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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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You also have to take into heavy consideration the amount of instancing even if the server is max full. It will instance players and can make it look like a ghost town, I do not know how many people per instance they have set but it need to increase. Starting a new jedi out on Tython and leveling to 10 there were 41+ instances, unfortunately I very rarely say anyone else.


Yea, always make sure to push "M" and see if there is another instance. There have been times when I've been on during peak on Empire and gone "***" @ the amount of people...only to see that I'm in the smallest instance.

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The population caps are not static. I play on The Fatman, which is one of the top-5 or so highest pop servers. It had queues over 2-3 hours consistently from pre-release through about 12/21 or so. Then the server pop cap got bumped up significantly. There are many more concurrent users online than before, and queues are rarely longer than 5 minutes. This basically happened overnight, so the capacity/threshold was definitely increased.


I'm sure they are still constantly tweaking these across all servers to promote balanced server populations. FULL now does not indicate the same number of players as FULL did at any point in the past. They are arbitrary values.

Edited by TostitoBandito
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This is normal because the game is now in its third week, and the holidays are over, both of which mean that *most* of the players are going to be playing much less than they were a week or two ago. People are back on normal schedules, including normal gaming schedules. That means, for most people, an hour or two a day -- which is much less than they were doing over the holiday period, and translates into less server load overall. This is a good thing, not a bad thing.
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LOL, real life word of mouth is outstanding for this game. Anyone with half a brain trusts their friends and not internet forums.


They wont be trusting those friends any longer after coming playing this sinking ship... Unless like I keep saying they can pull a miracle and save this game? :(

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They wont be trusting those friends any longer after coming playing this sinking ship... Unless like I keep saying they can pull a miracle and save this game? :(


Funny i enjoy the game.


I have a crazy thought, do you think maybe some people enjoy games others don't and we aren't all mindless drones that like the same games? Something to ponder on.

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Also note, Empire greatly outnumbers Republic. If all your characters are on Republic, your missing out on full zones. I know on Fatman, the Imperial fleet constantly has 200+, while at the same time the Republic fleet has 80-130. Just extrapolate to guess the effect on the other planets.
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Also note, Empire greatly outnumbers Republic. If all your characters are on Republic, your missing out on full zones. I know on Fatman, the Imperial fleet constantly has 200+, while at the same time the Republic fleet has 80-130. Just extrapolate to guess the effect on the other planets.


You might want to try to be server specific with these generalizations. i have 2 servers i play on, one is dominated by republic.


Something to keep in mind about generalizations, they are all false, including this one.

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Like I said player behaviour has changed and that is causing servers to be less populated, they should merge servers to keep servers full of people.


Great idea there. If the people are leaving because they are pathetically sensitive to words on a screen then merging a server just will bring the same people together. :p Like I said you people act like the servers are dead as a wow ghost town server where you never see a single player when you go questing.

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Its actually true, word of mouth on this game has spread very fast and if bioware dosent fix things it will be FTP faster then DCUO.


And how much faster do you wow errr game players want the fixes? They are doing them weekly, and updates have gone out even before the week is up like today's update and last weeks update. What do you want? Instant fixes out of no where? lol

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Its actually true, word of mouth on this game has spread very fast and if bioware dosent fix things it will be FTP faster then DCUO.


I mean, really? Where do you find this information that isn't anecdotal? It's just a curious question because nobody outside of EA/BW has actual, hard numbers on the amount of players and log time. Word of mouth is a terrible indicator because forums have become a place of complaining, which does not represent an entire community of 1m+ players. You do know this, yes?

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Its not dropping... just the "I play like a no life because game is new" period ended and they come back to their normal playing shelude.


Pretty much.


People should be HAPPY: I haven't seen any idiots (kids) running around spouting racist/bigoted remarks lately.

Edited by LeSamourai
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Its actually true, word of mouth on this game has spread very fast and if bioware dosent fix things it will be FTP faster then DCUO.


That's funny because aside from right here, on these forums, I have only heard good things about the game. Nobody calls it perfect but the actual word of mouth (you know, from other places) seems to be that the game is pretty sweet.


Of course, the hate on the forums is coming from the same 10-15 people that just spam the crap out of every thread possible.


For the record, hate =/= criticism.

Edited by Inhalcator
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