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Server population is dropping...


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Made something that already worked....work even better.


You're kidding right? Have you NOT seen the hundreds of threads with complaints about the cross-realm lfd on wow's forums? Putting you in a group with random guys with no form of control is a monumentally bad idea. I'm all for grouping with people from different servers! But the way it's currently implemented just promotes bad conduct.

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Everyone saying "holidays are over", but forget a lot of people's 30 free days are up as well.

And the re-subbing might not be as high, IE a lot has cancelled.


I know I will probably sub for one month, then cancel for a bit,cause I'm going to play another Bioware game, ME3.


And then Alan wake PC version.

But I will be back to finish some other class stories.



this, expect me to downright not play anything else until i finish ME3 i have been waiting a long time for this game

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It is rather late for that character, but you should finally get a clue that sacrificing the rest of the game in your haste to reach level cap was not the correct objective.


That is why we read from page one all the way through to the end. Duh.


Wowboys cannot adapt.



What the hell are you talking about? If you bought the game at launch and don't have at least one level 50 right now you are either playing the game only a few nights a week or you're forcing yourself not to hit 50. I'm working on my second and third 50s and I haven't Spacebar'd anything except the boring side quests that are the exact same for each faction. And this is with a full course load.


The 1-50 Story grind isn't fun after you've made that first 50. Those who say it is are just making an excuse for the lack of late game content. If the story was so important then this game should never have been shoe-horned into an MMO. It would have been better off as a single player RPG.

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What the hell are you talking about? If you bought the game at launch and don't have at least one level 50 right now you are either playing the game only a few nights a week or you're forcing yourself not to hit 50. I'm working on my second and third 50s and I haven't Spacebar'd anything except the boring side quests that are the exact same for each faction. And this is with a full course load.


The 1-50 Story grind isn't fun after you've made that first 50. Those who say it is are just making an excuse for the lack of late game content. If the story was so important then this game should never have been shoe-horned into an MMO. It would have been better off as a single player RPG.


That's the thing though, I haven't hit 50 with any toon because I was away for the holidays and then dabbled around a bit picking a character to go with first. Now, I only play a few days a week on that character because I'm levelling with another person and we both have other interests/commitments which take up time on other days. Most of the people in my guild are still leveling up their first 50 (and an alt or two), so I don't think it's all that uncommon for people to not be playing seven days a week. Obviously there will be people who pushed hard to level up and play every day, and there needs to be content for them, but I'm not sure what the ratio is of people who play daily vs. people who play more casually, really.


Personally I am enjoying the story quest, and I'm going to wait and see how I feel about endgame stuff when I get there before I make any long-term decisions about subscribing or investing my time. For now, it's sort of a co-op single player for me, with MMO crafting and instances added on, and I'm just making the most of that.

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clearly indicates something is happening.


1. I KNOW its not official numbers.


2. I KNOW its a scan of servers done on a "not so smart way"


3. I KNOW it cant be trusted 100%


I am just saying, it indicates something.


The fanboys will have you believe it's because they're increasing server caps. Even though no server has had a queue in weeks and most aren't even hitting very heavy.

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clearly indicates something is happening.


1. I KNOW its not official numbers.


2. I KNOW its a scan of servers done on a "not so smart way"


3. I KNOW it cant be trusted 100%


I am just saying, it indicates something.



it indicates that you have no clue about what you post

and that you ignore ALL the posts that explained why that graphic has little to no reason, see nall the server cap increase


but do keep on posting it, I have a chuckle everytime I see these desperate attempts

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I was making a new Sith warrior last night (I'm on Space Slug). At no time during my 3 hours or so of leveling from 1 to 10 did the population go over 20. Chat was almost completely silent. I don't think I saw one single group request for the two heroics.


I get the whole holidays thing but prime time on a Thursday night? Austin, I think we have a problem.

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The fanboys will have you believe it's because they're increasing server caps. Even though no server has had a queue in weeks and most aren't even hitting very heavy.


ohohoh rintintin strikes back


mate, there are very heavy servers and quite a few heavy EVERY night during week, the weekend has FULL and few very heavy

you start to sound like you are winding down, let's see if we can get you banned as you aren't even funny


1...2....3.... TOR is already teh fastest growing MMO of thr history of MAAAANKIIIIND

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it indicates that you have no clue about what you post

and that you ignore ALL the posts that explained why that graphic has little to no reason, see nall the server cap increase


but do keep on posting it, I have a chuckle everytime I see these desperate attempts


And your post dont indicate you cant read, it says you cant read flat out.

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That's the thing though, I haven't hit 50 with any toon because I was away for the holidays and then dabbled around a bit picking a character to go with first. Now, I only play a few days a week on that character because I'm levelling with another person and we both have other interests/commitments which take up time on other days. Most of the people in my guild are still leveling up their first 50 (and an alt or two), so I don't think it's all that uncommon for people to not be playing seven days a week. Obviously there will be people who pushed hard to level up and play every day, and there needs to be content for them, but I'm not sure what the ratio is of people who play daily vs. people who play more casually, really.


Personally I am enjoying the story quest, and I'm going to wait and see how I feel about endgame stuff when I get there before I make any long-term decisions about subscribing or investing my time. For now, it's sort of a co-op single player for me, with MMO crafting and instances added on, and I'm just making the most of that.



If you just think of it as a single player game then it doesn't seem so bad. It's only when you realize this is supposed to be an MMO and you need a monthly sub to play that things start to go down hill. My problem isn't with the number of quests after level 50, it's the fact that you're just expected to head to Ilum or sit in fleet and queue for WZs if you want to PvP. Granted, I can go back to Corellia or Voss and gank players lower level than I am, but there's no challenge in that. I don't play MMOs for story, I play single player games for Story. I play MMOs for the community, drama and conflict from PvP. There's none of that in TOR. The worst part is I don't think BW understands that.

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What the hell are you talking about? If you bought the game at launch and don't have at least one level 50 right now you are either playing the game only a few nights a week or you're forcing yourself not to hit 50.


I don't agree. I have played at least 40 hours a week since launch and my character is only 46.


I have made a few alts - but nothing over 20 yet - and only two over 15.

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clearly indicates something is happening.


1. I KNOW its not official numbers.


2. I KNOW its a scan of servers done on a "not so smart way"


3. I KNOW it cant be trusted 100%


I am just saying, it indicates something.


you forgot


4. Time spent playing is not the same as number of subscriptions.


5. People have to work and its not holiday time.


Oh, right... i forgot you were trying to hate on it. Game is fine. Its actually quite popular in europe and is still on the top 10 most sold games.


I guess US gamers are more vulnerable to biased opinions though.

Edited by Nemmar
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I don't agree. I have played at least 40 hours a week since launch and my character is only 46.


I have made a few alts - but nothing over 20 yet - and only two over 15.


I don't know what to tell you other than I would hate to have to group up and level with you, and this is coming from someone who kills everything red on sight, much to the annoyance of my groupmates because it slows us down.

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you forgot


4. Time spent playing is not the same as number of subscriptions.


5. People have to work and its not holiday time.


Oh, right... i forgot you were trying to hate on it. Game is fine. Its actually quite popular in europe and is still on the top 10 most sold games.


I guess US gamers are more vulnerable to biased opinions though.


I just wonder is rintintin and php are the same person or what


yesterday I saw a Dec2011 account replying to a troll post saying something like:


"Thanks OP, that's exactly how I felt but didn't know how to express it. Now I feel better"


either the guy had some sort of religious epiphany or he was just an alt of the troll

I wonder how many reincarnations did rintintin have before thsi last, lame one

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you forgot


4. Time spent playing is not the same as number of subscriptions.


5. People have to work and its not holiday time.


Oh, right... i forgot you were trying to hate on it. Game is fine. Its actually quite popular in europe and is still on the top 10 most sold games.


I guess US gamers are more vulnerable to biased opinions though.


Sorry what ?


It dosent show anything about playing time vs subscription afaik, so what you talking about ?


Who said anything about holiday time ? did i post anywhere about work vs holiday ?


Did i post anywhere i sided for one or the other side ?


No i said, it indicated something. That was all i said.


If subscriptions are going up or down i dont know im guessing only Bio/EA knows. What i do know is that they want cash, i want population.


As we both want the same thing for different reasons, they graph i posted just shows a indication of something else.



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I was making a new Sith warrior last night (I'm on Space Slug). At no time during my 3 hours or so of leveling from 1 to 10 did the population go over 20. Chat was almost completely silent. I don't think I saw one single group request for the two heroics.


I get the whole holidays thing but prime time on a Thursday night? Austin, I think we have a problem.


The low level activity is bad. lvl 50 is cranking at least on my server. prime time the fleet has 200 plus people and 2 3rd's are lvl 50's . thats not including the planets that have dailies and those in instances and raids. With that said BW does need to act fast on the endgame and implement legacy system to get a resurgence in lower lvls. I also dont think leaving 215 servers open when they have a gaming population to support maybe 100 servers, is a smart thing to do for their customer. there was a huge burn off in this game, i was suprised to see such a large exodus. i expected a 30% burn off but my guess that its more like a 45% from the 2 million copies sold.

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you forgot


4. Time spent playing is not the same as number of subscriptions.


5. People have to work and its not holiday time.


Oh, right... i forgot you were trying to hate on it. Game is fine. Its actually quite popular in europe and is still on the top 10 most sold games.


I guess US gamers are more vulnerable to biased opinions though.


See this is the frustrating thing. There are two separate things that people are discussing in this thread.


On one hand you have people who say the game is failing and overall population numbers are dwindling. This makes people mad and defensive, and gets argued about over and over again.


On the other you have people, like me, who are on very low populated servers and can't enjoy the 'multiplayer' aspect of the game. People who just want to see our servers get merged so that we have a chance at flashpoints, warzones, operations, and and an active marketplace.


Moderators keep closing threads related to those two separate issues and directing them to this thread.

Edited by Wizzrobe
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oooooooooooooooh I gonna go and cry now


are you going to come out with the same stupid chart with another alt?


Hmm how do you post with a alt here please explain ?


I post with my account name, to post with another name, i would have to buy and make another account ?

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I think standard is still to low, my server is decent dark sion, but never see more then 110 people in fleet ,and people always complaing about spamming chat for grps, Bioware needs to merge servers if my standard server feels alittle empty I couldnt imagine light, I would have quit or moved already


Im starting to think merging servers isnt an option.


They either skimped on the server hardware, or the Hero Engine is just a massive resource hog. More than 200 people on fleet would annihilate most computers. Imagine the ability delay we would get...

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I don't agree. I have played at least 40 hours a week since launch and my character is only 46.


I have made a few alts - but nothing over 20 yet - and only two over 15.


Theres no chance you are just slow with your class or bad at the game huh? Everyone faster than you just 'rushed'?

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Im starting to think merging servers isnt an option.


They either skimped on the server hardware, or the Hero Engine is just a massive resource hog. More than 200 people on fleet would annihilate most computers. Imagine the ability delay we would get...


Some servers have around 20 people on the fleet during primetime, I don't think it would be a problem to merge those servers with other servers as far as the engine is concerned.

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Sorry what ?


It dosent show anything about playing time vs subscription afaik, so what you talking about ?


Who said anything about holiday time ? did i post anywhere about work vs holiday ?


Did i post anywhere i sided for one or the other side ?


No i said, it indicated something. That was all i said.


If subscriptions are going up or down i dont know im guessing only Bio/EA knows. What i do know is that they want cash, i want population.


As we both want the same thing for different reasons, they graph i posted just shows a indication of something else.




I'm glad you realise that.


The population is quite healthy. You have to understand that this isnt a game with 5 zones and 1 hub. It has about 30 planets with several cities and outposts on them.


When i questing, wherever it is in the game. I always see other people, wich is impressive for such a massive game.


So, while you point to graphics you yourself say nothing can be concluded from, i point to you. Whats your point?

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