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NO troll intended. But anybody have an IDEA how they can fix ability delay?


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Just wondering what all the internet experts out there think.


but really


any good ideas for bioware to fix ability delay.


from what i gather its linked directly with the animation. if that's the case wouldn't the ENTIRE game have to be reworked?

Edited by chrisftw
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Just wondering what all the internet experts out there think.


bo really


any good ideas for bioware to fix ability delay.


from what i gather its linked directly with the animation. if that's the case wouldn't the ENTIRE game have to be reworked?


There is no ability delay. WoW suffers the same fate, except they hide it behind clever timing and data relay. Adapt to the "problem", it's not going anywhere. There is a problem with some abilities not firing, but it isn't related to animations. When things fire in succession, succesfully, the animations cut into themselves to complete the cycle, as intended.

Edited by mattdell
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There is no ability delay. WoW suffers the same fate, except they hide it behind clever timing and data relay. Adapt to the "problem", it's not going anywhere.


There is an ability delay. WoW doesn't suffer from it and they don't have to hide anything because they have had a few abilities that did give delay and they changed them. You can't adapt to this because the more you play it sticks out like a sore.

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No one outside BW would be able to know, because none of us know how they modified the Hero engine, so no one knows what their base code is.


is it in the code though?


because its linked so closely with the animation.


in fact HP isn't even taken off of the NPC or PLAYER until the FISHBAT hits the NPC PLAYER.


which is pretty cool. but in turn creates an ability delay.

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There is an ability delay. WoW doesn't suffer from it and they don't have to hide anything because they have had a few abilities that did give delay and they changed them. You can't adapt to this because the more you play it sticks out like a sore.


yes i've started to agree with the trolls on this subject. and i'm pretty much a fanboy its getting really irritating when i interrupt myself doing something


or the game glitches and doesn't complete an animation so then i get penalized by not being able to use a skill that could COST ME MY LIFE





why hast thou forsaken me! *crys*

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There is no ability delay. WoW suffers the same fate, except they hide it behind clever timing and data relay. Adapt to the "problem", it's not going anywhere.



I am sorry... are you an alien? Are we playing the same game?

Cast + instant very often screws up and consumes GCD without any effects.

Instant + instant is screwed up even more. I very often find myself using an ability that makes my next ability instant only to see it still being cast and the charge being consumed.


And that's just one example. Stop trolling, every except you knows the issue.


I don't know how they'll fix it. I sense a lot of coding. Perhaps if the animations weren't so important. I know it wont be easy and we will perhaps not see a fix for months if ever.

Edited by Yakito
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There is an ability delay. WoW doesn't suffer from it and they don't have to hide anything because they have had a few abilities that did give delay and they changed them. You can't adapt to this because the more you play it sticks out like a sore.


Absolutely incorrect. They do suffer from it, and to hide it they changed the way the client displays data. You don't see it because you're not intended to see it, but it's there if you have the proper software to datalog it. I have adapted JUST FINE to this "ability delay". Its not a delay, it's a queue system.


Put a spell in the 1 box. Then put another in 2.


Now press 1.

0.5 seconds before your GCD ends, press 2.

Ability 2 WILL FIRE, its a queue system. There is no delay, this is the way it works, and it's hidden in WoW by not showing you the results of your actions until the server has already processed and accepted the action, something this game doesn't do. It's an illusion of a problem, further progressed by the fact that if your ping time is higher when the data is coming back to you, it will skew everything up. Stop trying to sound informed when you have ZERO understand of the true issues in the code.

Edited by mattdell
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It wasn't in beta, but it is in live game. I have no idea what they broke, but they're good at breaking things that once worked.


There was no GCD bug on rapid key presses in beta either, but it's in the game now.


i thought that was just me!!




perhaps the trolls were onto something.


i'm really hoping BIOWARE can get a FIX on this seriously. i mean i'll stick it out but god its got me killed SO MANY TIMES. i'm like jamming on the key and it keeps resetting the animation or something and i can't cast it unless i just press the KEY and watch a short movie. of me applying




how do you expect my Jedi to talk about this.


"Kaano, you just stood there flinching it looked like you wanted to drop your sweep but it never happened..."

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Absolutely incorrect. They do suffer from it, and to hide it they changed the way the client displays data. You don't see it because you're not intended to see it, but it's there if you have the proper software to datalog it. I have adapted JUST FINE to this "ability delay". Its not a delay, it's a queue system.


Put a spell in the 1 box. Then put another in 2.


Now press 1.

0.5 seconds before your GCD ends, press 2.

Ability 2 WILL FIRE, its a queue system. There is no delay, this is the way it works, and it's hidden in WoW by not showing you the results of your actions until the server has already processed and accepted the action, something this game doesn't do. It's an illusion of a problem, further progressed by the fact that if your ping time is higher when the data is coming back to you, it will skew everything up. Stop trying to sound informed when you have ZERO understand of the true issues in the code.


In your analysis.


then the issue can be fixed. they can hide it.


Dude i don't care what it is. HIDE it THROW it away OR FIX it. but do SOMETHING with it

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In your analysis.


then the issue can be fixed. they can hide it.


Dude i don't care what it is. HIDE it THROW it away OR FIX it. but do SOMETHING with it


Hard fix. Its a problem with the game engine, WoW spent years trying to fix it. Realized they couldn't, so they cleverly hid it.


Try this out for some brain candy. You're in WoW, on your epic flying mount. You agro a caster mob. That caster mob fires a fireball at you, while you're flying.


In your combat log, the ball has already hit you, and damaged you, yet the fireball remains behind you in mid air, trying to catch up. The client doesn't show the damage on your health bar, or in the floating combat text, because they are hiding the inherit delay that was complained about for years. If you stop flying, the fireball will catch you, and hit you, and you'll see the red numbers for damage, and your health bar will go down.. But in reality, it already happened, long ago.


Those same basic principles of coding are the current flaw we're hearing about with the ability delay. It's not a delay, its your ping time fluctuating between client-server communications, and the expected results are not being received in the very small window of time that they are given.

Edited by mattdell
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Just wondering what all the internet experts out there think.


but really


any good ideas for bioware to fix ability delay.


from what i gather its linked directly with the animation. if that's the case wouldn't the ENTIRE game have to be reworked?


It's the hero engine, so yes, the entire game would essentially have to be reworked if it is indeed a problem with the engine.



Why Bioware chose this terrible engine, I don't know, but I suspect it had something to do with taking a cheap shortcut.

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There is no ability delay. WoW suffers the same fate, except they hide it behind clever timing and data relay. Adapt to the "problem", it's not going anywhere. There is a problem with some abilities not firing, but it isn't related to animations. When things fire in succession, succesfully, the animations cut into themselves to complete the cycle, as intended.


There is no ability delay.


Well sir, you should inform the developer that posted they're looking into solving this issue and the thread that has had over four thousand posts on the matter.


To answer the OP's question: Ability delay has been observed in every game which uses the Hero Engine. Which started the topic about why this engine was used at all. Can it be fixed? Maybe. If its too hard and too time consuming they might ignore it while they scramble to push out features to keep people from leaving the game. Like basic game features such as moving our UI around.

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It's the hero engine, so yes, the entire game would essentially have to be reworked if it is indeed a problem with the engine.



Why Bioware chose this terrible engine, I don't know, but I suspect it had something to do with taking a cheap shortcut.


Not even close. Hero engine is actually good, and Bioware heavily modified the engine.




Link or its not true.

Edited by darthdoll
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There is no ability delay. WoW suffers the same fate, except they hide it behind clever timing and data relay. Adapt to the "problem", it's not going anywhere. There is a problem with some abilities not firing, but it isn't related to animations. When things fire in succession, succesfully, the animations cut into themselves to complete the cycle, as intended.


There is an ability delay. Wow does not suffer from it (in fact it has the most smooth and responsive gameplay out there) and IF they are hiding it then they do it perfectly because it's so smooth.

Edited by StormDragonlord
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There is no ability delay.


Well sir, you should inform the developer that posted they're looking into solving this issue and the thread that has had over four thousand posts on the matter.


To answer the OP's question: Ability delay has been observed in every game which uses the Hero Engine. Which started the topic about why this engine was used at all. Can it be fixed? Maybe. If its too hard and too time consuming they might ignore it while they scramble to push out features to keep people from leaving the game. Like basic game features such as moving our UI around.



Why is it that no one on this forum has any intelligence when it comes to business matters? They tell you that they are looking into it simply to appease you. There is nothing to fix. Only hiding the delay can be done. Read my post above the one I'm quoting from you. That is the fix they are likely developing. There is NO flaw in the design, it's inherit to the internet to have fluctuating pings.

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Hard fix. Its a problem with the game engine, WoW spent years trying to fix it. Realized they couldn't, so they cleverly hid it.


Try this out for some brain candy. You're in WoW, on your epic flying mount. You agro a caster mob. That caster mob fires a fireball at you, while you're flying.


In your combat log, the ball has already hit you, and damaged you, yet the fireball remains behind you in mid air, trying to catch up. The client doesn't show the damage on your health bar, or in the floating combat text, because they are hiding the inherit delay that was complained about for years. If you stop flying, the fireball will catch you, and hit you, and you'll see the red numbers for damage, and your health bar will go down.. But in reality, it already happened, long ago.


Those same basic principles of coding are the current flaw we're hearing about with the ability delay. It's not a delay, its your ping time fluctuating between client-server communications, and the expected results are not being received in the very small window of time that they are given.


A voice of reason? Here? Nonsense...

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You can go into the options preferences and allow up to a 1 second pre-stack of your next ability to use.


Otherwise, there is an intended 1.5 second Global Cooldown (GCD) between your use of each ability.



Wow..seriously.. don't mean to be rude but if you don't know what people are talking about just don't answer..

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Wrong. Read more of my posts.


Read my edit. And I'll be happy if they copy WoW's combat. Even if what you speak is true. (of course I don't believe you, I don't see any proof other than your text and while it's been years since I last played WoW, I remember their combat perfectly and it's 100x smoother than SWTOR.) If it comes out to be true though, nothing wrong with that, just make it like WoW's.

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