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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Jedi ship looks awful


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IMO it is obvious that the devs prefer Sith side... all of the Armor, ships and buildings are so much cooler then on Rep side which looks mostly rag tag and beat up. I can understand the Rebel alliance stuff looking this way in the oroginal trilogy as they were outlaws of sorts, but in this timeline it should be the other way around.


I think the Consular ship is ok, buit the Agent and Inquisitor ships are freakin awesome.


Actually in this timeline the Republic just had their *** handed to them with the sacking of Corusant ( I can never spell the name correctly) and had been losing the war before a ceasefire was put into effect ,So its understandable that their stuff looks beat up and rag tag

Edited by Liefish
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Here's my list and likes/dislikes:


Defender (Jedi) - mini Corellian Corvette. An obvious diplomatic design, yet compact and efficient. 9/10


XS Freighter (Smuggler) - Cross between Millenium Falcon and Ebon Hawk, the most traditional of Star Wars Freighters. Less efficient than Defender, but its classical design is remarkably cool. 9/10


BT-7 Thunderclap (Trooper) - eh? 4/10


X-70B Phantom (Imperial Agent) - a ship worthy of an Agent, a prototype of the finest kind. Yet there's something about its design that bothers me - probably the boxy cockpit that hides beneath the bow of the ship. Still, well worthy of a 9/10


D-5 Mantis (Bounty Hunter) - this one reminds me of Jango Fett's little vessel. Not my style, yet an extra point for that anyway. 5/10


Fury (Sith) - again, a classical Imperial design, something of a cross between the Star destroyers and Tie fighters. I still prefer the XS, Phantom and Defender, but this one comes right after those. 8/10


You were pretty close to where I am.

Defender is most fitting for the occupants and the design is as you said very fitting.

Phantom just looks like the newest/bestest of tech designs.

Fury seems pretty good.

The Thunderclap dsigner needs to give his money back. It, to me, is the silliest ugliest design in the game or of any ship ever lol.


Besides the Trooper, I think they caught the lore of the ships to classes. I think they did a great job of making them fit the user.

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While I agree the agent ship looks really cool, I do like the Jedi defender. I find it easy to navigate in. From the bridge, jump over the railing and exit. It's just simple.


I really dislike the looks of the trooper ship and the smuggler ship is way to big and confusing.


This. I love the jumping over the rail, it is cool and easy lol. Troopers is the worse design in the galaxy far far away and the smuggler is fine on the outside for me but on the in, just irritating to run a mile to leave the ship lol.

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The Mantis actually reminds me a bit of Serenity from the show Firefly, except with a third engine pod sticking off the bottom.


I really like the Defender class - I think it does a good job drawing on the various diplomatic vessels from the movies.


The Imp Agent ship is also perfect - it's what James Bond would fly, if he were in this game.

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You were pretty close to where I am.

Defender is most fitting for the occupants and the design is as you said very fitting.

Phantom just looks like the newest/bestest of tech designs.

Fury seems pretty good.

The Thunderclap dsigner needs to give his money back. It, to me, is the silliest ugliest design in the game or of any ship ever lol.


Besides the Trooper, I think they caught the lore of the ships to classes. I think they did a great job of making them fit the user.


Trooper ship design is basically just a bigger and bulkier B-wing. The majority of the ship designs in game borrowed from ships we've seen on the big screen.

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Yes. The Consular''s ship reminds one of the Consular's ship from A New Hope, and the Bounty Hunter's Ship ... well, is basically an horizontally flying "pre-Slave I".

Same goes with the other ships as well- "pre-TIE-Fighter", and an early form of the ship of Queen Amidala.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I think the jedi layout is the best of all the ships. It doesn't look as cool as the operative, sith, or smuggler ship, but it's OKAY. But you really come to appreciate being able to run directly to your airlock from you conference room.


And from your pilots seat just jump over the rail and disembark. It's the fastest ship for getting from ship to planet I've seen so far (have ships for Imp Agent, Bounty Hunter, and the Fury also). Imp Agent's ship is the coolest looking both inside and out imho. I like the Fury's outside, but the inside is a bit too uncomfortable looking. Bounty Hunter ship is butt ugly all around, but seeing as it was a stolen ship heh, you get what you pay for. Otherwise, the defender just doesn't seem "jedi like" to me, whatever that means...

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