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500k+ DMG Club!


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So after that 1st picture I posted I was still queing and my very next voidstar was pretty awesome too. Back to back 500k games is lol. This one i had a higher top damage though and higher overall damage as well. So far this is the biggest hit i have been able to get the leaderboard to show also at 6514. I have hit for more but leaderboard doesnt ever show them. Anyway....




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Random solo, no guard. No Rakata Adrenal, only a lvl 48 surge Adrenal, and I forgot to use the PvP +15% Buffs.

Was the only screen I got, did it because we lost the game while our team got further in.


800k are possible for premades with guard and heal, easy.


Thought 500k were nothing special.

Edited by Karenai
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Pug, no healer anywhere. Actually, I had the most healing on my team purely from my Rakata MP and Kolto Overload. No PvP consumables, just BC ones. Also had the most protection.


As above poster said, if I had a premade guard or healer rolling with me the slaughter would have been much more intense. I easily understand how people are getting 7/800k+ now.

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People on my server rarely ever break 400k. This is because we actually focus on finishing the game via objectives. Damage mean nothing, especially when you are a class that has AoE(s).


Good luck trying to arm that bomb on a door in Voidstar or trying to capture a Turret on Alderaan when your team's DPS isn't good enough to kill the multiple enemies that keep interrupting your cast through attacks and DoTs. This is even more apparent on Alderaan at a side Turret where your team's DPS simply isn't strong enough to burst down enemies quickly so you can capture the side Turret before they have time to ride the speeder down.


Better yet, have fun trying to kill a geared ball runner in Huttball when he has 1 or 2 Healers keeping him topped as well.


Damage is very important and is extremely underrated in Warzones.

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Good luck trying to arm that bomb on a door in Voidstar or trying to capture a Turret on Alderaan when your team's DPS isn't good enough to kill the multiple enemies that keep interrupting your cast through attacks and DoTs. This is even more apparent on Alderaan at a side Turret where your team's DPS simply isn't strong enough to burst down enemies quickly so you can capture the side Turret before they have time to ride the speeder down.


Better yet, have fun trying to kill a geared ball runner in Huttball when he has 1 or 2 Healers keeping him topped as well.


Damage is very important and is extremely underrated in Warzones.


You seems to be missing my point, of course good DPS is important to win. Getting big numbers and posting them is not.

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You seems to be missing my point, of course good DPS is important to win. Getting big numbers and posting them is not.


My post wasn't intended to agitate you so I apologize if it did. I just hate it when people try and belittle DPS in Warzones.


I don't mind people posting screenshots of big numbers when that screenshot also shows a WIN instead of a LOSS. But to give them credit, you can usually tell if that loss is their fault or not by looking at their teammates numbers as well.


For example, I just played an Alderaan yesterday with a guildy and we lost with me having around 350k-400k damage, my guildy having 250k, and the rest of my team having less than 100k. The next closest after my guildy 250k was about 80k. That means 6 of my teammates were basically useless damage-wise and were only helpful by being a punching bag and soaking some hits that I would otherwise have taken if they weren't there. We simply couldn't kill the enemies fast enough at their side Turrets before they could land. When we finally did take their side Turret, it took our entire team to get it thus leading to us immediately losing our Side/Middle Turret since it was undefended.


The games like the example above are the types of extremely frustrating WZs that I have to deal with daily whenever I solo queue or without 3+ friends.

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