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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What Species do you want to be playable?


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Why aren't there any visibly non-human races? You can argue Twi'lek as a non-human race, but the faces are quite obviously human. They're humans with headtails, that's all. The galaxy should be vast, why is our race selection so pathetically minimal?


This is because in Star Wars lore all of those species do have very similar qualities to humans. I believe that there are 12 species that fall under this category and I believe that lore has shown cross breeding in some of them. (Feel free to disprove that last statement but I believe I have heard that.)

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Togrutan, rodian, Nauotalan....favorites

wise cracking rodian and stuff

and those flat face fish looking ppl. like that that jedi who dies in front of u in the knight campaing on tython, yeah that too

Edited by sidiousj
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Here are some I would like to have playable:


1. Wookiee (Trooper, Smuggler or Creature Handler)

2. Nautolan (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Smuggler, Trooper)

3. Cathar (Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Trooper, Smuggler)

4. Rodian (Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)

5. Trandoshan (Bounty Hunter, Jedi, Sith Inquisitor, Sith Warrior, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Smuggler)

6. Mon Calamari (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Trooper, Smuggler)

7. Selkath (all)

8. Bothan (Smuggler, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)

9. Sullustan (Smuggler, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular)

10. Ithorian (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler)


and more.

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This is because in Star Wars lore all of those species do have very similar qualities to humans. I believe that there are 12 species that fall under this category and I believe that lore has shown cross breeding in some of them. (Feel free to disprove that last statement but I believe I have heard that.)


Star Wars Lore? Not sure why you said that but the reason they have to be near human is for the romance scenes (Yeh I know its lame). Also they need to speak basic.

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I'm bored so I'm going to update my list :)


Near Human Species (Species that would fit the Romance scenes)
















Sullustan Maybe


Not Near Human (Species I would love to be playable if Bioware ever change the Romance scenes to fit non human like species)




Mon Calamari







Edited by KeatoHarrolo
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I just thought. Cereans would be a good species to add in. They have really long head but human like faces so they could work.


I would also love to be a Vurk. They are pretty cool looking. Coleman Trebor was the only Vurk in the movies I think and he has like a 5 second scene we Jango shoots him.

Edited by KeatoHarrolo
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How about Rakghouls? I mean by this games lore they are living thinking humans and other intelligent beings turning into werewolves wich when under the influence of some sort of talisman even get to keep their old skills and talants from the life before getting infected. I could imagine myself RP a cyber-violinist Rakghoul guy, making these amazing tunes that that sent his works out in space in an escape pod to save them from his barbaric brethrens. Many many years later this very pod fell down from the sky on an distant planet, called earth by its habbitants, and later on to be found by a guy named Bach, wich was able to dechiffer some of the Rakghoul writings.


that would be awesome... right?

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Alright these are the species I'd like to see in-game.








Kel Dor






As an RPer I would like to have as many choices as possible and that pretty much includes a tad more advanced character customization , and of course Species, There are many signature species that haven't been implemented, but I hope there will be more alien-species added later on in a future content patch or something.


As for Rakghoul, I'd not really say Rakghoul as they often attack whatever they see, or whatever comes close to their ancestor's grave, Nekghouls however would be interesting to see, but it'd be really hard to implement.

Edited by kmildh
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Nautolan or Torguta would be great.



I am surprised you can't play as a droid, remember that general from clone wars ?


Gen Grievous was a Cyborg. He was a Kaleesh http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kaleesh


Which are in game. One of the jedi in the Consular storyline is one.


I want Wookies, I don't care about in game romance. I have a wife in rl. I don't care if he can't speak basic. I don't think he'd be a talker anyway.

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Kushabans, Bothans, and Ewoks oh my!


I don't remember seeing a Kushaban in a game before although because of the difficulty to animate cut scenes and armor I doubt it will happen any time in the near future.


Bothans are a truely alien race that wouldn't be that hard to animate. It wouldn't suprise me in the least to know the Devs are already working on this and half of the other creatures already mentioned in this forum for a future update.


And finely Ewokes, they could be some kind of gag race you pay extra to get or unlock by earning some achievement. Who wouldn't want to run around in the game as a Ewok Mercinary or Dark Sith Ewok Warrior? Personally i would play the race just for the sake of beating people at PVP as an Ewok, but, that's just me...

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