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People are lying about the game to make it look bad


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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!


Perhaps the most embarrassing post I have seen on these forums.


The game makes itself look bad without anyone's help.

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i believe the "ability lag" posts although much of what people are calling ability lag i think is more to to with animation timings.. if in the middle of an animation and i want to interrupt then interrupt will only occur once present animation has finished. bug or choreography i don't know but opinions have been raised and bioware will sort it out.. poss ability by ability rather then one sweeping fix


I do think some people are posting on here trying their best to make game fail


I also think some people trying to give proper feedback.


Don't see many posts saying about what is great about swtor to provide balance


Don't see any negativity in game all friendly and fun with everyone i have spoken to in game

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It's all I see on these forums!


People complain about having low fps. I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game! If you don't like the game then just go back to WoW, you haters!


No MMO has ever been perfect at launch, not that i've noticed any problems, but i'm sure if there are any tiny little bugs as you guys are claiming then Bioware will PATCH THEM! Oh and about these people caught exploiting by looting chests in an area they were too low for. You were trying to gain an UNFAIR advantage by EXPLOITING! Same goes to the people trying to ruin the economy by using the Trade Network in ways that it's not intended to be used! And people complaining about the lack of endgame content? The game was just RELEASED! Even to be level 50 at this point you must have no life, you need to get your priorities straight! If you don't have anything positive to say on the forums then you should just stop POSTING!


You haters just want this game to fail because you don't want to see your precious WoW become less POPULAR!



This guy is an idiot, and so is anyone who agrees with him.

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There are weekend players who don't understand what we are talking about.

If we say there is combat lag, they will say "I am on 10ms!". If we say there are gamebreaking bugs, they answer "MMOs are never released bug free". If we say WoW did everything better 7 years ago and swtor is a cheap clone, they answer "WoW hasn't invented the wheel" - as if that would make SWTOR look better. Most content is copy&pasted from WoW but they failed to copy it bugfree and with all the funcionality WoW has to offer.


Hardcore fanboys even deny that there are major bugs and believe in patchnotes which fool ppl and never tell about gamebreaking stuff, like broken class quests or raids. Everything is stealth-fixed. They even delete tons of threads if they don't like it - never saw such a massive censorship.

Edited by squiek
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i played beta for almost 5 months, the fps were crazy all over the place. They have gotten better however they still drop from 100 to 30 fps or if vsync is on from 61 to 25 or less.

I have a gaming rig i7 930 9 gig trichannel with 5870 and can run every game including bf3 on ultra........so dont say its someones computer. Also its new and going to be buggy, however the people who are annoyed are the ones who tested the game for months on end, let bioware know yet they couldn't or didnt fix it.Yes people are having issues just cause you dont doesnt mean others aren't. When you pay for something plus and sub fee you should be able to enjoy without hassle of the fps drops. Same with jk knight bugs animation is confirmed that its bugged and doest always work, as they aware and working on it. Nothing is perfect but all these things that are making others unsub til there fixed were beta bugs! Also im sorry but no game should drop almost 80 frames just cause you enter a highly populated area, which they aren't. They should have way more people in instances its a ghost town in alot them. Its fps drops wether your in republic fleet or hoth and theres 25 people with you in the instance.


to end........ just cause something doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it isn't happening to others. Love the game but as alot of other mmo's and first person shooters even they get tested and and launched and the bugs people report dont get fixed SO yes thats why people are hating on the game.

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Totally, OP. Earlier today when I was playing my Marauder, I totally didn't have my entire hotbar lock up for about 6 seconds when I got stuck in a deflecting animation.


Oh, and I absolutely didn't have to replace "Take Cover" with "Crouch" on my Sniper, because I was having to activate it 2-3 times before it would work while targeting natural cover.


And when I'm on my Vanguard, I have never mashed my hotkeys for any of my abilities and had the GCD trigger, without my ability activating.


Anybody who claims to have had these things happen are obviously lying. Shun them, SHUN THEM I SAY!!

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I got the game a little later than many on these forums, much later than the December 13th early launch. Many gripes about the game were turning me off a LOT. I was beginning to wonder if purchasing the game wouldn't be a smart move.


Then I finally got the game...


So far, it looks like many of the little gripes and concerns with the game were either not true at all, or GROSSLY over-exaggerated. Even after watching countless gameplay videos and reading reviews from fanboy and hater groups alike, the game surpassed my expectations.


It seems that this game really has a "publicity" problem. That is to say, word of mouth is really the only way to spread good or ill words about this game. This poses the greatest threat to the game, unfortunately. The only people concerned about the game are here in the forums (and forums elsewhere) speaking ill about the game. While many complaints are legitimate, many more are exaggerated to no end. All the while, the players that are content with the game are just... well... IN the game, remaining totally silent about it.


Without any real advertising, word of mouth can make or break the game. Even the "pro" review sites/magazines can be thrown off by what the vocal minority is saying. That is pretty sad, IMO. The game has so much potential.. but it's being held back by sheer word of mouth alone.

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The thing that is BS is that even if we have computers that aren't as good as newer ones, they said the game would also cater to those with lower end systems like mine. So far, I have only been able to enjoy smooth gameplay in areas that aren't so populated. Warzones? FORGET ABOUT IT. I feel kinda cheated in a way. Still gonna attempt to play because I refuse to be a hater but, man this is getting unbearable. Edited by Frostythefett
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Amen to this. Not needed, but very true OP.


People hate cause hating is cool. Since the dawn of time, hating has been the in thing. Heaven forbid if someone likes something for what it is... we must rally around them and burn them to the ground and tell them how HORRIBLE it is.



Leave the forums and game if it is poison to your eyes and senses. Just to do quietly and maybe with an e-mail to the support/dev team. They are the only ones that care overall.


Sheesh, can't wait till people's thirty days are up.

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Oh please, Blizzard has absolutely nothing to be scared of with this game. A failed WoW clone with far less features and an abysmal endgame, but hey, the story is good, right? WoW isn't bleeding subs, but this game will :)
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Seems funny all this low fps crap i have a quad core with 12 gis of ram and a nivida gt430 vid card and i have nad not a lick of problums my wife plays on a core 2 duo2.0 lap top that is 5 years old and has no problums i just dont get it


It's called the complexity of PC gaming. You are lucky. With an i5-750 quad core, 8GB ram and a GT 470 running 64-bit Windows 7 I got 4 FPS during every fight in Alderaan on low settings with shadows and bloom turned off. It was so painful to fight that I started an alt because I could get 10-15 FPS in the starter areas. The CPU cores never go over 50% and the GPU never over 30%. I did all the standard fixes and tuning. Many many hours worth to get a few more FPS. What eventually helped was using a program to remove all traces of old video drivers including an old ATI driver from a previous video card. This bumped my fighting FPS to the 25-35 range and the game was playable. I still see a drastic slow down after a couple hours due to what I assume is a memory leak. It also seems like if I run another intensive program while the game is running it's performance drops and never recovers.

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I don't have low fps so you must just need a beter computer!

Ability delay?! I haven't experienced this, either, so you're obviously lying or hired by Blizzard to lower public opinion of the game!

Are you a great bluffer, or do you actually think either of those is a real argument for anything?

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Raising valid concerns so the game becomes better? Yeah what a terrible thing to do.


Ability delay doesn't exist? Yeah, probably the game is already too fast for you anyway. I will kindly backpedal out of this thread to honor your traditions.

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