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When you make a 50 only bracket, get rid of premades too or this will fail.


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Anchorhead server here. Empire level 50 premades dominate our server. Unless you're going to disable premades somehow, having a level 50 only bracket is going to absolutely ruin the republic side.


It's so bad right now, many players are leaving premades vs certain guilds because it's just no fun getting curbstomped vs a premade.


Please consider removing premades from pvp.

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Just leave a premade group and let them play their beloved Huttball. Whenever I see only 2 guilds on empire side rolling with nothing but all 50s in full PvP gear, I just leave and other republic players have picked up on this pattern too.


Why fight completely pointless losing battle and feed them? Just leave and tell others why you're leaving and soon enough everyone follows the pattern.


If they wanna roflstomp somene with those premades, have a nice cup of Huttball playing against your own faction.

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Just leave a premade group and let them play their beloved Huttball. Whenever I see only 2 guilds on empire side rolling with nothing but all 50s in full PvP gear, I just leave and other republic players have picked up on this pattern too.


Why fight completely pointless losing battle and feed them? Just leave and tell others why you're leaving and soon enough everyone follows the pattern.


If they wanna roflstomp somene with those premades, have a nice cup of Huttball playing against your own faction.


This is exactly what most of us have been doing.


The problem? It's happening so much we're hardly playing any games now.

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Sorry guys, if you don't have the guild or friends to make premade. You guys forget one thing, your playing a MMO. I don't want to be stuck with pugs, I want to go beyond the 4 man groups and be able to make 8 man premade groups. I didn't play this game to solo and twiddle my thumbs. I want to go in with a 8 man ops and pwn it up!
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People who have no life and skip the whole game to just power lvl to 50, SHOULD be bored and have long que times and have to play alone with there selfs only.


They wanted to pass all the regular players, now SIT ON YOUR BUTT ALONE AND BORED.


Dont expect simpathy from regular players when no life losers QQ because they cant que up faster.

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Sorry guys, if you don't have the guild or friends to make premade. You guys forget one thing, your playing a MMO. I don't want to be stuck with pugs, I want to go beyond the 4 man groups and be able to make 8 man premade groups. I didn't play this game to solo and twiddle my thumbs. I want to go in with a 8 man ops and pwn it up!


I have a guild and I have friends. However, not many guilds or people on Republic side rushed like madman to 50 and started gearing up only to roflstomp the other faction. While I see nothing wrong with that attitude, it leaves you in the current state of affairs.


Empire outnumber Republic by more than 5:1 on some servers. Out of 100 guilds on a server, 23 are Republic, rest is Empire. Of those 25 guilds, maybe 2-3 have over 45 people.


The fact of the matter is, Empire has some really great PvP players. No doubt about it. Some of those guys will tear you up in 1v1. However, there are far too many scrubs who suck and the only saving grace for them is that they are surrounded by other 50s while fighting teens and 20s.


I can't tell you how many times an Empire player attempted to start a fight with me, and despite me ignoring them from stealth they looked for me, only to tuck tail and run back to the zerg when their health drops to 30%. What happens next? I get 5 people CCing me and DPSing me while the scrub who started a fight sits behind the line of "buddies". Some may call it smart, and it is, but it is also a problem.


I don't want to waste my time fighting losing battles for 20 commendations. It will take 20 minutes to grind those 20, while the next instant queue pop may put me against a pug that republic might actually win.


Not our problem that you have way too many bad *** evil wannabes. I will continue leaving such pointless encounters even if there is a debuf. Chances are even with debuf due to our queue being instant I will still get to play sooner than the guy who just had Warzone shut down on them for wanting to roflstomp people.

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Just leave a premade group and let them play their beloved Huttball. Whenever I see only 2 guilds on empire side rolling with nothing but all 50s in full PvP gear, I just leave and other republic players have picked up on this pattern too.


Why fight completely pointless losing battle and feed them? Just leave and tell others why you're leaving and soon enough everyone follows the pattern.


If they wanna roflstomp somene with those premades, have a nice cup of Huttball playing against your own faction.


Sounds like you are a baddy that wants free wins, try harder big guy.

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Sorry guys, if you didn't have lots of free time to power level to 50 and exploit Illium and Outlaws Den to acquire god-like gear with little honest effort or if you've simply gone through 20 bags without an upgrade... you need to understand you're playing an MMO with a poorly tested, poorly implemented PvP system.


And even with the incoming changes you need to realize the genie is already out of the bottle and PvP will continue to be garbage for at least another month as the overwhelming majority struggle to catch up whilst fighting an uphill battle.


That said, I support Premades, and getting rid of them will kill the game. Ask anyone that played Global Agenda.

Edited by Kromzor
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People who have no life and skip the whole game to just power lvl to 50, SHOULD be bored and have long que times and have to play alone with there selfs only.


They wanted to pass all the regular players, now SIT ON YOUR BUTT ALONE AND BORED.


Dont expect simpathy from regular players when no life losers QQ because they cant que up faster.


Funny, I've been lvl 50 for a week or so and I in no way rushed. Including pre-release its been 20 days or so. Stop slacking and posting useless posts in the forums and you might level faster.


I wouldn't say I power leveled, I completed each planet prior to leaving, did a few, not all of the FP's on the way and que'd for pvp a couple times, watched all the cutscenes and maxed my 3 tradeskills. All that while working 4 days a week, 12hr's a day (10hr days plus commute time) and dealing with 2 kids (4yo and 2yo). If I complete a quest without having to get up to do something I consider myself lucky.


Oddly, if you pick ONE character and level it, it goes pretty quickly. If you have 4 lvl 20's, then you're doing it wrong and should be a punching bag for the lvl 50's.


And I support premades, though I don't like rolling up against them and rarely do one myself. I tend to do more PVE, which requires "premades"... and hey we're all level 50! PvPers choose PvP content, they should be allowed to que up 8 and do that as well, as its thier "op". Yes it sucks to be a pug against them, but last I checked you didn't have to win to progress in PvP, you only have to participate.

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People who have no life and skip the whole game to just power lvl to 50, SHOULD be bored and have long que times and have to play alone with there selfs only.


They wanted to pass all the regular players, now SIT ON YOUR BUTT ALONE AND BORED.


Dont expect simpathy from regular players when no life losers QQ because they cant que up faster.


Why do people all have this idiotic jealous perception of 50s? I have grinded MULTIPLE 50s already (Winter break, jealous eh? :) ) and have yet to skip any of the scenes or areas. I am sorry you are uncapable of reaching level 50 in a timely manner but you should probably drop your whole "50s have no life and are bums" attitude because those people that are 50 may be better of than you are :)

Edited by Rancorzealot
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Sorry guys, if you don't have the guild or friends to make premade. You guys forget one thing, your playing a MMO. I don't want to be stuck with pugs, I want to go beyond the 4 man groups and be able to make 8 man premade groups. I didn't play this game to solo and twiddle my thumbs. I want to go in with a 8 man ops and pwn it up!


I dunno about everyone else, but I actually sometimes enjoy meeting new people BECAUSE I joined a pug. I'm quite sure that (exclusively) playing premades won't allow you to do this... quite sure indeed. Now I'm also quite sure that this is part of playing an MMO. I'm sorry you fail to realize that.


Perhaps you're just saying these things to hide the fact that you're not the epitome of an MMO player, as you apparently find yourself to be due to your first few sentences. Or perhaps you're just like the type of people that the OP is referring to and you can only enjoy facerolling to victory. You youngin's and your lack of self-worth and honor.

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Sounds like you are a baddy that wants free wins, try harder big guy.


Oh I am, I am very very bad. I am terribad.


I don't run from being stomped on an even footing. 1v1, 2v1, 3v1 engagements of random people, it's all great and part of the fun. But, when I am fighting 6 people of which 2 are healers and all of them are level 50, while rest of my team is teens, 20s and a random 30 or 40, what possible hope do I have at making any difference?


I can kill the 2 guys guarding one of the nodes, but the moment he screams in Ventrilo "need help", his entire team shows up and poof I am dead in 3 seconds or less. So why rack up killing blows for Empire? Why give them the pleasure at all? I'll simply leave warzone and requeue while the roflstompers wait for warzone to shut down.


Yeah I am bad. Try rolling a 50 on our side and face your own faction before you spew crap like that.

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exact same issue on The Crucible Pits, except reverse. One republic guild runs 50 premades all day long 9they have like 1500 people in across 5 guilds that work together.


Poetic justice. My regret is I didn't roll on that server.

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Poetic justice. My regret is I didn't roll on that server.


Trust me you dont want to be here.


The moment server transfers are available, if im still around im moving.


So full of trolls its ridiculous. And that one guild is practically 80% of all the republic on the server. it is just terrible.

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Im sure there will be a que random option. (Didnt WoW eventually add one?)


I cant count how many games Ive played from MMOs to RTS that haven't included a que random option. Its the same thing everytime, at first everyone just starts leaving when the recognize a premade. After a while people just stop queing altogether and the battlegrounds start to die off.


This isn't a problem just from the side of being a solo random, but also your premade. Sure at first its fun roflstomping every pug group in battlegrounds. Then you get all your PvP gear or achievements or whatever and eventually it becomes stale for the premades as well. I remember in WoW we had several guild members who lost all interest in premades because it was the same roflstomp every time. At first you try funny things like all healers heal the melee warlock, but even that gets old. Every now and then youll fight another premade and have the best time of your gaming life only to realize they are few and far between.


People say "what about the que times, they will go up!". Well unfortunately for the lopsided faction they will. But what happens when no one from the republic is queing up? Que times go up so BW adds same faction BG's. The problem is the cycle continues even on that side. Solo que people start leaving when the recognize a premade, then stop queing altogether. Now no republic or solo Imp are queing. So in the long run que times go up even more than if they had just added a solo que option from the beginning.

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Anchorhead server here. Empire level 50 premades dominate our server. Unless you're going to disable premades somehow, having a level 50 only bracket is going to absolutely ruin the republic side.


It's so bad right now, many players are leaving premades vs certain guilds because it's just no fun getting curbstomped vs a premade.


Please consider removing premades from pvp.


So now that people are gonna get there 50 bracket wish you are already cueing up the next complaint.


Good Idea though an MMORPG where you cant group with people. Maybe you should try a single player game.

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its already ruined by premades now, brackets 50 cant ruin it more...it will just fix it a little...


And if you have read, Ranked Warzones are coming.


What 50 brackets will do (for the time being) is make it impossible to dodge those premades.


With limited number of people queuing, even waiting those 2-5 mintues will have a very high chance of putting you right back against the Premade.


and ranked warzones wont change anything, premades will still queue to kill pugs until it is changed.

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Pre-made groups are such a minor problem when compared to gear. You're just thinking pre-made = win because most of the pre-made groups have gear.


When the 50 que comes it's going to be brutal to watch how one sided matches will be. Every match will go to the team who got gear before the 50 que was put in.


But 1-49 PVP should be fun again!

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What 50 brackets will do (for the time being) is make it impossible to dodge those premades.


With limited number of people queuing, even waiting those 2-5 mintues will have a very high chance of putting you right back against the Premade.


and ranked warzones wont change anything, premades will still queue to kill pugs until it is changed.


Eventually more people will be 50 making a lot more chances for pug vs pug...


And when i meant that it will get "fixed" its about a more fair battle instead premade vs lvl 10.

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Pre-made groups are such a minor problem when compared to gear. You're just thinking pre-made = win because most of the pre-made groups have gear.


When the 50 que comes it's going to be brutal to watch how one sided matches will be. Every match will go to the team who got gear before the 50 que was put in.


But 1-49 PVP should be fun again!


Sorry, but ill fight a 4 man group of disorganized geared level 50s, than a 4 man group of organized fresh level 50s any day.

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