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Real Life Picture Thread!


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Here's a pic of me and my daughters, who both like to game and for those who care, yes my real name is Bekure.


Desiree is my 12 year old who likes MMO's. She is playing DCUO at the moment and possibly SWTOR at a later date.


T'siona (pronounced cee-on-nah) is my 7 year old who loves Xbox 360 and Nintendo DSi. She is begining to take a interest in MMO's as well.











Your babies are pretty damn cute, bro. Guard them WITH YOUR LIFE. My daughter is 18... boys... I want... to... k... wait, I must control myself.


Anyway, here I am. -- NOTE: Do not open image if you dislike hunting.


Also, if you dislike hunting... save your story for another place and time. We are sharing pictures, this is the most recent I have.

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This thread is full of win.


All of my most recent pictures were taken during, or shortly after my term of service with the Utah Conservation Corps. Just got back home right before the release of SWtoR. Nothing like a time sink that makes you forget about video games in order to survive the wait for the video game you're most looking forward to, hahaha.


Me prepping my food for my hitch in the back country.

The Nutella was a score out of a free bin in the hostel I was staying at in town.

Just cleaning up my own mess of a groover can at the end of the aforementioned hitch.

If you know what a groover is you might see the humor in that.

Celebrating with friends in a van crammed full of our belongings.

Epic road trip from Utah through Nevada, into Cali and up highway 1 on my way to the Greyhound station where I then rode a bus for a day and a half straight to get back to Washington State.


That is me. Hope you enjoyed the slide show and the story, I've got tons more pictures and tons of awesome stories if anyone wants to hear more. If you're young and looking for work I seriously advise looking at the world of Conservation Corps.

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Your babies are pretty damn cute, bro. Guard them WITH YOUR LIFE. My daughter is 18... boys... I want... to... k... wait, I must control myself.


Anyway, here I am. -- NOTE: Do not open image if you dislike hunting.


Also, if you dislike hunting... save your story for another place and time. We are sharing pictures, this is the most recent I have.


Thank you muchly. I always keep a close eye on them actually. :cool:

I'm also teaching them to practice modesty and I try to boost their confidence by constantly reminding them how beautiful they are inside and out. I have high hopes of them becoming respectable young women one day.

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Thank you muchly. I always keep a close eye on them actually. :cool:

I'm also teaching them to practice modesty and I try to boost their confidence by constantly reminding them how beautiful they are inside and out. I have high hopes of them becoming respectable young women one day.


From the sound of it, you will succeed. Those are all the best messages to give them.


Kudos to you.

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Hello all!


We love great, community building threads such as this. And we wanted to point out the guidelines for the thread because we do think they're great guidelines to help this thread be as constructive as possible.



1. Must be a picture of YOU. Not a character from some show you wish you were or something.

2. Keep it clean. This is a teen rated game, but let's keep the pictures E rated. You never know who will see it; if you would have to ask, don't post it.

3. Make the link directly to a picture. Don't just say "Oh! If you check out my FaceBook and friend me you can see my pictures!" Lets keep it if someone clicks the link, they see a picture.

4. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. If you wouldn't want it said to you, don't say it.

5. Have fun and make some friends!


If you do NOT feel like posting a picture that's fine, but to keep the topic rolling, describe yourself, but again lets keep this YOU, not who you wish you were. (Not that we can tell the difference).


We would like to add to this as a reminder that insults and rude comments toward others are not allowed, please keep this in mind when you're viewing others' pictures.


If you see someone breaking the forum rules please feel free to flag the posts so we can investigate.


Thank you!


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Hello all!


We love great, community building threads such as this. And we wanted to point out the guidelines for the thread because we do think they're great guidelines to help this thread be as constructive as possible.




We would like to add to this as a reminder that insults and rude comments toward others are not allowed, please keep this in mind when you're viewing others' pictures.


If you see someone breaking the forum rules please feel free to flag the posts so we can investigate.


Thank you!



Oh and here's my pic, just so this post is constructive :D

http://skylineownersusa.com/images/fb1.jpg - Me with my wife

http://skylineownersusa.com/images/fb2.jpg - Me in 2003 days before the Iraq invasion

http://skylineownersusa.com/images/fb3.jpg - My crazy desk that's never clean

Edited by Meluna
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