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So, devil's advocate...


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I get that "OMG, the servers are all at Light and Standard!"


HOWEVER, and this is the thing no one ever seems to mention when they rage over the server load...


But with the exception of the few junkies who have been playing nonstop for the last day, almost all of those players are confined into the the first couple of zones. Even spreading them across multiple instances, I've seen up to around 200ish players crowded into one little area, which in itself can be a strain on the server. That might be way a handful of servers actually crashed today, despite the overall light load.


If everyone got in today, the servers would've died in agony as Korriban was swamped in thousands of Sith Inquisitors.


Just my thoughts, staggering the entries prevents the starter zones from being even more heavily swamped than they are now.

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I get that "OMG, the servers are all at Light and Standard!"


HOWEVER, and this is the thing no one ever seems to mention when they rage over the server load...


But with the exception of the few junkies who have been playing nonstop for the last day, almost all of those players are confined into the the first couple of zones. Even spreading them across multiple instances, I've seen up to around 200ish players crowded into one little area, which in itself can be a strain on the server. That might be way a handful of servers actually crashed today, despite the overall light load.


If everyone got in today, the servers would've died in agony as Korriban was swamped in thousands of Sith Inquisitors.


Just my thoughts, staggering the entries prevents the starter zones from being even more heavily swamped than they are now.


I will be gentle and assume you did not play during the Beta. The game is using a shard system, creating a new version of a zone when it reaches maximum capacity. Even if all 5000 players were in the beginning zone, the server would simply create 20 copies of it and have 250 players per zones.


In other words, they did not limit the servers to Light and Medium to avoid zones being overcrowded. Actually I am not quite sure why they did so, only logical explanation is they screwed up their maths and did not invite enough players.

Edited by Khondar
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Fail argument.


TWO MILLION PEOPLE played in those zones just fine Thanksgiving weekend.

Remember Bioware BRAGGING about it in EVERY media outlet?


Except you didn't read it right, they had 2 million signed up for beta. 750k new players joined the game over those 4 days, with only 250k peak concurrent users.

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I will be gentle and assume you did not play during the Beta. The game is using a shard system, creating a new version of a zone when it reaches maximum capacity. Even if all 5000 players were in the beginning zone, the server would simply create 20 copies of it and have 250 players per zones.


In other words, they did not limit the servers to Light and Medium to avoid zones being overcrowded. Actually I am not quite sure why they did so, only logical explanation is they screwed up their maths and did not invite enough players.


A fair counterpoint. Is it possible that oodles of shards themselves being created could cause an issue?

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They sent out TWO MILLION invites, less than half of those played.


So? Even if 1 million played the argument is still valid.


A query though, are the zones after the start zones instanced? I don't recall seeing multiple zones when I was in the last beta weekend... which was admittedly a lot smaller than the thanksgiving one.

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Except you didn't read it right, they had 2 million signed up for beta. 750k new players joined the game over those 4 days, with only 250k peak concurrent users.


Also a random thought: maybe Bioware overestimated how many of the people who pre-ordered in the waves that were let in would jump online all at once?


I won't deny, it looks a lot like they played it pretty cautiously. But I wonder if a worst/best case scenario of everyone given access yesterday jumping online mostly at once would've been.

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They sent out TWO MILLION invites, less than half of those played.


they said 750k people logged in on thanksgiving day, alone


divide that by the number of servers there were, i dont remember, so if you can, super, but there were less than there are now


how many invites have they sent out, i can bet it wasnt 750k


your floor, conselor....or consular :D

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A fair counterpoint. Is it possible that oodles of shards themselves being created could cause an issue?


Perhaps. I could understand this logic if today they would limit it to 500 players per zones split in 2-3 shards. Keep the number low. My friend was playing between 4PM and 10PM EST and never had more than 65 players in his Zone, not shard, zone. The game server did not even need to create a second shard, even when he reached Dromund Kaas he had around 70 players in that zone.


It's quite boring for the ones that got in actually, you can barely run flashpoints and Warfronts never load with enough players. Overall it was a sucky launch even for those that got it.

Edited by Khondar
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A fair counterpoint. Is it possible that oodles of shards themselves being created could cause an issue?


Possibly I guess. Then again, shouldn't it be irrelevant if the server has to load the same zone 50 times instead of 50 different zones?

Edited by FerrusPA
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Fail argument.


TWO MILLION PEOPLE played in those zones just fine Thanksgiving weekend.

Remember Bioware BRAGGING about it in EVERY media outlet?




This game creates instances when a zone/area is heavey and in closed beta I saw as many as 10 Merchant Area on Coruscant instances running at once.


I know this because I had to change instances to meet up with a group to die (err I mean fight....no i mean die) against the world boss droid.


So doesnt matter if you have 10 or 3000 in a starter zone, instances get made to handle the load.

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Fail argument.


TWO MILLION PEOPLE played in those zones just fine Thanksgiving weekend.

Remember Bioware BRAGGING about it in EVERY media outlet?


Fail rebuttal. 750k played Thanksgiving and they staggered that access. 500k got in first day, other 250 got in Saturday

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All your talk of the servers being at Light or medium... remember that not everyone would've received early access yesterday! Some are bound to still receive over the next few days. I'm sure the powers that be have taken all that into account in deciding about the server spread!
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Possibly I guess. Then again, shouldn't it be irrelevant if the server has to load the same zone 50 times instead of 50 different zones?


Well, I figure every zone exists at least once at all times on all servers. Anytime another instance of it gets created, it's an entire zone's worth of data getting added to the server. It doesn't matter if there's five people on Ord Mantell 2 or 120, there's now twice as much data being used for an entire new Ord Mantell zone that doesn't always exist.


Of course, I'm no expert on their servers and the mechanics of all of it, but it's a thought. If you spread the players out across multiple zones, then those zones that run continously are primarily the only ones with fewer and fewer extra instances as the playerbase spreads out. In theory (as in mine, the self admitted non-expert), that would less the strain on the server, wouldn't it?

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