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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Umm, for me personally.


I work and go to school. Unlike some cats, I don't have all day to play the game. I have crap to do and friends to hang out with.


My life does not revolve around any game, and this is no exception. I only get to play for brief periods sometimes.

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Having gone through much of this thread, I see that many of the people who deny that there are problems with server populations cite the in game indications (Light, Standard, etc.), along with insisting that, at primetime, no servers have problems. Okay. Personally, I'd like to dispense some choice words in your direction about what ridiculous arguments these are, but, instead, I'm going to see if I can't enlighten you a little.


I play on Imperial on The Courageous. Right now, it is 7:40ish, EST on a Saturday evening. I think we can all agree that this is going to be one of the busier times, if not the busiest, a server is going to be on any given week. Let me give you some stats.


First, let's look up how many people are on Fleet, which seems to have become the common benchmark: 28


Now, Dromund Kass. For you rebels to be, that's the equivalent of Coruscant, so we're talking people in their early teens: 60


Not terrible. How does that progress? Balmorra. Again, future rebels, that's the equivalent of Taris, so we're talking late teens, early twenties: 28


It just gets worse, but lets keep going. Nar Shaddaa: 23


Tatooine: 21


Alderaan: 23


Taris (late thirties): 13


Hoth: 9


I don't need to keep going, do I? Oh, by the way, The Courageous? Right now, it's listed as Standard. Look at those numbers again. That's Standard. Now, look at the server list again. How many Standards do you see? Yeah. Bioware needs to bite the bullet here and consolidate some servers.




77% of all numbers on the internet are made-up. Please be able to back up your stats....

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I think I smell something.


I too, am on a standard server, Ven Zallow, on the republic side in Corsucant with 114 people running around, there are over 100 on fleet. Just checked Rakata Mind Prison Imperial side, also standard server, with 214 people on fleet, and thats a west coast server so I'm not buying your stats.


You smell nothing.


My server, dune bantha, had a whooping 44 players Imp side on the fleet at primtime saturday a few hours ago, 4 people on Ilum.

Rep side 35 people Fleet 1 ilum.

And it was flagged as standard all evening.

Trend shows a down going numer of people over the last weeks on my server by the way.


Feel free to log into that server and look for yourself tomorrow at peak time.


The situation the person you quote is very much real and pretending it is not there will hurt the game alot.


Its borderline unplayable like that. WZ queues take hours to pop only to end after 120 sec. because of to few players.


Finding grups for HM flashpoints is like winning the lottery with 15 lvl 50s half of them beeing afk.


Ilum feels like a saver place then cantinas.


If you care in any way about how this game will manage in the future you should aknowledge that this situation is very much real for a lot of players.

Rather then sweeping it under the carpet pretending its not happening because in your mind such a thing as a empty server cannot possibly exist.

Leaving a chunk of the playerbase do bleed away.

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I don't need to keep going, do I? Oh, by the way, The Courageous? Right now, it's listed as Standard. Look at those numbers again. That's Standard. Now, look at the server list again. How many Standards do you see? Yeah. Bioware needs to bite the bullet here and consolidate some servers.

Bioware decided what the population load for "Standard" is. The populations you're seeing on Standard servers aren't too low, they're what Bioware decided is standard for a server population.


Why would they merge servers that have what they have determined to be standard populations? Besides, if two Standard servers were merged, what population would the resulting server be at? Heavy? Very Heavy? Full? Would it have half-hour queues?

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77% of all numbers on the internet are made-up. Please be able to back up your stats....


Yeah how on earth would anyone be able to validate his claims, lets see....hmmm what would we have to do to check these clearly wild claims.....oh I know, how about we check the server lists at peak time........guess what, he was right :rolleyes:

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I'm still not buying it, that's a huge disparity in numbers from the brief ones I gave you. Not to mention at that point, what are you trying to suggest light servers mean? Also not forgetting that heavy and full servers and I've never seen 214 people on fleet back when we had queues, and I've not seen anyone post numbers bigger than 270 or so you'll excuse me if I want more than your word that a standard server has such a low pop number in common areas.


Yeah how on earth would anyone be able to validate his claims, lets see....hmmm what would we have to do to check these clearly wild claims.....oh I know, how about we check the server lists at peak time........guess what, he was right


because colors clearly indicate the server population. SS or go home.

Edited by Ituhata
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I'm still not buying it, that's a huge disparity in numbers from the brief ones I gave you. Not to mention at that point, what are you trying to suggest light servers mean? Also not forgetting that heavy and full servers and I've never seen 214 people on fleet back when we had queues, and I've not seen anyone post numbers bigger than 270 or so you'll excuse me if I want more than your word that a standard server has such a low pop number in common areas.


All i can tell you is to log into my server, which i mentioend in my last post, and take a look for yourself at peak time tomorrow.

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I'm still not buying it, that's a huge disparity in numbers from the brief ones I gave you. Not to mention at that point, what are you trying to suggest light servers mean? Also not forgetting that heavy and full servers and I've never seen 214 people on fleet back when we had queues, and I've not seen anyone post numbers bigger than 270 or so you'll excuse me if I want more than your word that a standard server has such a low pop number in common areas.




because colors clearly indicate the server population. SS or go home.


There's consistently ~250 players on the Imperial Fleet on the Fatman, at least in the evenings. The other planets however, are a different story...

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You know, it's funny. I did take pictures. I was going to post them along with that post, but then I thought I was being paranoid. I figured it was unlikely that anyone was going to accuse me of lying; I mean, what the hell would I have to gain? Surely, no one could have their lips that firmly pressed on Bioware's crotch, right?


Shows what I know. Fine, here's your evidence. Note the time in the bottom right hand corner.


















I can't wait to hear about how I faked the search results.


let me guess. you're not a fan. :rolleyes:


why don't you also post that one link that's going around that tracks logins and then tell us that it actually tracks population.

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All i can tell you is to log into my server, which i mentioend in my last post, and take a look for yourself at peak time tomorrow.


I actually checked your server, due to another post you mentioned. I counted somewhere around 1000-1100 players online at peak times. Comparing with other MMO's, those are actually quite healthy numbers, that'd be a medium (to high) population server of other MMO's.

It also falls into the SWTOR category 'standard', which depending on server ranges from 900 to 2100 players logged in.

However, the number of L50's is low, only about 25 on each side that I counted.


Also, compared with other TOR servers, your server is on the lower end, a lot of other servers reach numbers of 1500 to 3000 onlline, with the highest populated servers even reaching 3500-4000 players logged in.

Edited by dyves
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I actually do like the game. That's why I'm posting. If I didn't like the game, I would quietly unsub and find something else to do. I'm not trying to fear monger and proclaim the game is dead, or anything like that. My purpose is to get Bioware to recognize that many of its servers have flagging populations that should be addressed. If they merged servers, they'd still have, like, I dunno, 60 solid servers, which is more than most MMOs can say. It's not weakness at all.
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I actually do like the game. That's why I'm posting. If I didn't like the game, I would quietly unsub and find something else to do. I'm not trying to fear monger and proclaim the game is dead, or anything like that. My purpose is to get Bioware to recognize that many of its servers have flagging populations that should be addressed. If they merged servers, they'd still have, like, I dunno, 60 solid servers, which is more than most MMOs can say. It's not weakness at all.


you don't have to fear anything.


see bioware has been in business for more than 10 years.


just search google and see just how many GAMING STUDIOS have been in business THAT LONG.


that list i can probably count on two hands. maybe even one.


They will not let TOR fail.

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Don't bother with these people. If you can't get fanbois to admit there's ability delay in the game, you certainly won't convince them that such a thing as a low pop server can exist in this game either.


and nobody will convince you otherwise as well.


move on now.

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I actually do like the game. That's why I'm posting. If I didn't like the game, I would quietly unsub and find something else to do. I'm not trying to fear monger and proclaim the game is dead, or anything like that. My purpose is to get Bioware to recognize that many of its servers have flagging populations that should be addressed. If they merged servers, they'd still have, like, I dunno, 60 solid servers, which is more than most MMOs can say. It's not weakness at all.


I am sceptical about this. I'm not saying that the lowest population servers couldn't benefit from a population boost, but a lot if not the majority of the 'standard' classified servers have population figures that equal and sometimes even surpass the ingame player numbers of high population servers in other MMO's. Not even talking about 'heavy' and 'very heavy' servers.


So, I don't see why such servers should be merged, although I can imagine that for people who come from MMO with a cross server dungeon finder tool where you never have to wait long, that those players might find the ingame population to do instances with too small for their taste.

Edited by dyves
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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


I fully agree with you. I hope they either consolidate the servers or give the people free server transfers, I'd even pay for a server transfer if they were willing to implement them at some point. I've definitely noticed a decrease in player base on my server as well.

Edited by SWGVet
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You know, it's funny. I did take pictures. I was going to post them along with that post, but then I thought I was being paranoid. I figured it was unlikely that anyone was going to accuse me of lying; I mean, what the hell would I have to gain? Surely, no one could have their lips that firmly pressed on Bioware's crotch, right?


Shows what I know. Fine, here's your evidence. Note the time in the bottom right hand corner.


















I can't wait to hear about how I faked the search results.


Unless I fail at clicking on links, why didn't you link the Imperial Fleet and all instances?

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Vrook Lamarr, West Coast server, "standard pop", Imperial side


Dromund Kaas > 100

Balmorra 66

Nar Shaddaa 59

Tatooine 61

Alderaan 46


and it's still a little early for peak.


No, the game is not dead or dying.


lol that's cute.

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I actually checked your server, due to another post you mentioned. I counted somewhere around 1000-1100 players online at peak times. Comparing with other MMO's, those are actually quite healthy numbers, that'd be a medium (to high) population server of other MMO's.

It also falls into the SWTOR category 'standard', which depending on server ranges from 900 to 2100 players logged in.

However, the number of L50's is low, only about 25 on each side that I counted.


Also, compared with other TOR servers, your server is on the lower end, a lot of other servers reach numbers of 1500 to 3000 onlline, with the highest populated servers even reaching 3500-4000 players logged in.


omg where did you get these numbers from??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


I wantz on thatz server!!!!!


i aint gotz nobody on mine...



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7:00 PM PST. This is peak for NA servers.


Less than half the NA servers are heavy. Only 2 are full (the usual cuplrits, Swiftsure and harbinger, the Unofficial Australian servers )


Wednesday night there were 8 more heavy servers. On a weeknight.


Obviously, there's been a reduction in participation. Weekends are usually the peak times for MMO's.

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