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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

REPONSE:Server population dropping = not really


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Sorry I missed that part. Can you please point to where I said TOR lost 50% of their subs?


I just shared an observation without any analysis of any kind. AND even stated it was ONE observation and a small sample.


This type of response is what makes this the single worse forum community of any MMO I have ever played.


Every time you share an observation there is analysis implied. Wether you meant it or not, doesn't matter.


If you were not making a point then why share an observation?

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1)The game can't lose subs in february, since it's technically not subs yet


2)WoW is indeed losing subs. WoW 10 millions subs are indeed roughly 5 million for NA/Europe, 5 million rest of the world. What you seem to miss is that ''Asia'' don't mean ''China''. There are Taiwanese and Korean guilds that are very hardcore. Counting subs from Asia is not ''padding''.


This said, I still don't understand why people are flabergasted than a seven years old have lost some steam this year.


And especially, everyone here seems to assume than WoW losing subs means ''more subs for TOR''. Big surprise, guys : nope.

Edited by Angedechu
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I'm quite surprised at people claiming the game is losing subs since there are no longer uber queues at peak time and most servers are pretty much standard pop.


I would like to remind you all two things.


1. holydays are over= people work/study/date


2. we cant know for sure how many people cancelled since all of them still have 15 days remaining to play. This includes the whiners and more on....that populate.the.forums



so please stop claiming thinga you.can't.really know for sure.


wrote this on my phone. be.kind.


They're increasing the population limits on the servers, that's why the queues aren't longer.


Are people really stupid enough to WANT queues?

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They been increasing server pop is all I am seeing.


Last night instances: +/- a few, these are rough estimates from what I remember.


Imp Fleet on my server had 250 instances

Voss had 140 instances (when I was doing this last week there was only 36)

Belsavis had 135 instances

Illum was only at roughly 80 instances


I made an alt and Hutta had 170 instances


Each zone I went to(except Illum) is above 100 instances, if they are losing subs it is not on my server(Mind Flick)

Edited by Jokael
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I would think you would've learned to keep your mouth shut around here by now, after Stephen Reid pwned you.


hahah, this... so much this.


How people can be humiliated in public by someone that knows the truth, and then continue to show up baffles me. I mean, unless they're being paid for it or something. hmm...

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They been increasing server pop is all I am seeing.


Last night instances: +/- a few, these are rough estimates from what I remember.


Imp Fleet on my server had 250 instances

Voss had 140 instances (when I was doing this last week there was only 36)

Belsavis had 135 instances

Illum was only at roughly 80 instances


I made an alt and Hutta had 170 instances


Each zone I went to(except Illum) is above 100 instances, if they are losing subs it is not on my server(Mind Flick)


wait what???

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Who wants 11 million customers...Not me.


Lets face it, the people that subscribe to SWTOR now and like it are the same people that liked WoW when it had 800k subscribers and was u know, actually a game, not just a drip feeder for junked out teenagers that need a digital high.


Why not? It's not like they're all on your server! More customers means more money which means a greater level of investment in the future of the game. Which is a good thing, surely?


Some people legitimately preferred WoW in Vanilla I'm sure but there's no denying it's improved in a lot of ways since then too - fights are more interesting, quests are more interesting, they added Arena, heroic dungeons, heroic raid content, customisation options (both in terms of stats and aesthetics), lots of quality-of-life additions for all sorts of things. And they're adding more - people complain about the Pokémon thing but it's yet another avenue down which someone can go and be "hardcore" about. It's not for me, but for those who do like it, it is an extra feature which in no way detracts from what I like to do (high level raiding and scrub level Arena, mostly :p)


All of those things, whether you personally enjoy them or not, are good for the long-term success of the game. And that means more of the stuff you do enjoy as well!


If SW:TOR got 11m subscribers it'd mean they could do lots of fantastic stuff with all of the potential the game has - and that would be incredibly exciting.

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Dont forget that theyve been increasing server caps steadily to remove any queues. But i guess the conspiracy theorists have already tried with that one.


Yeah the queues were going to disappear, regardless. They intentionally set server caps low to drive the playerbase to lower populated servers, not because the servers can't handle more people. Then they slowly lift the caps and the end result is a more balanced load across all servers than if they hadn't put the caps on.


That said, this game will lose many players when the free month is over. It happens with every MMO. A good chunk of people will play the free month and not subscribe.

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Dont forget that theyve been increasing server caps steadily to remove any queues. But i guess the conspiracy theorists have already tried with that one.


Server caps raised. Pretty simple. Just as BW said they were doing the whole time.

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This said, I still don't understand why people are flabergasted than a seven years old have lost some steam this year.


Agree with all you said but this part particularly - especially when you factor in that they're at the mid-point between expansions and that is traditionally where growth has slowed down every time.


It'll grow during MoP, it'll slow a year after its release, it'll then grow again when the next expansion hits a year later, and so on. People acting like 10m subscribers compared to an all-time high at Cataclysm release of 12m means it's somehow not an overwhelmingly successful game.

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I'm quite surprised at people claiming the game is losing subs since there are no longer uber queues at peak time and most servers are pretty much standard pop.


I would like to remind you all two things.


1. holydays are over= people work/study/date


2. we cant know for sure how many people cancelled since all of them still have 15 days remaining to play. This includes the whiners and more on....that populate.the.forums



so please stop claiming thinga you.can't.really know for sure.


wrote this on my phone. be.kind.

they also said in one of the stickied posts about que times that the servers were limiting number of players when they opened to try and keep the servers equally populated, those servers that said "full" are not really full but artificially capped by the devs. they also said they are raising the population caps to allow more people online at any given time to combat the que times.
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This game is losing subs.


They lost subs when the people that pre-ordered the game didn't set-up a subscription after early access, because the game is in a beta stage. There shouldn't be a subscription fee until this game is in proper working order, we shouldn't be paying to beta test their game for them.

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Who wants 11 million customers...Not me.


Lets face it, the people that subscribe to SWTOR now and like it are the same people that liked WoW when it had 800k subscribers and was u know, actually a game, not just a drip feeder for junked out teenagers that need a digital high.


This....I don't want the game to be mass market...it dumbs down too much.


And of course the game has lost a few people (not subs, no one is actually subscribing yet, not until 30 days are up), but they are also optimizing their server population caps. It's a combination of the two. I'm just glad I don't have to wait in queue anymore. (never was more than a half hour to begin with, and typically no more than 15 minutes)


They lost subs when the people that pre-ordered the game didn't set-up a subscription after early access, because the game is in a beta stage. There shouldn't be a subscription fee until this game is in proper working order, we shouldn't be paying to beta test their game for them.


Welcome to the MMO genre

Edited by Thunder-God
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