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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Starship Holorecordings


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Nearing the end of my class quest and just realized there's a shelf of holorecordings on the starship:eek:.


Mine are just short scenes with Bengel Morr checking in from across the galaxy.


I'm kind of curious now though, about what sorts of recordings you get (if any) if you didn't let him go free or if you can unlock more for other choices in the game. Anyways feel free to share.

Edited by Seismax
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They're located on the shelves behind the seats in the back of the Holo Projector room.


Based on the various scenes it looks like you're supposed to get them every few planets... but I didn't notice the glowy at all until almost the very end and just ended up watching them all at once.


It could be they're bugged and only show up all at once at some specific point in your class quests though :(.

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Yeah, they are pretty cool.. I also got all 3 at the same time.


Honestly Bengal would have been a great companion character to have instead of Kira. Bengal's story is tied to your master, and tied to your own decision on Tython, his goals to defeat the sith are the same as yours, though his methods were extreme and his redemption or joining forces with him would have been a great progression to play out alongside the main story whereas Kira is just sort of tacked on and really doesnt have much connection to the main arch. Bengal is a more complex and intersting character than Kira, even with her full story explored.

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Yeah, they are pretty cool.. I also got all 3 at the same time.


Honestly Bengal would have been a great companion character to have instead of Kira. Bengal's story is tied to your master, and tied to your own decision on Tython, his goals to defeat the sith are the same as yours, though his methods were extreme and his redemption or joining forces with him would have been a great progression to play out alongside the main story whereas Kira is just sort of tacked on and really doesnt have much connection to the main arch. Bengal is a more complex and intersting character than Kira, even with her full story explored.


If Bengal replaced Kira then who can you romance?


Honestly, Doc wouldve been a better choice since Kira is YOUR padawan. He seems to be the ONLY person that just randomly joins your crew.

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If Bengal replaced Kira then who can you romance?


Honestly, Doc wouldve been a better choice since Kira is YOUR padawan. He seems to be the ONLY person that just randomly joins your crew.


You get rid of Doc and you pretty much neuter the class I hate to say. He's the only reason I've made it to 46. Now if Rusk or Scourge were viable I'd be much MUCH happier.

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You get rid of Doc and you pretty much neuter the class I hate to say. He's the only reason I've made it to 46. Now if Rusk or Scourge were viable I'd be much MUCH happier.


They are far more viable when geared than out of the box, though don't quite compare to having the convenience of a healer for reducing downtime, no matter how hard they hit.

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  • 3 months later...

Yeah, these came as a surprise to me as well. I discovered them around 45lvl or so, but I'm sure they existed earlier. I just happened to be mousing over the area, and discovered them completely by accident. Pretty cool.


I hope they have more of these! Looks like there's room for more.

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I went back and looked again. I can't find anything around the couch at all that is intractable. Unless I'm missing something obvious, I'm fairly confident that I don't have any holorecordings in my game.


they might be triggered depending on how you interacted with Morr

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My brother told me that he got a recorded message from darkside Bengal Morr, who he allowed to leave Tython. But I also saw one from lightside Bengal Morr coming from Tython. I subdued him and sent him to the Council in our encounter so I would assume that I'd get a message from him.
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Huh, went and looked and the three messages are there from him.


Funny thing though, the bookcase was NOT lit up as clickable until AFTER I hovered over the thing, clicked it and listened to a message. After that it's obvious. But without knowing that it was there by reading this thread, I'd never have thought to mouse over the bookshelves as there was no visual indicator and no mention of any messages throughout the whole JK quest...

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Yes, I was happily surprised about these holo's as well and also discovered them around lv 45'ish.


Made me go "Heya dawg, how you doin'??? Saw yer vids the other day, smoooooth" when I encountered him again on Corellia's class quests. :p

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