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Selecting Need for your companion


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Just stop it!


You'll have multiple companions soon and using your logic you can NEED on practically everything because one or more of your companions needs it.


You are using that new definition of 'need' that basically says "I need everything that drops because if I can't use it, I can sell it."


Actually, you are doing that.


I Need on gear that is used by two companions (both are Cunning Medium armor). I already have an orange helmet and two pistols, so I don't roll on those. I don't Need on anything with willpower, aim, etc. So, I DO Need for companions, yet I don't Need on 95% of drops.


Stop equating those who Need for the companions with those that Need on gear to sell it.

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But your group mates don't OWE you anything. They don't OWE you the only roll on the loot because you say you need it. This crazy sense of entitlement that you guys think people should just fall on the proverbial sword as far as loot goes is flipping crazy.


Again, if I'm in that group with you, I did just as much work as you did, if not more. That means I have equal rights to the loot. It's of no consequence what my purpose for the loot is, and it's not like I can steal it from you like you guys are acting like. You have an equal chance of getting it if you roll need. I have no obligation to roll over and give you the only roll on the loot just because in your head your needs are more important than mine.


Let me ask you this genius. If you should be allowed to roll need on anything you want for whatever purpose (like even vendor for credits) and everyone else should follow suit, then why would they bother to put in that greed option? Maybe they should just remove it eh?

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I hope the people who do this in group with me do it on a character with a legacy name. Just so I can make sure to not only block their main character, but also every subsequent character they make on the server.


These threats make me laugh to the point of tears. Don't loot stuff I want or I'll ignore you in a video game!


Grow up.

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Actually, you are doing that.


I Need on gear that is used by two companions (both are Cunning Medium armor). I already have an orange helmet and two pistols, so I don't roll on those. I don't Need on anything with willpower, aim, etc. So, I DO Need for companions, yet I don't Need on 95% of drops.


Stop equating those who Need for the companions with those that Need on gear to sell it.




You cannot fight a battle of wits with the unarmed.. /facepalm


Rolling on greens for a companion == selling greens to buy companion gear.

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These threats make me laugh to the point of tears. Don't loot stuff I want or I'll ignore you in a video game!


Grow up.


This isn't a threat, it's protection for myself, my group, and my guild. From greedy people who do not understand loot systems.

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Let me ask you this genius. If you should be allowed to roll need on anything you want for whatever purpose (like even vendor for credits) and everyone else should follow suit, then why would they bother to put in that greed option? Maybe they should just remove it eh?


I wouldn't disagree with that at all. Barely anyone ever uses it anyway. I'm totally fine with just Roll/Pass. However, I'll sometimes use Greed if it's something that doesn't look super awesome to me but I think might sell for credits. I'll never select Need just to sell something, personally.

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Actually, you are doing that.


I Need on gear that is used by two companions (both are Cunning Medium armor). I already have an orange helmet and two pistols, so I don't roll on those. I don't Need on anything with willpower, aim, etc. So, I DO Need for companions, yet I don't Need on 95% of drops.


Stop equating those who Need for the companions with those that Need on gear to sell it.


It's exactly the same. Companions don't even GO onto flash points with you. It's like rolling need for off spec.


There is a greed button for a reason.

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if this catches on It will eventually, after many many forum QQ tears have been spilt, itwill lead to a WoW mechanic stopping you from rollin need on anything you cant use. so say anything with Endurance + Cunning will benefit IA/Scoundrels most and will be triggered as IA/Coundrel Gear so you wont be allowed to roll Need on it.


People should level their companions gear from the GTN and support the struggling crafters. if your gear comes from FPs and quests then if you bought say 2 pieces of gear from crafters PER companion tahts 10 pieces of gear that move on the market.


SUPPORT THE CRAFTERS please thing of their children.


It's definitely a fun experiment to try though. I mean, most random PUGs have the potential to be horrible experiences no matter what game you're playing. But right now this game is so new that the freakish anti-social behavior knob is stuck on 11 anyways you know?


And this is one of the few games where I'm levelling up a healer. So I finally have the opportunity to act like The Quon. (Read The Quon for reference).


So I get to see just how many people in PUGs will actually make good on their threat to both kick and ignore a healer. To see if this organized "We will blacklist you" type of stuff can actually stick.

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Actually, you are doing that.


I Need on gear that is used by two companions (both are Cunning Medium armor). I already have an orange helmet and two pistols, so I don't roll on those. I don't Need on anything with willpower, aim, etc. So, I DO Need for companions, yet I don't Need on 95% of drops.


Stop equating those who Need for the companions with those that Need on gear to sell it.


The problem is, how many random groupmates you come across day in and day out will note those subtle distinctions?


Not many. One person sees a light armor wearer rolling on heavy armor, and it's game on, let's gear my 5 buddies or make some credits. And when someone sees them doing that...etc, etc...


Social morays are interesting things, but how they come about is even more intriguing.

Edited by Spynnal
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This isn't a threat, it's protection for myself, my group, and my guild. From greedy people who do not understand loot systems.


No, I do understand the loot system. You just have agreed to stipulations of a perceived social contract that I have no need nor desire to be a part of.


But go ahead, protect yourself from me! The guy that goes above and beyond for his group just because 1 in every 30 or so drops I see something I want for a companion and click "Need."


I've never heard of anything so immature in my life.


And here I thought the people playing Call of Duty were the most immature gamers of all. I can see I was mistaken.

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No, I do understand the loot system. You just have agreed to stipulations of a perceived social contract that I have no need nor desire to be a part of.


But go ahead, protect yourself from me! The guy that goes above and beyond for his group just because 1 in every 30 or so drops I see something I want for a companion and click "Need."


I've never heard of anything so immature in my life.


And here I thought the people playing Call of Duty were the most immature gamers of all. I can see I was mistaken.


You are the reason WoW had to implement restrictions on the loot system so that you cannot roll on anything outside your class.


An inability to comply with social rules is immaturity, not the other way around.

Edited by Nightfox_
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I'll never select Need just to sell something, personally.


But by your logic (which states that it is nobody's business why you need it as long as you genuinely feel you do), it is perfectly acceptable to do so, so why not do it? Do you not need credits? Or when you do later down the line when there is actually something to spend credits on, will you change your mind and start need rolling for vendor? Or what if some BOE drops and I roll need for my buddy that isn't even there, who actually contributed to the group every bit as much as your companion did? No problem, right? As long as I convince myself that I genuinely need it.


Seriously, just ask in group if any one minds if you take it for a companion. Most of the time everyone will say fine. But to take it upon yourself to elevate your companion over a member of your group is pretty sad.


Happy pugging :)

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when you take down a mob as a group, every person in the group has an equal right to the reward. it doesn't matter who can use the reward better or who needs it more. if you can't use it you can sell it. wanting it for your companion has no less merit than wanting to wear it yourself. if you are in a guild and you agree that certain pieces will go to certain players for the good of the overall guild then that is one thing and it has nothing to do with morality, but in a pick up group where you all go your separate ways at the end it is every man for himself and there is nothing immoral about that.
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You are the reason WoW had to implement restrictions on the loot system so that you cannot roll on anything outside your class.


Ok, and? I think that was a dumb decision on the part of WoW to bend over backward for the whiny minority.


Am I supposed to feel bad because WoW doesn't agree with me? Newsflash, I never played WoW because it was filled with a lot of people who can't seem to rationalize what level of importance a video game should really play in your life.


If you're actually getting angry over looting and virtual items, then I'd suggest that you're investing WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much emotion in a game.

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I ran into this the other day running through a flash point.


I selected Need for my companion. Someone got really mad at me for doing that.

I explained that I use my companion 90% of the time outside of groups and one way of getting decent gear is through flashpoints. Getting gear through questing is only ok gear. I am not about to buy gear all the time. I have a sorc and my companion is a tank. I use my tank a lot.


Am I wrong on selected Need for my companion?


I would like to get peoples opinion on this since this game I think is a little different then other games since we have companions.


My argument is since I use my companion 90% soloing, I feel as my companion and me are treated as 1.


If you need on an item for your companion when someone else, an actual REAL PERSON needs it, then you should:


A) be ashamed of yourself

B) get blacklisted from groups on your server (there are people who keep and maintain ninja looter lists)


Needing on an item that someone else actually needs, which you just WANT, is ninja looting. If you are rolling NEED on TANK gear, and you are a SORCERER, and the TANK *********** NEEDED the gear... well that's just sorry, you should be ashamed of yourself.

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I ran into this the other day running through a flash point.


I selected Need for my companion. Someone got really mad at me for doing that.

I explained that I use my companion 90% of the time outside of groups and one way of getting decent gear is through flashpoints. Getting gear through questing is only ok gear. I am not about to buy gear all the time. I have a sorc and my companion is a tank. I use my tank a lot.


Am I wrong on selected Need for my companion?


I would like to get peoples opinion on this since this game I think is a little different then other games since we have companions.


My argument is since I use my companion 90% soloing, I feel as my companion and me are treated as 1.


Did your companion tank in that FP? If so then yes, need for him. If not, then wait for the tank to need fist and if he doesnt, then you can need.


The person who has the specific role in a group should always be the first that rolls. After him the others can roll, unfortunately do I not know any roll system so far that really fixed that issue. Its a rule that people use since the beginning of MMO´s - so it should be followed, if you dont want to follow it - atleast say so before the run.

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No, I do understand the loot system. You just have agreed to stipulations of a perceived social contract that I have no need nor desire to be a part of.


But go ahead, protect yourself from me! The guy that goes above and beyond for his group just because 1 in every 30 or so drops I see something I want for a companion and click "Need."


I've never heard of anything so immature in my life.


And here I thought the people playing Call of Duty were the most immature gamers of all. I can see I was mistaken.


I hated your earlier response, since I thought it treated humans more like population numbers, that matter not at all. But reading further, your group attitude is solid. And the things you've explained you'd need on make sense, and don't seem greedy, or discarding of others to me. All positive.


But, norms will come about for this game. Expected group behavior. Some you want (um, no, healer, you don't run in and beat the boss with a stick, k?), but others just happen. I don't think a lot of people you, or others who Need roll for an unusable piece, will get a thoughtful reaction from your group. I don't think, outside of these forums, they'll understand the nuance. So I just think what will come about is, a bunch of people just smacking the Need button, and never even looking up. Use, companion, or sell, move on.


I just don't think it's a good place, but is where it'll end up if companion gearing is common.


Like I said, I haven't pugged much since a few MMO's ago, but, I just hate to see anything hasten into a free-for-all like has happened elsewhere.

Edited by Spynnal
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I think it's good form to ask the group if they're cool with you needing for your companion. That's what I do and nobody gets upset if you ask. For those of us coming into this game from other MMOs like WoW, it's like needing for your off-spec: better to ask.


I have gotten some decent gear for my companion and did it without looking like a douche or upsetting anyone.

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Anyone needing for a companion without first checking if that's ok should be kicked and put on your ignore-list for future reference. I'm done suffering ninjas, I really am.


Problem is easy enough to solve, and it seems we have to since common sense does not reign supreme.



  • Ensure that people can only need on gear that they can actually use.
  • Add a need button for companions (same thing there, although it will nealy always be enabled).
  • Any BoE item that you need for will be BoP. You did say you needed it after all.


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No, I do understand the loot system. You just have agreed to stipulations of a perceived social contract that I have no need nor desire to be a part of.


But go ahead, protect yourself from me! The guy that goes above and beyond for his group just because 1 in every 30 or so drops I see something I want for a companion and click "Need."


I've never heard of anything so immature in my life.


And here I thought the people playing Call of Duty were the most immature gamers of all. I can see I was mistaken.


If you're going to continue to roll Need on companion gear I would at the very least ask the group beforehand. If they all agree, then go ahead. But if you do it without regard to other players opinions be prepared for the backlash.


I'd rather play the nice guy in a flashpoint than be the jerk who just needs on everything. Know what I mean?

Edited by WrecklessMEDIC
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Ok, and? I think that was a dumb decision on the part of WoW to bend over backward for the whiny minority.


Am I supposed to feel bad because WoW doesn't agree with me? Newsflash, I never played WoW because it was filled with a lot of people who can't seem to rationalize what level of importance a video game should really play in your life.


If you're actually getting angry over looting and virtual items, then I'd suggest that you're investing WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much emotion in a game.


Emotion actually hasn't crossed my mind once. Just stating facts. Also, you not playing wow isn't really relevant, I was using it as an example.

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An inability to comply with social rules is immaturity, not the other way around.


wrong. the immature bend to social pressure. a mature mind will make his or her own decision of what is right and what is wrong. it used to be a social rule in america that black people were inferior to whites. there was nothing immature about standing up to that social construct.

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I ran into this the other day running through a flash point.


I selected Need for my companion. Someone got really mad at me for doing that.

I explained that I use my companion 90% of the time outside of groups and one way of getting decent gear is through flashpoints. Getting gear through questing is only ok gear. I am not about to buy gear all the time. I have a sorc and my companion is a tank. I use my tank a lot.


Am I wrong on selected Need for my companion?


I would like to get peoples opinion on this since this game I think is a little different then other games since we have companions.


My argument is since I use my companion 90% soloing, I feel as my companion and me are treated as 1.


You should have rolled greed, if it was for your companion.

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I think it's good form to ask the group if they're cool with you needing for your companion. That's what I do and nobody gets upset if you ask. For those of us coming into this game from other MMOs like WoW, it's like needing for your off-spec: better to ask.


I have gotten some decent gear for my companion and did it without looking like a douche or upsetting anyone.


This is of course absolutely fine.

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