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Nerf Operatives - Im in full pvp gear getting 3 shot


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I actually am a geared 50 Scrapper.

The only way I'm going to even get close to killing a geared 50 in the opener is with multiple temp buffs and everything crits. This DOES happen, and I can usually bring them decently low if I'm unlucky, but I rarely kill them in the opener.


The thing is... The simple fact you "can" kill a geared 50 in your opener, so before he can even react if trinket is on CD, is actually a problem and the undeniable proof that op/scoundrels are ridiculously overpowered.


Even if it rarely happens, it just should'nt happen ever, not even being close to.

Edited by zqsd
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Finally a scrapper/conceal that is able to formulate a coherent thought and is reasonable. I think what most people are complaining about is the opener may not out-right kill a geared player but causes so much pressure that it leads to more unrecoverable situations than any other class in the game. On top of which, the multitude of tools they bring to a fight beyond their damage.


Care to elaborate on the multitude of tools we bring to the fight aside from our damage?

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considering we started on him when he was alone and got him to 20% before a healer showed up.. Claim what you want. And it is funny how everything you claim about them totally contricts.

Oh they have awsome burst because they are so squishy..... Yea if they was squishy it wouldnt matter if they had a single healer healing them or not with 5 focus firing on him he would of died.

Oh they only have good dps coming out of stealth... Really then how the **** did he kill 5 of us 2 of us I know where in heavy armor within 12-15 seconds?

Yea you defenders shouls prolly just shut up now unless you really like to make yourself look so stupid.

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considering we started on him when he was alone and got him to 20% before a healer showed up.. Claim what you want. And it is funny how everything you claim about them totally contricts.

Oh they have awsome burst because they are so squishy..... Yea if they was squishy it wouldnt matter if they had a single healer healing them or not with 5 focus firing on him he would of died.

Oh they only have good dps coming out of stealth... Really then how the **** did he kill 5 of us 2 of us I know where in heavy armor within 12-15 seconds?

Yea you defenders shouls prolly just shut up now unless you really like to make yourself look so stupid.


The only one who is looking stupid would be you, getting owned over and over again is WZ's by good pvp'ers. That must suck right?

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Care to elaborate on the multitude of tools we bring to the fight aside from our damage?


Interrupt, AOE Blind, Stun, Stealth, Sap, Heals, 50% snare, avoidance training, more defensive cooldowns ... do you need a link to torhead?

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The only one who is looking stupid would be you, getting owned over and over again is WZ's by good pvp'ers. That must suck right?


Ahahah yup because facerolling keyboard to kill an opponent while he's on the ground and can do nohting is pure skill, AMIRITE?


Do you really feel good when you look at game mechanics do all the job for you?

"Wow i killed this guy pressing 1 2 3 on my keyboard i'm such a pgm"

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There's a lot of conditions here.

IF you're alone, and IF the operative is in stealth, and IF they are biochem, and IF they use their cooldowns, and IF you can't knock them away, and IF...etc etc...then they're OP wargblarg!

I'm a powertech, look, I can do the same thing:

IF I have a healer, and IF I'm at range, and IF I use my cooldowns, and IF you cluster together, and IF blah blah blah, you'll never kill me omg OP!

Each class has strength AND weaknesses, learn them and work with them.

Maybe you shouldn't be running around all by yourself, begging to get picked off? Somehow, I bet if there were three or even two of you, that beast of an operative would be dead or running for the hills.

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I enjoy having to save all my survivability tools for one class. Great argument listing out everything we need to do to not be killed. Thats assuming we can get up.


The opening damage isn't so much the problem as it is the combination with the stuns. Stuns should be nerfed in pvp for everyone.

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The thing is... The simple fact you "can" kill a geared 50 in your opener, so before he can even react if trinket is on CD, is actually a problem and the undeniable proof that op/scoundrels are ridiculously overpowered.


Even if it rarely happens, it just should'nt happen ever, not even being close to.


You realize it's done with an adrenal, a relic, and the WZ expertise buff, right? Because if you're talking about a geared 50, you're talking 400 or 500 Expertise and 16k+ HP. Any of the high DPS classes can gib geared people quickly given the right circumstances. They just don't do it while you're on your face. But some of them do it from 30 meters out. ZOMG nerf!


3 or 4-shotting people is not the norm at all. Generally, fights with even geared level 50s lasts more than 15 or 20 seconds. Granted, when people are sub-50 or have no gear, I steamroll the hell out of them and re-stealth before anyone even knew what happened. Those people don't matter. Seriously.


And ALL of this, absolutely all of this is strictly a 1v1 situation. Add in healers, guard, stealth scan, tanks, good players reacting quickly to a teammate in trouble, and Operatives aren't nearly as scary.

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LOL now this is priceless. The OP is crying on the forums for an Operative nerf in this thread, then bragging about his Sage's 600k+ damage in another thread...





Seriously, kid? Get out. I'm sorry that the counter to your class has been hindering you from hitting 700k damage in WZs. Someone change this kid's diaper.





/waves to Sevvy

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The thing is... The simple fact you "can" kill a geared 50 in your opener, so before he can even react if trinket is on CD, is actually a problem and the undeniable proof that op/scoundrels are ridiculously overpowered.


Even if it rarely happens, it just should'nt happen ever, not even being close to.


Believe me, I do agree we may need somewhat of a nerf. I almost always do the most damage in WZs, and can slaughter people back to back if people don't pay attention to me (and I get to hop back into stealth immediately if my target dies if no one does). But I see so many posts claiming that we never kill people in the opener, and just as many acting as though we regularly and frequently 100 -> 0 50s regardless of class and gear. Neither is the case.


It was more of a "this is what it's actually like" rather than "we're fine." We may actually be more balanced once half their team isn't free kills. Our sustained dps out of stealth is okay but not great, and we have serious issues with repeated roots and knockbacks, but we can bring huge burst. Likely something will change, but we'll see what it looks like when there's finally brackets.

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You realize it's done with an adrenal, a relic, and the WZ expertise buff, right? Because if you're talking about a geared 50, you're talking 400 or 500 Expertise and 16k+ HP. Any of the high DPS classes can gib geared people quickly given the right circumstances. They just don't do it while you're on your face. But some of them do it from 30 meters out. ZOMG nerf!


3 or 4-shotting people is not the norm at all. Generally, fights with even geared level 50s lasts more than 15 or 20 seconds. Granted, when people are sub-50 or have no gear, I steamroll the hell out of them and re-stealth before anyone even knew what happened. Those people don't matter. Seriously.


And ALL of this, absolutely all of this is strictly a 1v1 situation. Add in healers, guard, stealth scan, tanks, good players reacting quickly to a teammate in trouble, and Operatives aren't nearly as scary.


Sorry, but no other classes require that kind of coordination and attention to defend against. My group does all those things and are successful most of the time. It's the absurd moments that are piling up that have brought so many people to the forums in protest.

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It's funny how as an op and a sin I counter other ops and scounds all day. No complaints. This is against some of the best of their bunch too. Lots of bad pvpers scream nerf.


I'd love to see the complaints about unkillable tanks and healers if the ops ever get nerfed.

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Interrupt, AOE Blind, Stun, Stealth, Sap, Heals, 50% snare, avoidance training, more defensive cooldowns ... do you need a link to torhead?


You make it seem like we have sooo much utility compared to other classes. All classes have this stuff.


The bottom line is that 90% of the players don't know how to fight an Operative and are unwilling to learn. They'd rather spend all their time complaining and hoping that we become easy to kill due to nerfs, than learning how to deal with us.


You bads can pile on me all you want. But I do the same stuff to people on my Mercenary, just not in stealth and from 30m out. Because I know how to handle the class you play. And you have no idea how to handle the ones I play. You just know how to complain.

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You make it seem like we have sooo much utility compared to other classes. All classes have this stuff.


The bottom line is that 90% of the players don't know how to fight an Operative and are unwilling to learn. They'd rather spend all their time complaining and hoping that we become easy to kill due to nerfs, than learning how to deal with us.


You bads can pile on me all you want. But I do the same stuff to people on my Mercenary, just not in stealth and from 30m out. Because I know how to handle the class you play. And you have no idea how to handle the ones I play. You just know how to complain.


No we understand we have to have the best gear, all of our cool downs all up at once and hope you can get past that whole opening bit.

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/waves to Sevvy


What's up, Nyghoma? How goes it on your server and where did you end up?


Yeah, man. There are some seriously insane tanks that I don't even touch. Then they guard an insanely geared healer and it's GG.


I'm rolling a tank to do rated WZs with. Then we'll see who is complaining about what! :D

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As a sniper its impossible to kite an operative/scoundrel..we are just free kills for them...

Coming out of hide like chickens 3 shot u then once they get ganked they instant hide again..if thats not OP then ***


fix cover and overall sniper class nerf the the hell as **** operatives/scoundrel...

Every noob can play an operative atm..just go hide select a target with 50% gank him kill him with 2 shot go back to hide


Are you under the impression that you as a ranged DPS SHOULD be able to win a fight against a melee dps class that gets the jump on you when you are at 50% health?


Are you serious?

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The game is bran new no need to be crying for nerfs. The overall PvP fights need to last longer.


Damage in general in PvP needs a 25% to 50% reduction


I complain about all the other bugs. This is a bug and should be corrected,

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