And im astonished that you speak like that on a forum. And your post had no input, advice or help in anyway shape or form.

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Hmmm....Okay, im just damn frustrated atm because i expected alot from Van and its not delivering. But ive stacked aim and endurance, and filling out the assualt specialist tree atm.


It just seams moves like, Hammer shot, full auto and explosive round do such little dmg. it takes me ages to kill enemies.


Now with the talent tree, Do you just focus it on one? or do you go hybrid instantly and fill out all three to best boost you're class?


Assault tree is a tree that doesn't get good until like level 30ish. Once it does get good it's probably our highest DPS spec. Shield spec is probably the easiest to level with. Also, your most effective at 10-4m, you are effectivly a middle to melee range class.


Full auto I don't even use anymore, I pretty much stopped using it when I became a vanguard. I actually don't even really use explosive round much either, unless it's a non elite who will get knocked down. Hammer Shot I use between stock strikes/ion pulse in order to make sure my ammo regeneration stays at level 3-4.


As shield spec my rotation looks like this. Running in with Hammer Shot, get up close and stockstrike. With the talent Ion Overload my Ion Cell procs and puts a dot on the mob. So now I can use High Impact Bolt than I'll generally use a hammer shot or an ion pulse afterwards to finish them off. Rinse and repeat using mortar volley and pulse cannon when appropriate.

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Hmmm....Okay, im just damn frustrated atm because i expected alot from Van and its not delivering. But ive stacked aim and endurance, and filling out the assualt specialist tree atm.


It just seams moves like, Hammer shot, full auto and explosive round do such little dmg. it takes me ages to kill enemies.


Now with the talent tree, Do you just focus it on one? or do you go hybrid instantly and fill out all three to best boost you're class?


I'd focus on one, the point of a speciality is to specialize. What do you consider "ages" to kill enemies? Because SWTOR in general has longer PVE fights than most other MMOs, particularly WOW. You're not going to 3-shot your average Elite trash mob. Even weak enemies usually take 2+ hits...and of course almost all pulls have 3+ mobs in them. So, yeah, killing is generally slower for EVERYBODY. It's not the Vanguard class.


Be sure that you are maximizing your Ammo mechanic too. Are you spamming high DPS abilities until it gets really low then switching to Hammershot? If so, that may be your problem. You want to weave Hammershot in between higher DPS abilities that cost Ammo so that you stay in the highest regen range, allowing you more high DPS attacks over the course of the longer fights.


Maybe describing what kind of abilities you use and how in an average fight might help people point out some tips for you? Rather than exaggerated "Vanguards are the WURST EVAR" comments.

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Hmmm....Okay, im just damn frustrated atm because i expected alot from Van and its not delivering. But ive stacked aim and endurance, and filling out the assualt specialist tree atm.


It just seams moves like, Hammer shot, full auto and explosive round do such little dmg. it takes me ages to kill enemies.


Now with the talent tree, Do you just focus it on one? or do you go hybrid instantly and fill out all three to best boost you're class?



Anyways, it sounds like your also very badly geared. My brother (the tank) often farms flashpoints for full orange sets, then updates the mods as he levels (as we all do.) This is one of the best ways to keep yourself up to date with Mob difficulty.


Second, at level 16 your attacks are very weak. No shields and few few taunts so don't worry, your coming from a valid point. However, once you hit around level 20-25 you'll receive a few more taunts and many more AoE attacks.


Now your specing - we all follow hybrid paths (as we all agree that some skills in the trees are to stupid to waste points on.) He is majorly speced shield specialist, however, any extra points he ends up with from not spending on bad skills are immediately added to High dps skills in his tactics tree. Thus he receives a large boost in DPS and in survivability.



The class is very fun to play once you get all those three things sorted out

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I dont get it. I really dont. I just tried to take on 2 level 16 strong enemies and got battered. My dmg output is so low. The strongest attack i have, my biggest HITTING attack IS a melee where i hit someone with my gun. isnt right is it?


Try this for starters:


Keep mobile and take advantage of the line of sight, as in, take cover from fire behind obstacles and positon yourself taking advantage of your surroundings. Make the enemy fight on your terms.


It also helps if you map some basic functions to your mouse. IE. Basic blasting and granade on the side buttons (if you have them) or to the mouse wheel. This eases you to keep shooting while you move.


Also, remember to keep those buffs up, all the time. defence and the something something shots.

Edited by Beansoup
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All those strategies and advise are good. But honestly?!?! Vanguard is so easy to play and faceroll in pve! Make sure you read the tool tips on all your abilities and skill tree, understand them and you should have no problems.


Since you are Assault spec, you are playing the DPS tree which at your level has no additional survivability (As mentioned above, Assault tree doesn't do you much good until after lvl 30), sent Aric in to tank first and burn down the mob.


If you want to feel OP, I suggest you respec in shield spec and use only Ion cell. Don't bother looking at any of the other trees until lvl 30.

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All those strategies and advise are good. But honestly?!?! Vanguard is so easy to play and faceroll in pve! Make sure you read the tool tips on all your abilities and skill tree, understand them and you should have no problems.


I have to agree, I can sometimes take down elites that are two levels higher like it was a walk in the park. My vanguard is around 13-15 ATM. Not so on any other class I'v played so far.

Edited by Beansoup
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Im stunned. It is the single worst class ive ever seen. What where they thinking when they made this? A tank class with 2 dps trees and a tank tree called "Shield Specialist" with hardly any tank or shield moves. The damage is pathetic the survivability its SHOCKING. Cant even take on low level elites 2 at a time cause i die so fast and the dmg is pathetic. Honestly, Im so mad i chose this class, to anyone considering it. NEVER CHOOSE VANGAURD ITS LITERALLY THE SINGLE WORST THING IVE EVER PLAYED.


This post is a joke right?


I mean seriously I have played every single class - and Vanguard is amazing.

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Assault tree is a tree that doesn't get good until like level 30ish. Once it does get good it's probably our highest DPS spec. Shield spec is probably the easiest to level with. Also, your most effective at 10-4m, you are effectivly a middle to melee range class.


Full auto I don't even use anymore, I pretty much stopped using it when I became a vanguard. I actually don't even really use explosive round much either, unless it's a non elite who will get knocked down. Hammer Shot I use between stock strikes/ion pulse in order to make sure my ammo regeneration stays at level 3-4.


As shield spec my rotation looks like this. Running in with Hammer Shot, get up close and stockstrike. With the talent Ion Overload my Ion Cell procs and puts a dot on the mob. So now I can use High Impact Bolt than I'll generally use a hammer shot or an ion pulse afterwards to finish them off. Rinse and repeat using mortar volley and pulse cannon when appropriate.


Thanks alot man this is very helpful. starting to understand abit more now. I am assualt specilist but thinking of going back to shield specialist. thanks for your time and everyone else's advice!

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Vanguards rock, plain and simple. I own people all day long in PvP and not much bothers me in PvE either. So you obviously either a) don't get the class mechanics , b) just don't like the class, or c) a combination of a + b. Perhaps you might want to try the Jedi tank classes if you wanna be a tank. Or, maybe scrap it and roll as a Commando if you wanna focus on DPS if that's what you're after. Vanguards can rock out some nasty DPS but we shine the brightest in tanking, at least in my opinion. You should read through Yojack's thread here in the Trooper forums. It may help you out some :cool: Edited by Vulkus
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Do go on sir. How EXACTLY is this class OP. And dont try and be clever, Enlighten me to what im doing wrong and tell me how this class isnt completely shocking,


I have a tank BH. Same thing, different faction. I own things so much that I'm stuck at 44 because I'm bored with it (going to let him soak up rested exp, do that to 50)


The ONLY reason I can see the Vanguard sucking is because the BH gets a healer to start with and Vanguard gets DPS. That doesn't even really matter, either, unless you're trying to handle packs of 6+ mobs or golds solo

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You should be able to spam hammer shot and ion pulse, and not die till you get to Tatooine...


Something is seriously wrong here, as vanguards and comms are both perhaps the best solo class in the game other than sorc/consul.


And the early game is rollface easy till Tatooine, which isnt much harder. Alderean poses some challenge if you get there at recommended starting lvl or below, but you'll typically be 2-3 lvls higher.


From there on out, you just aren't going to make it through the game, if your actually dying at 16. Which I honestly don't know how that's possible unless I watched you play.


If this is your first MMO, I could see it I suppose, but you'll need some coaching it appears.


Your companion is out right? THey beat most sub 20 content by themselves, if they enter at full health....

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I have a 50 Commando, Valor Rank 34 around. I rolled a Vanguard and I am about level 25. It is by far the best class I have played in a long time. It takes time to get going, you do not see the instant massive amount of skills a sage would early on but like a good Wine your class will shine later levels. I am Shield spec and love it. I never have ammo issues. On my Commando it is a constant battle to get good dps before you ammo dumps and your feel like a glass canon. Edited by PoeticRex
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