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Crit vs Power for a Sentinel


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Some very preliminary research on stats http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=47695#stats


For end game content, the numbers suggest that the priority would be:


Accuracy to Cap, Strength, Power, Surge, Critical


For all three trees with perhaps an exception where Surge and Critical are tied in the Combat tree.


Combat's main burst spell (which also does a good amount of your overall DPS) is blade storm, which is already a 100 % crit.


I'd go with surge even as combat.

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  • 2 months later...

I found this to be a thread worth revisiting. I am hoping to generate some more conversation on this now that there have been some changes in the game and we can see how some of the gear itemization has panned out. A lot of the Rakata armor pieces have a very high amount of accuracy.


Unfortunately, we still do not have any combat logs yet, but it would be interesting if some of the same philosophies that were discussed initially still hold true. My Sentinel has a high amount of accuracy and just short of getting mod/enhancement drops, it is hard for me to drop some of that accuracy and convert it into power. I am in Rakata gear so the gear seems to come itemized with a lot of accuracy. I am hesitant to switch out accuracy mods and enhancements that are in my gear now for lower mods and enhancements that might have more power, but lower other stats that I need.


I am Watchman spec and realize that crit/surge is very nice to have as a Sentinel. As (to my understanding) crits generate more focus and bigger heals in conjunction with Surge. I would like to think there is a balance somewhere to be had.


Was scrolling through all the threads and this one seemed very worthy of a bump for serious discussion. Thanks for the time.

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I am Watchman spec and realize that crit/surge is very nice to have as a Sentinel. As (to my understanding) crits generate more focus and bigger heals in conjunction with Surge. I would like to think there is a balance somewhere to be had.


Was scrolling through all the threads and this one seemed very worthy of a bump for serious discussion. Thanks for the time.


I'm pretty sure the heal from DoT crits is a fixed 2% of your total health and not based on your dmg, crit or surge.


As for the Crit vs Power debate, it breaks down like this (for Watchman)....


You get a 15% increase to crit to your HoTs through your talents, so if you have say 25% base crit, you're going to be at 40% crit chance on your DoTs.


Your DoTs only last 6 sec, which is 3 ticks I think. At 40% crit chance, 1 of your ticks will likely crit, even at 45% crit chance your still only likely to crit once during those 3 ticks. At 50% crit you may have a pretty good chance to get 2 crits in those 3 ticks, but one additional crit means an increase of say 350-400 dmg. Plus you have to ask yourself, what does it take to get your crits up to 50% which is a base of 35%?


You also have ZEN which make your next 6 DoTs guaranteed to crit, this is probably up every other Overload Sabers cooldown. So even if you have 0 crit, ZEN is equally as effective as having 50% crit. But having 0 crit, 1000 base dmg and 80% surge is way more effective than having 50%, 700 base dmg and 60% surge (When talking about ZEN).


Having your crit somewhere between 25%, your surge around 75% and your base dmg should be around the 850 mark should be ideal but if you had some extra stats to throw around, power will give you the most gain.

Edited by seouleh
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In the shadow forums it's been shown that for overall damage power is better than even your main stat. So if the main stat formulas are the same accross the board I'd go in this order.




I'm not sure how accuracy plays out as far OH damage so it's hard to tell where that fits in. What is the base hit rate for the OH. Is there a percentage damage reduction for an OH?

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I almost always shoot for a certain crit amount, and then stack other stats. Since the Surge nerf, I think Power is the way to go.


I have no way to judge as of now because I just hit 50 and I have pretty much full Centurion gear. :(


But by the time I'm fully geared, I'm going to try to sit at about 25% Crit unbuffed, then stack Power from there.

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I just read that power doesn't affect the oh weapon. If this is true then disregard what I said. I'm still new to the class and I am learning as I go.


Seems kinda wierd. Surge nerf. We already have a ton of crit due to abilites. Power doesn't work on the oh. Without parses it seems very confusing.

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In the shadow forums it's been shown that for overall damage power is better than even your main stat. So if the main stat formulas are the same accross the board I'd go in this order.




I'm not sure how accuracy plays out as far OH damage so it's hard to tell where that fits in. What is the base hit rate for the OH. Is there a percentage damage reduction for an OH?


Basic Accuracy starts at 90% and builds with increased accuracy rating. Secondary Weapon accuracy starts at 57% and builds with increased accuracy rating. Special attacks start at 100% and Secondary Weapon starts at 67% as it pertains to "specials".


Also, I am not so sure that the PWR stat is better than one's main stat of strength. Has someone figured out the conversion rate of Strength and Power and how they relate to one another?


Thank you all for some of your input and as we approach patch 1.2 an later it should be interesting to see this discussion develop.

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Either way you guys are looking into this a bit too much. I've seen player with all crit and surge gear do good numbers, and I've put up over 500k dmg with a 20% crit chance but over 900 max dmg. It's all about play style and how good you are at your class.
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Combat needs to pad its crit chance for maximum efficency moreso than the other two specs.


Blade Storm does get auto crit, however the box called "Saber Storm" also gives 30% Crit Damage to both Blade Storm and Ataru procs. Theres no way to auto crit your Rushes and Procs, and landing those with the bonus crit damage is vital to having your damage output maximized.

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Usual disclaimer: I do only PvE, no PvP.


I haven't read this whole thread yet (going to go back and do it), but I can't help myself and need to mention that I have seen absolutely no reason to get additional accuracy. Btw I am Watchman spec. I've heard accuracy might be worthwhile for the OH attacks of Ataru.


The question I have is, how often are you missing? I never miss on an attack in my priority list. Once in awhile I might see that Strike missed, but aside from low focus times I feel that strike is the weakest choice and try to use it as little as possible.


If you hover your mouse over accuracy you see that "special attacks" start at 100% accuracy. Now I have no verification of what these are, but I think that only Strike (maybe Slash too?) are basic attacks and the rest are special and hence already have 100%+.


I have always been a pro- power/surge, against crit, but since only burns autocrit in watchman I am going to pick up 30% crit or better. But for Focus I'd go as much surge to get 75%, over that power is probably giving a lot more bang for your buck. But since I feel accuracy is a complete waste, I have replaced all but one of my accuracy enhancements with crit/surge ones, soon to be all. If I notice more missing than usual I will come back and edit my post.

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Hey guys,


I'm trying to gear up my sentinel for high level PvE stff, and I'm wondering which stats I should be focusing on. Obviously I'm using Endurance and Strength for my base stats, but has anyone run the numbers on whether crit or power gets you higher DPS?


Also, should I be building surge or accuracy as my final stat? I'm assuming I should take surge if I'm building crit, but should I be using accuracy if I build power?




Entirely dependant on spec, but for Combat I stack Power and surge over anything else. With the precision/rush/storm combo, you have a chance for auto-crits, so surge is what you want.


On watchman, crit might be a better idea, given that crits will return health from your DOTs, but I haven't done watchman in a while and, to be honest, have no real intention of going back. However, surge is ALWAYS a good thing.


Power is an across the board thing. Boosts DOTs, base damage, everything.


Unless something drastic has changed in 1.2, accuracy has always been... lackluster.

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Would be really interested in the strength vs power discussion. If power doesn't affect OH then the answer is clear. Also trying to determine if my base crit should be around 25 or 30 at the expense of some power. I feel like I am hitting hard consistently but just love seeing those big crits hit. I am a watchman fwiw.
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Would be really interested in the strength vs power discussion. If power doesn't affect OH then the answer is clear. Also trying to determine if my base crit should be around 25 or 30 at the expense of some power. I feel like I am hitting hard consistently but just love seeing those big crits hit. I am a watchman fwiw.
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