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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Only people moaning are those too impatiant to wait in q's knowing full well that when the dust settles all servers populations will be auto managed and not used 24/7 by everyone excited by playing


If you seriously picked your server based on q times at launch choosing not to q was the wrong choice and you only have your selves to blame if you got on a dead server


Funny thing is that those who moaned about q's and rolled a lighter server are the same moaning about dead servers when its their own stupid fault in the first place

Edited by Mercia
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Samo old same old...


First scream for new servers to be added....


Then scream for server merges....


Then scream for cross realm anything.......


Then scream for.....


Merging servers too early is as bad as opening too many. One thing is for sure servers cost money EA won't be having anymore than needed.

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no in this context it means nothing since we don't know how many players "light" means... could be 1 person could be 50 percent of the server cap only BW knows... I've logged in off hours when my server was marked on this site as "light" and there were 200+ people on the fleet and at least 50 on most of the planets I visited... so just because it was marked as "light" didn't mean it was dead...


those graphs are fine for seeing very generalize trends in when people are on (like say when peak hours for the are) but are utterly useless if you are trying to determine actual server pops, sub rates or anything actually useful... for those you need real metrics which BW has not released






if you did you would not have claimed your statement to not be anecdotal because it was... even if I took your advice , logged on to your server then came and post what I saw here my post would be anecdotal because it still has no actual proof it's just a story of what I claim I saw


You don't need exact numbers to see a difference in something.


See for example my server http://www.mmo-junkies.net/?app=statistics&module=server&section=view&region=eu&location=en&server=niman

Look and open the 3rd picture you see in which degree servers are in what time. In the first weeks there tipping top degree (5-full). Now they never do that anymore. In week 2 and 3 there tipping degree 3. Last weeks now they go to a maximum of degree 2.

How hard is it now to tell if the population who comes online is increased or is decreased in the time passed? You can't go around this.

Edited by Rigota
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if you did you would not have claimed your statement to not be anecdotal because it was... even if I took your advice , logged on to your server then came and post what I saw here my post would be anecdotal because it still has no actual proof it's just a story of what I claim I saw


And this is a red herring.


My evidence is based off of the use of the /who system, and there is currently no way to hide players from it. I've collected data points and even taken screenshots (as have many other players, some of whom have posted them in this very thread).


At the end of the day it doesn't matter whether you see the proof, the idea is that someone at Bioware says 'Maybe I should check that out' and sees it for themselves.

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Samo old same old...


First scream for new servers to be added....


Then scream for server merges....


Then scream for cross realm anything.......


Then scream for.....


Merging servers too early is as bad as opening too many. One thing is for sure servers cost money EA won't be having anymore than needed.

They could also fix the whole game and then make it more fun. That would attract more people.

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Only people moaning are those too impatiant to wait in q's knowing full well that when the dust settles all servers populations will be auto managed and not used 24/7 by everyone excited by playing


If you seriously picked your server based on q times at launch choosing not to q was the wrong choice and you only have your selves to blame if you got on a dead server


Funny thing is that those who moaned about q's and rolled a lighter server are the same moaning about dead servers when its their own stupid fault in the first place


Bioware intentionally throttled the high population servers because they WANTED people to roll on the new servers. How is it my (or anybody elses) fault for choosing to play on a server on launch day? After all, at launch even these servers were at 'Heavy', the only difference is that they did not have 1-2 hour long queues on them. Many people decided to roll on another server because they believed that the queue servers were full and that they would HELP ease the population problem.


What Bioware did not forsee, and many new subscribers could not have known, is that as soon as they throttled back on the 'high queue' servers the people would move BACK to them from the other servers, and I believe this is what happened.


For those who rolled characters at or near launch there was no way of determining which servers would end up fun high (or normal) population servers and which would end up being abandoned.


Also, please point out to me in my post history where I moaned about the high queues and how it is my 'stupid' fault that there are so few people left on my server?

Edited by Wizzrobe
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And this is a red herring.


My evidence is based off of the use of the /who system, and there is currently no way to hide players from it. I've collected data points and even taken screenshots (as have many other players, some of whom have posted them in this very thread).


At the end of the day it doesn't matter whether you see the proof, the idea is that someone at Bioware says 'Maybe I should check that out' and sees it for themselves.


So they just turned servers on on day 1 and left them?


i think BW is more than capable of deciding what to do with their servers which they hold all the data on which is the be all and end all of the matter

Edited by Mercia
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So they just turned servers on on day 1 and left them?


i think BW is more than capable of deciding what to do with their servers which the hold all data on which is the be all and end all of the matter


I'm not sure what you are even asking?


You seem very angry, as if people are trying to trick you or something. Some of those servers that were opened on launch day are hurting, regardless of how popular your server happens to be.

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"Holidays are over" or whatever. Still, the servers needs to be merged now. Since players aren't playing as much making the server populations too low.


You can hardly find someone to group with at times. Annoying.


Merge servers and give us queues back if that is what it takes! It was more fun playing then!

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Your acting like you need to inform BW becouse omg they dont even know which servers are hurting already


Yes I am, because they have not addressed it yet.


This is the same way many people informed BW about the ability delay issues which BW started fixing.


Just because it is not an issue for you, does not mean it is not an issue at all. Do you think it is healthy for the game for new subscribers to potentially randomly select one of these low population servers? It wouldn't make a great impression.

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You don't need exact numbers to see a difference in something.


See for example my server http://www.mmo-junkies.net/?app=statistics&module=server&section=view&region=eu&location=en&server=niman

Look and open the 3rd picture you see in which degree servers are in what time. In the first weeks there tipping top degree (5-full). Now they never do that anymore. In week 2 and 3 there tipping degree 3. Last weeks now they go to a maximum of degree 2.

How hard is it now to tell if the population who comes online is increased or is decreased in the time passed? You can't go around this.


again those flags from last month mean nothing since they said they raised the server cap meaning that graph would show the pop going down even if they had the same exact number of players... of course there is some drop-off after the first month, there is with every MMO as not everyone will like the game... but claiming them to be dead because they changed some number of players, which you have no idea how many it represents, changed the flag markers, which you have no idea what they actually stand for, is pointless... all that graph shows is that some unknown amount of less people are logging on concurrently ... that neither proves the game is loosing a meaningful amount of subs or any actual figures on how many less people are logging in concurrently

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Hi all. I'm playing from the europoean server Tassaa Bareesh, but I'm speaking as many voices would. We cant enjoy the game as the americans are, our servers are always on Light - medium (when lucky) population. I still havent found a heavy server!! You know, having something like 80 servers makes people go all over and not focus on fewer!! That way we just have 40 coruscant with 10 people in each one of the server. That is SO STUPID!!! I want to find more people to play with!!! I cant do any heroic with other people and looking for a flashpoint group takes too long!! also warzones give you some wait time!!! So please, why dont you do something about this?? merging 2 servers maybe, or giving the chance for a free migration, you telling us where to go so we all go to a same serveer and can enjoy the game more.... For me, paying so much to have 80 light servers is a very stupid way to act, dont you think so?? Please do something, because i love the game but this first month im playing have had many troubles. Of course there has to be patience , but please, do something about the LOW POPULATION because it's frustrating after a while.... sometimes if it wasnt for the chat, i thought it was an offline game!! Cmon guys, GIVE US MORE PEOPLE TO PLAY WITH!!!!
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"Holidays are over" or whatever. Still, the servers needs to be merged now. Since players aren't playing as much making the server populations too low.


You can hardly find someone to group with at times. Annoying.


Merge servers and give us queues back if that is what it takes! It was more fun playing then!


See I don't think that merging servers would bring queues back.


I think a common misconception is that people like want to randomly merge all servers, and this isn't the case.


Leave all the heavy and full servers alone, they are fine. I'm talking about just merging some of the lower population servers (either together or with 'normal' servers) to make the game better for those people.


Personally if BW doesn't say anything soon, I will likely just reroll on a higher population server. Sure I would lose a lot of progress and I don't like that, but I love the game too much to quit. By doing this though I make the problem worse, so I feel that I should say something about it since there aren't many people on these servers to speak up.

Edited by Wizzrobe
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And yes you had a choice to q for a popular server or not q for a not so popular server


This is YOUR choice


To me its quite obvious which of the 2 would be more likly to die after the initial hype of launch day


How were people who just started at launch to know what servers were going to be popular? Hindsight is 20/20, and BW purposefully set the queues to stop people from rolling on prelaunch servers.

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Yes I am, because they have not addressed it yet.



They have been addressing server populations since day 1 of early access


It might not be that they where making sure servers wernt dead more that the population leveled out


Fact of the matter is they dont need anyone to tell them how dead their servers are they are in a much better place to make that choice


Id bet my house that they are actually drawing up plans to merge servers, in the mean time your going to have to bare with them while they sort by priority the things wrong with this game

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They have been addressing server populations since day 1 of early access


It might not be that they where making sure servers wernt dead more that the population leveled out


Fact of the matter is they dont need anyone to tell them how dead their servers are they are in a much better place to make that choice


Id bet my house that they are actually drawing up plans to merge servers, in the mean time your going to have to bare with them while they sort by priority the things wrong with this game


I hope you're right, but it wouldn't hurt to see one of them post that. If that were the case I could continue playing the characters I enjoy instead of trying to reroll them elsewhere.

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I'm not sure what you are even asking?


You seem very angry, as if people are trying to trick you or something. Some of those servers that were opened on launch day are hurting, regardless of how popular your server happens to be.


You must be very new to MMO's all MMO's have at least a server or two with low populations...very rarely if subscription numbers are high (which in TOR's case they are ) will the merge those servers especially if the game s still growing .(which in TOR's case it is)


In situations like this developers wait until most people have moved off of the dead servers or the game stops growing to take action; in the time you have spent on this little Jihad of yours you could have re-rolled on a more populated server and leveled a character or two.


This is my way of saying you are being either silly or are screaming for server merges to suit some messed up agenda about forwarding the notion that the game is failing when it isn't either way it is superfluous.





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again those flags from last month mean nothing since they said they raised the server cap meaning that graph would show the pop going down even if they had the same exact number of players... of course there is some drop-off after the first month, there is with every MMO as not everyone will like the game... but claiming them to be dead because they changed some number of players, which you have no idea how many it represents, changed the flag markers, which you have no idea what they actually stand for, is pointless... all that graph shows is that some unknown amount of less people are logging on concurrently ... that neither proves the game is loosing a meaningful amount of subs or any actual figures on how many less people are logging in concurrently

all that graph shows is that some unknown amount of less people are logging on concurrently This is what i mean, and what i want to know. Its funny to see it confirms people at night are playing a lot less. And indeed they get flawed by server cap increasing/decreasing.

Its a good site to check in which degree servers are in what time nothing more.

I never said the game is going to die or it is good to look if they are loosing subs or something like that.

Edited by Rigota
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Server caps get increased. It's just common sense for an MMO developer to do this. Heck, on my old private server for WoW they were boosting the number cap on a weekly basis as well.


What was Full a week ago might be Heavy this week for instance even though they've got the same numbers.

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650 people on imperial fleet last sunday, so my server is definately not dropping (Legions of Lettow - EU)

And 250 Republic side the same day same time...

so no, our server (at least) does very well.


(the numbers gives also a nice indication on the side imbalance we face: 1 republic for 3 imps :eek:

But it's another matter...)

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