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15 Days between Love and Hate, Sincerely - A Fan Boy


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What?!? You hit lvl 50 in only 15 days? That's the problem right there. If I played that intensly to hit 50 that quick I would be pissed off the entire time and ready to explode. You missed the entire point of even playing an MMO. I would personally like to take you out into the woods and kick you in the balls as hard as I can with steel toed boots and run away screaming like a drunk schoolgirl cause it's what you deserve. You should not even be playing an MMO period! Sheesh! This kind of mentality really pisses me off. Then you have the audacity to come here and ***** and moan and whine on the forums in an attempt to piss everyone else off just cause you ruined your own experience.


Uh its not that hard to get to 50 in 15 days, I wouldn't even say that I rushed. I really enjoyed my storylines, I even did all the side quests on most planets and only have the Belsavis/Voss/Correlia bonus series left, along with the Ilum content.


I still have stuff to do, the issue is, the true "progression" of my character stops at the gate that says "you must grind this many dailies to achieve X amount of advancement as a character".


Thats just....bleh. I'm more likely to do the Bonus series quests than I am even near to enticed into getting in the gear grind line.


So really, seriously, I didn't miss anything, I did a lot of flashpoints with my friends and guildmates along the way, tons of planetary sidequesting, even some PvP (Huttball, almost always Huttball). So its not like I wasn't spreading out my experience and enjoying the content.


Its just not that difficult to get to level 50 in this game. I was level 50 before I left Voss for Correlia, I hadn't even completed my main story arc.

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Self determination.


Couple MMO's have pulled it off. Unfortunately thinking for yourself has shown to be less popular than hand holding, so, those MMO's didn't do/haven't done so well.


Which MMO's are you referring to? And what did those specific MMO's do to make the endgame better?


I have enjoyed SWTOR immensely for 20 days. Days Ashes_Arizona not weeks not months but days it is only been 20 days since launch.


Give the guys a break, you are not sure why they had to change the things they did. Maybe it did not work well or BioWare was told to change it by EA. Who knows and it might come back in a later patch.


If you wanna leave the game fine it is your right, if you want to post your grievances on the forums fine that is what the forums are here for, but please do not lash out at the Devs for something that could be completely out of their control. Insulting the BioWare staff is a bit over the top.


Basically all I am trying to say is give the game a chance to fully "mature" before making a final decision.

Edited by dontheox
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I wish I could play as much as the op does. I was able to get to lvl 40 during vacation holidays, and I'll be able to put in some solid hours this weekend but I still won't be hitting 50 for another 2 weeks maybe longer. Then I'll roll new characters, and getting them to 50 will take many months simply because I won't have the time due to work.


Looks like a lot of folks simply have too much time on their hands and get through a MMO like you would a console game.

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I wish I could play as much as the op does. I was able to get to lvl 40 during vacation holidays, and I'll be able to put in some solid hours this weekend but I still won't be hitting 50 for another 2 weeks maybe longer. Then I'll roll new characters, and getting them to 50 will take many months simply because I won't have the time due to work.


Looks like a lot of folks simply have too much time on their hands and get through a MMO like you would a console game.


I work for myself out of my home as a texture artist and 3D Designer. I pretty much have whatever time I want to have unless I have a priority project with an insane deadline on my desk.


We all have different circumstances, I'm not mad that I leveled up so fast, I'm fine with the speed, I'm just disappointed with the cowardice shown, on the part of BioWare, in regards to attempting to even deviate one micron to the left, or right, in regards to the way the end game has been handled in World of Warcraft over the years.


To even try to argue that BioWare has not literally carbon copied post BC/post WoTLK WoW end game activities, would show a distinct ignorance of how WoW's end game turned out at all.

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I work for myself out of my home as a texture artist and 3D Designer. I pretty much have whatever time I want to have unless I have a priority project with an insane deadline on my desk.


We all have different circumstances, I'm not mad that I leveled up so fast, I'm fine with the speed, I'm just disappointed with the cowardice shown, on the part of BioWare, in regards to attempting to even deviate one micron to the left, or right, in regards to the way the end game has been handled in World of Warcraft over the years.


To even try to argue that BioWare has not literally carbon copied post BC/post WoTLK WoW end game activities, would show a distinct ignorance of how WoW's end game turned out at all.


So give them ideas in the mean time, I sure will as to what stuff they can do for end game. I for one would love swoop bike racing. The game is only 2 weeks old.

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got through the whole thread. Wow!


1. I thought the original post was very well put and has considerable merit but the game is brand new, not even one major patch to it. I don't think all the good ideas that might have been bounced around during beta testing are necessarily lost and forgotten.


2. I think the Orange modifiable gear in the game is very easy to use and it would be nice to see more in future patches. This should be easy math for the game maker; One piece with 4 mod slots = 4x more boss killings to get what you want (if bosses drop epic mods) and now the gamer is fighting 24x to 32x more boss fights (or other tasks) if all the gear can be modified.


3. For all the WoW talk it seems that maybe some have forgoten the first release of that game. Forgot running from Cross Roads to Razor Fen Downs every time the group wiped, and other senseless time wasting events that stayed in that game for years.


4. Too much grinding sucks unless your getting xp for it and even then it sucks.


5. Social points are a nice twist to the group content and give the cut scenes more interest. Having the players in the cut scene is very nice as well. Too bad we all look like we shop at Good Will and Salvation Army.


6. Pod Racing would really be cool especially if it was PvP.


7. I think it's worth every bit of $60 and the cost per month until I'm bored with it and by then I'm hoping they come out with a good patch or two.

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Why would you even want to be close to that. Its a system of exclusion. It doesn't promote cohesive server communities.


You're literally endorsing caste systems as if they're a good thing. Thats just....wow.


Some of us like that aspect of an MMO... any game, especially an MMO, is a competition. Everybody should be striving to be the best. Sucks to be on the bottom, but it sure is nice on the top. :p

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Some of us like that aspect of an MMO... any game, especially an MMO, is a competition. Everybody should be striving to be the best. Sucks to be on the bottom, but it sure is nice on the top. :p



Nope, you couldn't be more wrong.


MMOs are a game... and games are for fun. There is a sub-genre of games called Competitive games. This would include most sports (but not all), and the PvP aspect of games. There's no reason for competition to be forced upon people who don't want it.

Edited by Kashaan
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New content takes a month to implement, and a week for players to roll through it. Most people want to be the best and the first at everything in an MMO. If you're bored between Ops times, reroll and experience another story for yourself. At least you have that option, whereas in WoW you basically clicked through everything as fast as you could trying to reach 85.
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Imagine that every piece of gear you pick up that has stats, has those stats because it has mods in it.


So you get a green drop on your starter world, and that green drop has two stats? Why? Cause its got a mod in it.


Over time you could find a look you really liked, and consistently upgrade the mods in it and play with that one look all the way to the end game. Without any penalty for doing so.


That sounds awesome. It reminds me of yesterday, playing my Jedi Guardian and really liking the look of the chest you get from Tython commendations and then hating the look of the orange one you get from the gree quests. I was trying to find an orange one on GTN for the look, but no luck. Seriously, just let me have a damn look I like BW!


As our esteemed l33t raiders have pointed out, thats no longer an option cause if you're not grinding for end game "gear" right now, you won't be able to actually pursue the "end game" which is extremely viable as a truth because thats how it generally works in every other game, you grind for the "welfare epics" so you can qualify to even be allowed to go on the grand "field trip" to the "evil fortress of doom" where you can defeat the "ultimate and unbeatable evil" of the current game state, so you can get epics that are not "welfare epics" and be the most l33t people on the server! Until the next patch, that comes along, and makes your l33t epics no better than welfare epics and you have to grind out a gear set for the new gear rating tier again...lather, rinse, repeat.


This is the big thing that drove me away from WOW after 4 years.


In beta, even with this process, if you liked the way your first Jedi Robe looked, you could strip the mods out of even the highest level elite epic legendary piece of armor from the hardest encounter in the game and put those high level mods in your newbie robe, and be just as good as someone wearing the elite epic legendary piece of gear.




This isn't all that changed, but it was a gigantic issue of contention between the beta players and the BioWare devs and a lot of us skirted our NDA's very heavily bringing the issue out into the light of the public.


And to be frank the only reason that you can mod gear at all right now is probably because of what we did. Because the build they threw at us that gutted that system, its original form had no modifiable armors at all, and only certain quest awarded weapons were modifiable. As things stand right now, there are modifiable pieces in the game, but theres not much point in using them as static stat Prototypes almost always heavily outstrip the stats and armor factor of pieces of modifiable gear of the exact same level.


That makes me sad. I'm still very 'on the fence' with how long I'll play. I have school starting next week anyway, so I'll have to see what my time is like. Thanks for the post though. It really just makes me sad and frustrated that they droped something so cool for something so...average.

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That sounds awesome. It reminds me of yesterday, playing my Jedi Guardian and really liking the look of the chest you get from Tython commendations and then hating the look of the orange one you get from the gree quests. I was trying to find an orange one on GTN for the look, but no luck. Seriously, just let me have a damn look I like BW!




This is the big thing that drove me away from WOW after 4 years.








That makes me sad. I'm still very 'on the fence' with how long I'll play. I have school starting next week anyway, so I'll have to see what my time is like. Thanks for the post though. It really just makes me sad and frustrated that they droped something so cool for something so...average.


Welcome to MMORPGs... can I take your order.

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Welcome to MMORPGs... can I take your order.

Not sure what you were trying to say with that. I said I played WOW for 4 years, before that AO, COX, DAOC for about 2 or more years each. I have an understanding how the genre tends to work. Just would be nice if more companies would take their bold ideas to market instead of just pandering to the base.

Edited by eponymousbosch
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Well, we certainly agree on the grinding aspect of the game. Right now, I'm taking my time with my level 30 BH. I can tell that once I get to 50 and try out end-game, story will take a backseat while the grind resurfaces.


Best post ever. Pay attention Bioware. D3 is coming ands gear grind through dailies at 50the can't measure up to that.

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Well, what else are you supposed to do at end game? They'll add new end-game content, the end-gamers will plow through it in a week or less and be bored again. The next month or two, they'll add more end-game content, the end-gamers will plow through it in a week or less and be bored again. Rinse and repeat indefinitely. No game will EVER be able to keep up enough end-game content to provide people will endless fresh end-game content. So that doesn't leave much else but grinding through it over and over for better equipment unless you like rolling alts. Perhaps they should just build you an entirely new game every 2 weeks?
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Well, what else are you supposed to do at end game? They'll add new end-game content, the end-gamers will plow through it in a week or less and be bored again. The next month or two, they'll add more end-game content, the end-gamers will plow through it in a week or less and be bored again. Rinse and repeat indefinitely. No game will EVER be able to keep up enough end-game content to provide people will endless fresh end-game content. So that doesn't leave much else but grinding through it over and over for better equipment unless you like rolling alts. Perhaps they should just build you an entirely new game every 2 weeks?


What any sane person does is they walk away and go find another video game that makes them happy. I tried this game after an old WoW guildie begged me but it's just like WoW at endgame if not worse (and the reason I left WoW) and I have no interest in doing that silly, repetitive token/gear/rep grind ever again. I already did it for 6 years.


Yeah! Because you counter end-game raid grinding with dungeon crawling grinding!


I LOL'd a bit there. Point made :p

Edited by EwokLuvr
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That sounds awesome. It reminds me of yesterday, playing my Jedi Guardian and really liking the look of the chest you get from Tython commendations and then hating the look of the orange one you get from the gree quests. I was trying to find an orange one on GTN for the look, but no luck. Seriously, just let me have a damn look I like BW!



I would point out the one I know, the 'Aspirant Knight's Vest' but as a guardian you'd prefer heavy armor, and I've been keeping an eye out for the orange version as well.


I've seen green versions in heavy with the same model but different skins, and the devs said every green armor has an orange version, so just keep the search up.


But in the meantime if you don't mind an armor hit you can try seeing if one of those medium vests is available.

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I would point out the one I know, the 'Aspirant Knight's Vest' but as a guardian you'd prefer heavy armor, and I've been keeping an eye out for the orange version as well.


I've seen green versions in heavy with the same model but different skins, and the devs said every green armor has an orange version, so just keep the search up.


But in the meantime if you don't mind an armor hit you can try seeing if one of those medium vests is available.


I appreciate the info. I may give that a try and see how it goes.

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So many MMO noobs posting on these boards it rediculous. Guess what? The endgame is just like the end of EVERY SINGLE MMO EVER MADE, AND THAT WILL BE EVER MADE. You get to max lvl and you grind/repeat the same things over and over till new content comes. NEW CONTENT CANNOT COME FASTER THAN YOU CAN LEVEL. Why is this is so freakin hard for people to understand. IT CANNOT BE DONE ANY OTHER WAY. If you dont like MMO grinding then MMOs arent for you. GO play single player games like Skyrim.


A VERY SMALL % of people here seem to be wow day 1 players...but the endgame that wow launched with was UBRS....lol, yea UBRS. Nothing to do besides that till MC came hahah...ah the memories. In comparison, the endgame of swtor at launch far exceeds what even wow had. You dont like grinding find a new video game genre. That goes for ALL of you complainers..unbeleivable.....GG.

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