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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What Species do you want to be playable?


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There are Sullustan in the game, one that comes to mind is Garthe on Taris who I believe is over at Camp Aurek.


Most of all I'd like to see Ithorians, I just love that race. If they can make Twi'lek playable with that crazy head stuff they have, why not Ithorians?








Mon Cal


Togruta(would have preferred these to Twi'lek at launch, they just look cooler)




Aqualish(the Walrus looking guys from New Hope, one got his arm cut off by Obi-Wan, apparently they make great Smugglers and Mercenaries)


As far as Wookie goes, I like the idea to a degree, but I also sort of agree with the OP, I think far too many people would be playing them and it would start to look silly. Also there is the issue of them not speaking basic.


Oh also hmm, I think it would be really cool to have a few of the smaller species as playable, though I'm not sure it would work particularly well. I know a lot of people, myself included, would love to play a Force user that is Yoda's species...but this may get silly like wookies bc there aren't supposed to be too many of them around from what I understand? Jawa would be really cool but what classes would they be? This might get silly as well.


Most MMOs do have "small" racial options thoough, maybe they could think of something...

Edited by Cancrizans
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Almost No Work (already in as NPC/Companion and human-like): Togruta, Nautolan, Gran, Nikto, Duros, Rodian


Relatively Easy (not in or slightly irregular body features): Sullustan, Mon Calamari, Bothan


More Work (highly irregular body features): Wookiee, Ithorian, Trandoshan, Taz


Suggested Change: Remove cyborg as a race and instead make it an optional 4th talent tree for each class. That way, you spend skill points to get functional implants instead of window-dressing on a human model.

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Same....alien (NON human looking) shoulda been implemented but before you selected them youd get a message saying "If you select this race, you will be ineligible for romance arcs"


Some ppl including me, would totally be a Wookiee, Ithorian, or Talz if the only price to pay is not screwing some virtual chick.


/agree! Who cares about the romance arc anyway? It's so small overall, but being an Ithorian would be so awesome! :D

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Kel Dor was always my favorite Star Wars species so I would love to play as one. I can see why they didn't at release since the requirement for a mask and the shape of the head might mess with certain head gear/hoods, but Im hoping a major patch or expansion fixes that.
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id say bothan's and i think they have a chance at getting in too, they would be excellent agents ^^


and my reason for thinking they actually will be getting in game is simple and all of you CE folks will probably understand it best.


In the Journal of Gnost Dural theres a whole Chapter devoted to just bothawui so im pretty sure that planet will eventually get in, and if the planet gets in then its most likely the race gets in ofc.


+ one of the people from bioware at Dreamhack said i shouldnt lose hope of being able to play as a bothan, he didnt confirm or deny it just said dont lose hope ^^

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