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[Current Bug List] Crew Skills


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Hi all again.


Just visiting as I create another batch of level 11 green Reinforced Mesh Gloves.


Only on number 60 at the moment, how I love REing, and still hope to be able to get a blue.


So, when are they finally going to re-Sticky this Thread?

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So, when are they finally going to re-Sticky this Thread?

I've kinda lost hope of this ever happening. I've emailed communitysupport@swtor.com and I've even PM'ed a developer about it. No response to either.


We're just going to have to bump it every day to keep it visible :). Once we reach the max posts for a thread (100? 1000?) they will have to make a new copy of the thread anyway. Perhaps by then we'll get recognition.

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I've kinda lost hope of this ever happening. I've emailed communitysupport@swtor.com and I've even PM'ed a developer about it. No response to either.


We're just going to have to bump it every day to keep it visible :). Once we reach the max posts for a thread (100? 1000?) they will have to make a new copy of the thread anyway. Perhaps by then we'll get recognition.


How shameful for Bioware to do something this shady. Sticky this, I don't care what corporate suite ordered you to unsticky it!

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Here's a bug I've noticed recently:


If you queue up a few items, then cancel one or more and queue up some different ones, the items will often times not be made in the order they are queued.

Edited by Battilea
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Finally sat through the boredom of writing down the Artificer Enhancements to check for inconsistencies. Updated the Artificer section on the first post:




  • The Artificer trainer sells no schematics for Willpower-based shields (there are however dropped blue schematics for levels 25 and 37).
  • Many of the Enhancements bought from the trainer are duplicates, i.e. exact same stats but different names.
  • Some Enhancements have the same name but different stats, e.g. Assault 19 comes in 2 versions, one with 12 end 19 crit 17 surge, another with 17 end 12 crit 19 surge.
  • Enhancements are not always consistent across levels. For instance Battle 17 has Crit+Surge, Battle 19 has Crit+Shield, Battle 21 has Crit+Surge again.
  • There are some obvious itemization mistakes with Enhancements in general. To illustrate this (and also the points mentioned above) I made a spreadsheet with all Rank 19 Enhancements. Missing versions are indicated in blue, the ones indicated in red have the value of endurance switched with a secondary stat. This also shows that many Enhancements exist in duplicates or even triplicates.



Still looking for confirmation on the following:







  • FIXED The Magenta Adegan Crystal currently does not register in the crafting window (it shows 0/1 even if you have one). You can still craft the magenta crystal as long as you have the rest of the required ingredients.
  • FIXED If you start crafting an item that requires Biometric Crystal Alloy and then abort the craft, the Biometrix Crystal Alloy is not (always) refunded.


Edited by Rhaphael
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A fundamental bug is with Underworld Trading - it gives orange recipes for Armormech and Synthweeving for opposed faction ONLY!!!! What is the bloody point in that?!?! Please add this bug to OP's initial post and see to it's correction in 1.2, it's just fecking silly!


When does this get stickies already?!??

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A fundamental bug is with Underworld Trading - it gives orange recipes for Armormech and Synthweeving for opposed faction ONLY!!!! What is the bloody point in that?!?! Please add this bug to OP's initial post and see to it's correction in 1.2, it's just fecking silly!


That is already in the initial post under Suggestions (because I don't believe it is a bug, but intended):


Investigation and Underworld Trading can yield schematics for the opposite faction, making them useless to the player that received them and generally unsellable because no one wants them (although they can be sold in Nar Shaddaa to the opposite faction, but most people won't know about this).

Edited by Rhaphael
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I didn't read all the pages, either. But, I did get through the first fifteen or so :). And I read the entire bug list and have these to offer.


-- sometimes, when I drop my material into the cargo hold, I put it in the wrong slot and maybe double click trying to fix it as a jerk reaction (ie, I move Nextor crystal to the cargo hold, but dropped it on top of Bondar crystal, which now moves to my inventory, but in a jerk reaction I get click happy trying to fix it), the nextor crystal is now visually missing from my cargo hold and inventory. My brocart filaments are also 'visually' missing, from the same occurrence. (I guess that's not a crew skill bug, but an item bug). They are still there, somewhere, because I can craft with them, but they are completely invisible.


-- suggestion -- I would love for materials to go straight to the cargo hold! I run these all the time while out questing, then craft and RE and eventually I have to stop to go find a cargo hold to drop off all the 'excess materials' . . . again.


-- After the last couple of patches, I cannot 'shift+left click' my armor to show up in the chat windows anymore (also might be an 'item' bug, but I only do it with my craftables, so I don't know.)


-- suggestion -- I'd love to see the reverse engineering schematic from a primary blue recipe retain it's blue coloring, as opposed to turning purple. It's just confusing. It's not a true artifact craft. I guess the idea is true artifact items will say 'superior' on them, but not everyone knows this and it's confusing.


-- Unknown if bug or intentional -- Synthweaving has orange armor sets for light, medium and heavy for the following levels: 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47 and 50. BUT, the synthweaving heavy schematics for levels 11 and 15 are non-existent, but they do exist for medium and light. I do not know if this is intentional, for some reason heavy doesn't get them for synthweaving (maybe heavy gets their orange schematics from armormech only?). Or if it's an oversight like the missing artifact schematic line for redoubt schematics.


Fantastic bug list and great work! I don't know why it's not stickied.

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A friend was going to make me all my ship upgrades (lvl 43 to 47 purples,) but he needed to get a few from the GTN, and linked the schems to me. When he finally made them and got them in my inventory, i could not link the items to chat, when a friend wanted to see them. When equipped could not link to chat or restting UI. other itrms linked to chat normally. Edited by Necodreus
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Biochem implant schematics Tactile Mastery D-Enhancer and Tactile Skill D-Package are identical. Both have


29 Endurance

17 Cunning

11 Power


I ran across other but can't recall what they were will update post when I find them.

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-- suggestion -- I'd love to see the reverse engineering schematic from a primary blue recipe retain it's blue coloring, as opposed to turning purple. It's just confusing. It's not a true artifact craft. I guess the idea is true artifact items will say 'superior' on them, but not everyone knows this and it's confusing.




I couldn't agree with this more. For the longest time I thought I was finished when I got the purple from re-eng an item from a blue schematic. By chance one day I decided to re-eng one of those "artifacts" and learned a new prefix schematic on the first try. I know people have tried clearing it up with flow charts and graphs, but it still isn't very clear on items from blue schematics. It really shouldn't be that difficult to figure out without outside graphs and flowcharts.

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[*]Mission Discoveries should not fail. They are already very rare and usually the only reliable way to obtain purple crafting materials.


Thank you very much for this list!

I agree with pretty much all that is said, but I feel a need to point out the last point on order, The mission discoveries


First of all, why do they fail? it has nothing to do with affection or whether the comp you are sending has a speciality in that particular crew skill. I have tested this.


Second, ok, so they fail... but why are they LOST when they fail!? they should as a MINIMUM still be in my mission log.


I have tried to keep a track of how many I lose of these, I think its about average every 5-7 missions failed and therefore lost. I lost 2 mission in the last 24 hours.


Making tickets and contacting the so-called 'customer service' has no effect, which I find weird and random as I have heard tales of other people contacting the so-called 'customer service' and they have received their missing loot. This is no different in my opinion.

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1-400 Underworld trading: since launch i have recieved 3 schematics total, all synthweaving.


Out of curiosity - do companion gift missions proc schematics more often? because i seldom run those.


Ive encounterd the same thing. Im at 320 on underworld,have only gotten a few schematics and they were all for synthweaving also.


I do agree I enjoy armormech,but would liek to do more with it than make some low gear for my alt. And being able to re the junk armor I find would be nice. To get materials and maybe a chance for schematics (including orange would be nice ;)).

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-- sometimes, when I drop my material into the cargo hold, I put it in the wrong slot and maybe double click trying to fix it as a jerk reaction (ie, I move Nextor crystal to the cargo hold, but dropped it on top of Bondar crystal, which now moves to my inventory, but in a jerk reaction I get click happy trying to fix it), the nextor crystal is now visually missing from my cargo hold and inventory. My brocart filaments are also 'visually' missing, from the same occurrence. (I guess that's not a crew skill bug, but an item bug). They are still there, somewhere, because I can craft with them, but they are completely invisible.

I've heard about this happening with other people as well, but it seems to more related to items in general than crafting related.


-- suggestion -- I would love for materials to go straight to the cargo hold! I run these all the time while out questing, then craft and RE and eventually I have to stop to go find a cargo hold to drop off all the 'excess materials' . . . again.

What if your cargo hold is full? It's a good idea but could introduce some problems. Will add it to the list.


-- After the last couple of patches, I cannot 'shift+left click' my armor to show up in the chat windows anymore (also might be an 'item' bug, but I only do it with my craftables, so I don't know.)

Item linking is working just fine for me. Does this happen with any item in specific? Or is it linking from the recipe book that doesn't work?


-- suggestion -- I'd love to see the reverse engineering schematic from a primary blue recipe retain it's blue coloring, as opposed to turning purple. It's just confusing. It's not a true artifact craft. I guess the idea is true artifact items will say 'superior' on them, but not everyone knows this and it's confusing.

I don't agree, I believe the current coloring system is fine as it is.


-- Unknown if bug or intentional -- Synthweaving has orange armor sets for light, medium and heavy for the following levels: 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47 and 50. BUT, the synthweaving heavy schematics for levels 11 and 15 are non-existent, but they do exist for medium and light. I do not know if this is intentional, for some reason heavy doesn't get them for synthweaving (maybe heavy gets their orange schematics from armormech only?). Or if it's an oversight like the missing artifact schematic line for redoubt schematics.

Good catch! I'll add it to the list.


I couldn't agree with this more. For the longest time I thought I was finished when I got the purple from re-eng an item from a blue schematic. By chance one day I decided to re-eng one of those "artifacts" and learned a new prefix schematic on the first try. I know people have tried clearing it up with flow charts and graphs, but it still isn't very clear on items from blue schematics. It really shouldn't be that difficult to figure out without outside graphs and flowcharts.

Every schematic can be RE'ed twice. Whether the base is green or blue. What's so hard about that?


The mission discoveries


First of all, why do they fail? it has nothing to do with affection or whether the comp you are sending has a specialty in that particular crew skill. I have tested this.


Second, ok, so they fail... but why are they LOST when they fail!? they should as a MINIMUM still be in my mission log.


I have tried to keep a track of how many I lose of these, I think its about average every 5-7 missions failed and therefore lost. I lost 2 mission in the last 24 hours.

I'll add the not losing part to the mission discoveries, I agree with you, IF they fail it should be returned to you.

Edited by Rhaphael
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Hi Rhaphael !


During the guild summit, they said that the R/E would be fixed for scatterguns/knives when 1.2 hits, in case you planned to update the OP with possible fix aknowledgments or dates or whatever.

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Hi Rhaphael !


During the guild summit, they said that the R/E would be fixed for scatterguns/knives when 1.2 hits, in case you planned to update the OP with possible fix aknowledgments or dates or whatever.


That's great news! I'll add it to the list.


Any other crafting fixes that were mentioned that would be good to put in the list? Or were at least some specific things acknowledged so we know they're working on it?

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Any other crafting fixes that were mentioned that would be good to put in the list?


Was late, am in Europe, so I don't remember everything and while there are lists of things in several blog reports and websites : they don't list "every word" (1) that was said, so to speak, so you'll have to wait til BW uploads the videos so people who didn't watch the summit livestream can see everything.


There was no mention of willpower based shields but am betting that since they'll "fix" scatterguns and knives they will fix that too since this very thread must be one of their #1 source of infos for bugs about crew skills...


(1) for example, blogs and websites summarize by "R/E will be better" in their bulleted lists but one dev actually listed scatterguns and knives to be R/Eable.

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Every schematic can be RE'ed twice. Whether the base is green or blue.


Sorry what ???


Do you mean that schematics that start out at blue will yield two tiers of purple, with the second one an even better purple than the first ???


What's so hard about that?


That certainly isn't obvious that since we have green=>blue=>purple we also have blue=>purple=>super-purple for the schematics !


So my question is, if you have a recipe that starts at blue and gives an item with a 118 rating, which when R/E-ed once gives a purple (redoubt/critical/overkill) with a 126 rating (I think...) will the next purple lvl with a bit more stats (expert/endowment/etc...) also yield a higher rating ?


Or maybe is it that the first tier of purple stays at 118 rating ? (haven't tried any yet)

Which btw would "really" mean : blue=>super-blue=>purple




EDIT : Never mind, I found that in the sticky.


9. Will reverse engineering a Tier 1 Prefix item of Artifact quality cause the Tier 2 Prefix item that results to be of a higher rating?


No. Rating only changes when color quality changes, and Tier 1 Artifacts reverse engineer into Tier 2 Artifacts. Both are Artifact quality.


Well we learn new things everyday :jawa_wink: !

Edited by Shoogli
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Sorry what ???


Do you mean that schematics that start out at blue will yield two tiers of purple, with the second one an even better purple than the first ???

Yes. The second purple has an extra stat compared to the first purple, but not a higher rating.


So my question is, if you have a recipe that starts at blue and gives an item with a 118 rating, which when R/E-ed once gives a purple (redoubt/critical/overkill) with a 126 rating (I think...) will the next purple lvl with a bit more stats (expert/endowment/etc...) also yield a higher rating ?

The rating only increases with a color change. So with a green->blue->purple the 1st RE will have a higher rating, and the 2nd RE will have an even higher rating. With blue->purple->purple only the 1st RE will have a higher rating, the 2nd RE will stay the same rating.


EDIT: Just saw you found the answer already :)

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EDIT: Just saw you found the answer already :)


He he thanks for answering anyway.


Thing is, this means that you can have 2 items with same colouring *and* same rating, yet one has more stats than the other, meaning the stat *budget* is not totally tied to the rating as is usually the case in MMOs.


So when you compare items with the very same stats and one has one additional stat it's ok, but when you compare 2 completely different items you *have* to remember to read the prefix as well to make sure you have more stats.


Which brings to : comparing drops/vendored items to crafted ones, now *knowing* that the rating doesn't necessarily mean this or that stat *budget*... Hmmmm...


See what I mean ?

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