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Why is the story so good?


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Umm, no, the story is boring and gets on my nerves. I wish there was an option that totally removed the cutscenes.


However, I'm in love with the actual gameplay, it's just the cutscenes driving me nuts. And spamming spacebar is very frustrating too.


And yet you and the rest of the nay-sayers spent your money knowing full what what the game was.


What does that say about you?

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The big deal is that this kind of thing hasn't been done in MMOs until now. Sure, the stories aren't the kind of writing that holds up great classics, but it's entertaining, and they allow you to make decisions that do cause a difference in your "hero's journey" even if the hero still ends up in the same place, he/she got there in a different way than other players may have.


I've been pleasantly surprised with some of the results of conversation choices I've made.

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Really not impressed by the stories and to be honest making good stories has never been Bioware's thing, contrary to popular belief. Bioware are very good at -storytelling- and the way the stories are presented to you in this game is above average in most respects, so must be commended from that stance.
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What bioware do is write engaging beliviable charesters, many are cliched or stereotypes but I know pleanty of real life peopkle who are at least one of those.


Their stories tend to haveall the basics set out, with a blockerbuster movies tendancy to over egg everything.


Also good is not always the same as enjoyable, Schinlers list is a great movie, but theres pleanty of blockbuster trash I enjoy watching alot more.


There is alos a skill in wirting good rubbish. Dan Brown is not a great writer, however he has a marvolous skill in writing very readible books, and as a result he's vastly more sucessful than many better writers.


Bioware have a Dan Brown like skill in wiritng ver engaging stories, sure they're never going to win awards for litairy ability compared to books but thats not what they are so thats fine.


WoW has some very well written quests, but as even when the charecters clearly meant to be talking to you you have to read it clashes menatally, the book like reading and the vidsual audio experince of a game jsut dont mesh that well when text is used in place of vocie. The other minus point for WoW is the lack of fleshing out of charecters in most cases.

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What makes this story good?



because it is their opinion, who cares as to why they think so, the only thing that matters is if they enjoy it. All opinions are valid.


You specifically pointed out the Jedi Knight, which i'm currently playing myself. I enjoy the story. It draws me in. I also like the Sith Warrior story from the little i've done so far, the same with the Smuggler. Of course i've always been fan of games that is based around story, i typically don't like games where there isn't a decent story to go along with it. I guess this is why most MMO's never held my attention very long with the exception of eve-online out in 0.0 we made are own story there.


So far i see SWTOR while has issue may holding my attention long enough to be around a while.

Edited by Mr_Crueak
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Fanboys will be fanboys. They could hire a hobo to scribble down his life's story while on the can, and they would still throw money at it and praise the story so long as its got the right brand/title and corporation to carry it.


People with no opinion always call people Fanboys to hide the fact they know nothing on the subject they are talking about.


Talk about a stupid analogy, Kids will be kids.

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I'm curious who think this story is amazing, have you ever read a book in your entire life that wasn't Goosebumps or featured Drizzt Dourden?


This is typical video game plot. Some classes are flat out terrible stories (Jedi Knight for example is just plain bad)


Is it because it's voice acted and you've never read a word in your lives? I really fail to see how anyone can say the story is better than a typical video game story, let alone an above average one like Planescape Torment or the BG or Fallout series (FO3 notwithstanding) or any of the many console rpgs over the generations that make a mockery of TOR.


What makes this story good? People keep saying "the story!" in defense of the game. What about it? That it appeals to illiterates?

Goosebumps lol a book for 10 year old kids., I suggest reading some real books, So you don't embarrass yourself on the Forums again.

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What makes this story good? People keep saying "the story!" in defense of the game. What about it? That it appeals to illiterates?


"It isn't how well the dog sings, it's that he sings at all."


This game has the best story I've seen in an MMO. This may be the equivalent of saying "This is the biggest city in North Dakota", but it's still a step up from most of the competitors.


PS:Never able to get through an FR novel. When I want that kind of fantasy bubblegum, I prefer Feist.

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I'm curious who think this story is amazing, have you ever read a book in your entire life that wasn't Goosebumps or featured Drizzt Dourden?


This is typical video game plot. Some classes are flat out terrible stories (Jedi Knight for example is just plain bad)


Is it because it's voice acted and you've never read a word in your lives? I really fail to see how anyone can say the story is better than a typical video game story, let alone an above average one like Planescape Torment or the BG or Fallout series (FO3 notwithstanding) or any of the many console rpgs over the generations that make a mockery of TOR.


What makes this story good? People keep saying "the story!" in defense of the game. What about it? That it appeals to illiterates?


Please explain, firstly, what's so gosh-darn awful about the tale. Why is it you despise it so much? Were you never once enthralled over stories written by authors like JRR Tolkein or Isaac Asimov? Ever lost yourself in tales about Narnia, Wonderland, or Oz? Did you sit down and consider what it would really be like to be a Drow or fight a dragon? Ever played a heady game of D&D with your friends at a tabletop, rolling dice across the wood and cheering when you finally got a critical roll?


It's simply entertainment, stories told many times over in a myriad of ways by countless numbers of storytellers, and it endures precisely because so very many people just plain enjoy it. Might as well ask someone why they like one food versus another, as if they shouldn't just because your preferences are different. I myself, though, do not have to justify any of the satisfaction I derive from the story I'm enjoying.

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I think all the voice acting is a waste of time, boring as hell, and completely non-MMOish.


Read the business reviews, execs at BW and EA also agree putting in VA stories wasn't a good idea.


You don't believe that look at the numbers, this game is very small for a new release in today's market.


Most people don't want a single player RPG in their MMO!!!!



Man I'm glad I don't game with you!!!


Voice acting and the story makes this game fun.

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I actually agree. I played the Jedi Consular story from start to finish and it was really mediocre compared to other novels or even games I read/played. I then watched a play-through of the Imperial Agent story, which supposedly is the best story of all the ones available and it was better... but not by very much.


I'm really disappointed, I must confess. I expect better stories from BioWare. Like Dragon Age: Origins or Mass Effect 1+2, Baldur's Gate 2, Jade Empire...


I guess the MMO format really limits how you can tell your story. There was not a single moment which knocked me off my feet by being extremely surprising or awesome. No "I am the vanguard of your destruction. You exist because we allow it. And you will end because we demand it". No "Butt-kicking for goodness!".


Sometimes the story itself is not all that original or twisty ( like DA:O ), but it's the little things like your companions and the other NPC's which make up for it. SW:TOR is really mundane in that aspect, too. Companions are... helpful. But their stories are not really compelling, most offer no quests ( they just go off and do their thing on their own ) and they don't interact with each other very much. Most of them not at all.

Edited by magnuskn
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That's just because you never bothered reading them.


Name a game with a better story.


WoW's writers have all the imagination and skill of 1st graders.


AoC's story was okay for 20 levels, but fell off.


WAR's story didn't accurately represent Warhammer Fantasy.


Sure, a game with written story can be good, but it hasn't been released yet that I've played.

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You don't come off as intelligent with the if you don't like X you must be Y argument.


Why is that? Every other game has the same quests, it appears that SWTOR just has Voice Acting and the illusion of choice.


So did you not understand that, I can speak slower for you if you need to catch up?

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Bioware just has very good writers.

Story is the element they excel at the most you know.


Really, this is little better the Soap opera/Novella caliber writing. I'm just waiting for my JK's twin brother's life partners uncles mailman to show up and attempt to kill me leaving him on Alderaan..


The writing is horrible and the VO is a diversion that eventually gets boring. Strip that away and this is like every other MMO - just a click away from caring...

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Really, this is little better the Soap opera/Novella caliber writing. I'm just waiting for my JK's twin brother's life partners uncles mailman to show up and attempt to kill me leaving him on Alderaan..


The writing is horrible and the VO is a diversion that eventually gets boring. Strip that away and this is like every other MMO - just a click away from caring...


Go play the Sith Warrior, then come back and say the writing is horrible.


Some classes have bad writing, I hear the JK isn't very good, but the Sith Warrior's story line, so far, has been up there with any RPG I've ever played.

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Good story telling is hard to find in computer games because the better writers don't even bother with that genre. They are off writing books or plays or the better films.


The best written computer game was Planescape Torment which is about 12 years old or so, might be more.


The actual writing in TOR is pretty much the same found in every other MMO. The voice overs are pretty good and the class story lines are better, but the basic quests....uh, no.


The problem is this. This is essentially a single person game from Bioware, but the story elements and voice overs and cinematic shots are clearly inferior to the Mass Effect series.


So for 200 million, or whatever they spent on this single person game, I expected something at least on par with what Mass Effect brought us with it's multiple dialogue choices (not just three found in TOR) the ability to KILL companions (not found in TOR) dialogue choices actually changing the game for you (not found in TOR) better visuals and more companion speech during your quests (all but absent in TOR).


What did they spend all that money on?

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Good story telling is hard to find in computer games because the better writers don't even bother with that genre. They are off writing books or plays or the better films.


The best written computer game was Planescape Torment which is about 12 years old or so, might be more.



it's great when someone takes something subjective like storytelling and thinks their opinion is fact. People used to call Hemmingway a hack too.

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