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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Sounds like you have more population than my server. Maybe we should be asking for a global chat channel. Honestly 250 people isn't a ghost town. If we had global chat it would help you find groups. Sounds like people are playing alts and not that interested in sitting in the fleet waiting for groups.


On frostclaw we have 100 up to 120 population on correlia (republic). I haven't yet bothered to look at other area at the same time. Having on a single planet half the population you have on a whole server shows pretty much that their server is under populated.

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How is it that the first page has literally every post saying 'Holidays! LAWL'


What does that have to do with OP?????


Reading comprehension FAIL. If people have nobody to play with on their server, they are more likely to quit. Fact. They aren't going to stick around for the next holiday....lol.

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You must be very new to MMO's all MMO's have at least a server or two with low populations...very rarely if subscription numbers are high (which in TOR's case they are ) will the merge those servers especially if the game s still growing .(which in TOR's case it is)


In situations like this developers wait until most people have moved off of the dead servers or the game stops growing to take action; in the time you have spent on this little Jihad of yours you could have re-rolled on a more populated server and leveled a character or two.


This is my way of saying you are being either silly or are screaming for server merges to suit some messed up agenda about forwarding the notion that the game is failing when it isn't either way it is superfluous.






I am not very new to MMOs.


You seem to think it's a better solution for BW to do nothing and just let people move off of those 'dead' servers. I contend that some people move off, but others end up unsubscribing, which is not good for the game. Why wait until the server is completely dead before merging/closing it?


Screaming to suit some messed up Jihad? No, I believe the case is more you screaming 'everything is ok for me, so you must be making it up'. Not once have I said the game is failing, only that my server needs a merge.


Jihad... right. All I want is to have a healthy 'multiplayer' game for the people on these low population servers. Bioware made a mistake when they opened so many and throttled the prelaunch servers, and my hope is that they fix that mistake.

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I have actively played a couple mmos over the past 7 years(won't give the names that you all know already), and I'm sure the devs will do something about low population servers in a few months.

They will wait for servers to settle down as more players reach level cap, then they will probably offer free transfers off low pop servers to mid-high pop servers. Then from that point they may even merge servers and get rid of dead ones.


Doesn't mean the game is dieing in any respect, just kind of tightening the belt a bit to make stronger server communities. :D

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How is it that the first page has literally every post saying 'Holidays! LAWL'


What does that have to do with OP?????


Reading comprehension FAIL. If people have nobody to play with on their server, they are more likely to quit. Fact. They aren't going to stick around for the next holiday....lol.


first pages has those posts because simply this thread started on janurary 5th which was right after the holidays ended which had alot to do with the OP. People had more time then to play. I played personally non stop now i don't because i have to work etc.

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So bored of this and finding group is sometimes very hard, yesterday I logged in and tried to find a group to siege on kaon or something like that and I didn't find a single person. I checked my servers population was heavy. So..
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That's about the only point I think you're accurate on.


Anyway, you completely ignored my point that there are 12 east coast PvE servers that have light populations during prime time.


They should be merged, no questions asked.


EDIT: One of those servers is a test realm, so make that 11 east coast PvE servers with light populations during prime time. And a refresh of the server status page now returns only 10 east coast PvE servers with light populations during primetime; it's worth noting that the test realm moved to standard.


10 east coast PvE servers with lower populations than the test realm....


How can you say they don't need to be merged?


I'm on one of those low pop east coast servers - please merge me!

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These threads are getting annoying is it really that hard to figure out? Lol people are going back to work, the servers are booming on weekends.... Yup it sure seems like things are getting bad now that our normal lives have to continue after Christmas.
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If you can't find a group I'm betting a server merge wont help you.


Got to love it when rather than face the fact that on some servers groups are difficult to put together for things someone chooses to insult people. Nice group of players this game has.

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Got to love it when rather than face the fact that on some servers groups are difficult to put together for things someone chooses to insult people. Nice group of players this game has.


Myself, on my low pop server, I have no problems finding groups (Jugg tank) in my guild. The only issue my guild has is less 50 healers than 50 tanks, so there are times where we have extra 50's wanting to run FPs, but not enough heals. We have had 3 full guild 4 mans running at once occasionally. Dual spec would help with our spec issues, as sometimes with 16 50's online, we can only run 2 4 mans.


The issue is trying to PUG someone to fill up a 3/4 full guild group is near impossible, as my guild is around 1/4 the server's online 50 population at any one time.


The other issue is warzones simply not happening, and the failure that is Ilum.


The past 2 (Tues and Weds) nights, our level 50 server pop at 8:30 p EST was 68 (tues) and 66 (Weds). 15 and 16 of those, respectively, were guildmates.


Imperial Fleet doesn't ever hit 100 pop on my server.


If Bioware is waiting for me to voluntarily reroll on a higher pop server before addressing the server pops, I'm afraid what they'll get (from me) is a voluntary unsubscription instead. I simply don't want to level up another Juggernaut, no matter how fast it is. I've done it once, I shouldn't have to do it again just to play on a decently populated server.

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These threads are getting annoying is it really that hard to figure out? Lol people are going back to work, the servers are booming on weekends.... Yup it sure seems like things are getting bad now that our normal lives have to continue after Christmas.


Have you read any of the posts?


Some of the servers are nearly empty and need to be merged, regardless of how booming your server is on weekends.

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While my server seems to be increasing, it seems reasonable that many of those with accounts got the game over the holidays along with several othrs that are also worth while so they logged in here and reserved char names then, aside from going back to schoool or work after the holidays, are also spending some time in Skyrim.


I do not think this 'sky-is-falling', panic-mongering thread is at all useful.

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Last night there were 6 level 50s online on my server (the Defenestrator) during primetime. You don't think a server merge would help them find groups?


Maybe they can't get groups because they are annoying everyone? People i see making complaints blatantly admit to "spamming lfg for hours". When I see people spamming I pretty much stay away from them. It just screams out bad player.


With that said though a merge might help the non annoying quiet people who might just be a little shy.

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Last night there were 6 level 50s online on my server (the Defenestrator) during primetime. You don't think a server merge would help them find groups?

You cant say that, you dont know, unless you've been in all zones of the game very fast.

And even if you did that, you cant be sure most 50 are perhaps in wz, where they cant be counted?

So 6 level 50 in Fleet you mean maybe?

Possible. Sad even. Havent problems on high pop server (Legions of Lettow)

Edited by Draksen
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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


I agree seems as if it's dying a slow death I made a post as well about it feels slow.



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