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What Species do you want to be playable?


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A solution to the "Not Speaking Basic" problem.


If you don't want to listen to jiberish all the time. Don't play as a species that doesn't speak basic. If someone clearing gets annoyed by listening to an alien language then they shouldn't of picked that species. It's that simple. I however wouldn't mind it, also I bet there's many others who also wouldn't mind listening to it.

Edited by KeatoHarrolo
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If I was a Jedi or sith lord and I lost a duel to a freaking jawa, I would be some pissed...



Oh and another good race would be the butt faced guy from mos eisley cantina in ep 4, the one that gives luke a hard time.

Edited by HugoJenkins
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In addition to your list, I saw a dev post talking about how races also had to be very human, otherwise they were worried that players wouldn't be as emotionally connected to the characters because it would be hard to relate.


Trandoshans would fail your first criteria, as well as Wookiees. You also have to account for clipping of helmets/robes and animations for every single cut scene in the game. When you kiss companion_x as a Gran, would your snout go through their face?


I'd like to second nominations for:







And one or two of the following group:







Shistavanens are pretty human looking, I mean look at the images.





Its not that much of a stretch really, it at least seems more plausible then a wookiee.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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From a design perspective the races would need the following abilities:

- The capability to have romance feasible and graphically reasonable with current animations. So there's not major clipping or retarded whole head swallowing kissing.

- Capability to have mass amounts of dialogue without sounding overly repetitive, sounding stupid, or becoming a major conversation blocker. Looking at Wookies here, as much as I love them, they're much better when they have sparse dialogue rather than the mass amount of it offered in the game. Basically the ability to speak galactic basic regularly.

- Reasonable armor appearance without requiring serious remodeling for every piece of armor in the game.

- Enough racial customization to enable lots of choices without feeling too different from the other races options. Like making some races have tons of options while others have hardly any would upset a lot of people.

- The ability to have racial abilities and skills applicable to at least three different classes. Even if that means coming up with more classes.


Finally, a list of races that I think could be applied within those circumstances:

- Nautolan: Smugglers, Troopers, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunters (Not Imperial Agents due to Empire Racism)

- Iktochi - Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor

- Togruta - Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor

- Cathar - Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Trooper

- Duros - Smuggler, Trooper, Bounty Hunter

- Devaronian - Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter

- Zeltron - Smuggler, Jedi Consular, Sith Inquisitor, Imperial Agent

- Chagrian - Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor

- Droid - Smuggler, Trooper, Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent


Note on the classes... Imperial Agents aren't receiving much love because of how racist the Empire is. Smugglers are good with practically any race, actually they work as every race. Jedi and Sith do as well, honestly speaking. I made it halfway through the list I was going to make, not even halfway actually, and realized they either need more diversity in classes, or a set of standards for each class that isn't ridiculous.


The biggest problem lies in when somebody wants to play a race that they like as a class that they like and they can't. Bioware seems to have drawn lines that I can't quite understand in terms of race/class combinations. Aside from a few of them. In any case, what it ultimately boils down to isn't what races we want to see that can be implemented, it's what we want to see that can't.


Which are as follows:

- Wookies

- Jawas

- Ithorians

- Mon Calamari

- Sullustans

- Rodians

- Gran

- Kel Dor

- Chagrians

- Gungans

- Trandoshan

- Shistavanen

- Rakata



The reason for most of these are due to one of, or both of, two things. They cannot speak basic, or they would look ridiculous in the current romance scenes. There is also armor, a lack of reasonable class options, and lots of other things that can easily rule them out.


Bioware has excessively said that they don't want to make races that can't speak basic because they don't want players to get pissed off at a huge amount of conversation that all sounds like the same roars of a Wookie. They're not going to put half assed effort into doing something that will piss off a lot of people even if a number of people are saying, "Well you just don't have to play that race then." or "You can just skip through the dialogue without listening to it." That's not their goal. They're trying to make a game with story to enjoy and dialogue that makes you want to get involved and makes you feel involved. If you only want to play a race for their appearance, and you don't care about the dialogue and storyline they've offered up. Go back to playing Star Wars Galaxies or something.


I understand that you say you want to play a Wookie. But from the sounds of it, most of you just want to look like a Wookie, and don't care what his dialogue sounds like, what his romantic options are, or even what class you're going to end up playing. You just want to be a big hairy creature running around in armor.


I understand if you don't agree with the class limitations, but at least try to understand them. They're there for a reason, they're not arbitrary they're thought out. They're carefully planned, even if the customization isn't well implemented, they put effort into choosing what races to implement from the beginning. We're almost guaranteed to get more race/class/custimization options in the future. Only if they sit in line with what they've already established though. If they have to change the whole storyline and companion interaction, along with armor, quests and NPC interaction to factor in a different race that is vastly different than a human and then nobody is happy with it. Imagine all the time that they've then wasted trying to do something that you're displeased with. Plenty of people are complaining about the game as it is, why add in more to be disappointed about when they haven't fixed what everyone is already upset with?

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I still don't see the Shistavanen problem kaoticdrake its not like they had big heads or weird faces or anything, their snouts are not even that big it just looks like a face. Armor/clothing doesn't seem to be a problem, images of them with clothing almost look exactly like something a human could wear. Its more plausible then a wookiee at the very least. Besides we never EVER seen any in a SW game, meaning Bioware could throw in their own things to adding them. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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BTW, am I the only one who thinks the Cyborg "species" is ridiculous? They're Humans with prothstetic implants.


Also I think there should be atleast one more species added as playable for the Sith Warrior. With only 4 to choose from compared to the other classes, it feels a little limited. I mean I get the fact that it goes back to the "Sith Purity" thing, but they did add the Pureblood as an available species for the Inquisitor because there was such an outcry for it.

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I still don't see the Shistavanen problem kaoticdrake its not like they had big heads or weird faces or anything, their snouts are not even that big it just looks like a face. Armor/clothing doesn't seem to be a problem, images of them with clothing almost look exactly like something a human could wear. Its more plausible then a wookiee at the very least. Besides we never EVER seen any in a SW game, meaning Bioware could throw in their own things to adding them.


Personally I think it could work, I'm just not sure about the snouts, to me it seemed like most of them had a snout, which makes their character model less humanoid and they would have to change the romantic cut scenes and stuff for those characters, which means new animations. It would take a lot more effort than I think they're willing to put forth for one singular race.


Of course they -could- just "turn off" the romance options for races that wouldn't work with those animations, but I don't think they will. They want you to have emotional connection with your character, that's why they've stuck to the more humanoid races, and the cyborg...


Basically from my perspective in terms of design, they want to use races that are human looking, with small differences in appearance and culture so that more casual gamers don't feel estranged from their character and still build a connection. They want non-roleplayers to be roleplaying. Which I think is a brilliant idea and they've gone about it in a kind of cool way.


The problem is that they're catering too heavily toward the more casual Star Wars fans and trying to draw them further into roleplaying and Star Wars. I feel like there needs to be a better balance. People will inherently choose humans, regardless of other race options because inherently we are human and it feels more natural to play a human because we relate to ourselves. Those people who don't choose to play a human are inherently more open to experiencing a game or experience from a perspective not of their race. They're craving the knowledge of some other culture. So the problem lies in that Bioware doesn't seem to notice that, notice I said seem.

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Of course they -could- just "turn off" the romance options for races that wouldn't work with those animations, but I don't think they will. They want you to have emotional connection with your character, that's why they've stuck to the more humanoid races, and the cyborg...



What is this romance? I've never seen it in game yet. From the sounds of it, it's kissing because everyone says the faces need to be near human.


Why not make edited animations of the romance for species with non human faces and take out the kissing and just include hugging or something?

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What is this romance? I've never seen it in game yet. From the sounds of it, it's kissing because everyone says the faces need to be near human.


Why not make edited animations of the romance for species with non human faces and take out the kissing and just include hugging or something?


This romance is with various companions and random NPCs, it is kissing, hugging, etc.


The problem with making edited animations for the non humans, is there is a lot of possible romance for every class in this game and to just institute one new race, having to change ALL of that for that one non-human race is a monumental task. They have enough problems to work on and features to add and change as it is. To take on the monumental task of making all new animations for every romance scene in the game is just ridiculous.


Changing the kissing to hugging changes the feel the of the romance and makes the player less connected to their character and the romance with the NPC. A lot of people would then request that they change it to kissing. "You made the effort to put in the race, why not just institute romance like all the other races?"


Turning off the romance would ruin a lot of the sub-story and a lot of people would complain that the romance isn't there. "You put forth all this effort for the race and now you're taking out the romance for that race?"


Or they just make it so that the new race(s) have kissing animations and then they're going to have a **** storm of another kind. "You're supporting furry love?" or "You're supporting animal to human intercourse?" Parents would flip out, like they always do. As would a lot of conservatives.



Bioware took the safe route with the most humanoid races they could find that spoke basic and made their job easy enough to be accomplishable. Don't get me wrong, this is all informed speculation on my part as I am not a Bioware representative by any means. I suspect that we should expect not to see less humanoid races like the Gran and Rodians. No matter how much I would love to see them in the game, I would rather that this game continues, grows strong, works out all of its kinks and becomes a widely played game. Hopefully more so than WoW has been in the past and is currently. Then, maybe then, once they've built up a large fan base who has enjoyed what they've put out. Maybe then they can take the risk to put in races that are less humanoid because they won't have as critical of media coverage and they won't be in the middle of struggling to survive their first few months.


I hope that answers your questions. A few pages back somebody posted a link to the wiki page that listed all the humanoid species. There are a TON of species that look a lot more human than the more common Gran and Rodian who would be cool to see in game and won't require quite as much work or quite as much risk. Suggesting those would be to our benefit for higher diversity and may then lead to the ability to request races like Rodians and the Gran further down the line.


For now, I think the character customization needs to be further fleshed out and kink free before we even start adding races. Just a thought.

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I hope that as well as thinking about possible species to add to the game in possible expansions, Bioware also think about changing a few things about the current races we have, just simple things such as different hair styles, tattoos, beards etc. However the only race that does need quite a bit of tweaking is the Cyborgs. I hope that they add more things that will differ them from the normal human race. I personally would love to see cyborg prosthetic limbs.
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I think it's very very stupid how they don't have some playable species due to "Romance".


Same....alien (NON human looking) shoulda been implemented but before you selected them youd get a message saying "If you select this race, you will be ineligible for romance arcs"


Some ppl including me, would totally be a Wookiee, Ithorian, or Talz if the only price to pay is not screwing some virtual chick.

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- Devaronian


- Nagai;

Im not sure if they can exist in the galaxy at this time, but Id want them anyway since I originally thought of modeling my inq after Darth Nihl (obviously impossible due to lack of customization options)

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- Devaronian


- Nagai;

Im not sure if they can exist in the galaxy at this time, but Id want them anyway since I originally thought of modeling my inq after Darth Nihl (obviously impossible due to lack of customization options)


I know that the Devaronian are in game because I've seen them. So they could be a good species :)

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This romance is with various companions and random NPCs, it is kissing, hugging, etc.


The problem with making edited animations for the non humans, is there is a lot of possible romance for every class in this game and to just institute one new race, having to change ALL of that for that one non-human race is a monumental task. They have enough problems to work on and features to add and change as it is. To take on the monumental task of making all new animations for every romance scene in the game is just ridiculous.


Well just by making another set of animations for the species that don't have near human heads then that means there's a lot more possible species that could be added. Of course making a whole new set or editing the existing would be tough but it would bump up the variety of the game a lot and variety should be key in MMOs.



Changing the kissing to hugging changes the feel the of the romance and makes the player less connected to their character and the romance with the NPC. A lot of people would then request that they change it to kissing. "You made the effort to put in the race, why not just institute romance like all the other races?"


Stuff like this just makes people sound sad. To be honest the weird game sex scenes are ok and I watch them once but I'm starting to think there's a lot of weirdos out there.


Turning off the romance would ruin a lot of the sub-story and a lot of people would complain that the romance isn't there. "You put forth all this effort for the race and now you're taking out the romance for that race?"


Or they just make it so that the new race(s) have kissing animations and then they're going to have a **** storm of another kind. "You're supporting furry love?" or "You're supporting animal to human intercourse?" Parents would flip out, like they always do. As would a lot of conservatives.


It's a game. Sure parents and the media will jump on it. Bioware can just take it on the chin and laugh at them.


I hope that answers your questions. A few pages back somebody posted a link to the wiki page that listed all the humanoid species. There are a TON of species that look a lot more human than the more common Gran and Rodian who would be cool to see in game and won't require quite as much work or quite as much risk. Suggesting those would be to our benefit for higher diversity and may then lead to the ability to request races like Rodians and the Gran further down the line.


But the reason people want to paly different races is mainly to play the same race as their favourite star wars characters or just play them because they love the look of the species. There's a lot in that list which you hardly ever see in the films and people are not that interested in.


To be honest. Without Mon Calimari and Ithorians, the game is missing something.


For now, I think the character customization needs to be further fleshed out and kink free before we even start adding races. Just a thought.


This I also agree on 100%.


The main thing that annoys me at the moment is not being able to change the Twi'leks lekku. Being able to chose the lekku to be infront of the shoulders or behind the shoulders or both lekku wrapped around or only one lekku wrapped around. They could come up with lots of styles.


Also adding more hair, tatoos and scars are not that important but can't hurt anyone.

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