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Nerf Operatives - Im in full pvp gear getting 3 shot


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Yes very squishy and get blown up after opener. Sure


That is why....


9/10 they have less than 2 deaths with and without a premade, and without a healer

9/10 they have the highest damage done in game with and without a premade

9/10 they are able to do constant on demand crits between 3k-5k OUT OF STEALTH

9/10 they can knock you down when you have resolve immunity

9/10 they can do the crazy burst and still heal almost as good as a dedicated healer



Man you sure were "on the money" there


totally trues

melee scoundrels so owerpowered

they 2 shot me to half hp, i have 501 expertise with 16800 hp, yet i got bursted 9k dmg form them...


2x scoundrel can kill a player in 3 sec.

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Your pathetic anecdotal statistics hold no weight here. Your entire post is worthless, and literally NONE of your bullet points are true at all. You're probably just really mad because operatives give you trouble, personally, and you don't know how to deal with it.


don't just troll someones true post man...


just accept your class is owerpowered


scoundrel opener must be nerfed! nuff said!

Edited by psysention
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Your pathetic anecdotal statistics hold no weight here. Your entire post is worthless, and literally NONE of your bullet points are true at all. You're probably just really mad because operatives give you trouble, personally, and you don't know how to deal with it.


this rubbish is why the tor forums are seen as a joke by the wider population, because of this schoolboy aggressive nature an attempts at belittling people because you don't like what they say.

No classes need nerfs or buffs, you should be learning how to play the class, an how to counter other classes. That is how MMO's work.


Not this warcraft system of demanding the devs hold your hand an play for you, or complain until you get xyz nerfed, then move onto next class an complain about them.


My JK has no way to keep people in range, boohoo, I am gonna sueif I dont get what I want.... see how silly you lads sound?...


"oh but wait, maybe if I look at my class, an work out how to fight on my ground whenever possible, or fight with the odds in my favor, praps then I will find that the classes are not broken after all..."

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I'm a marksman sniper and i can 3 shot a light armor from half a map away in about 2 seconds. People don't notice me because i don't knock them down from behind before that. i personally never had issues with scoundrels...i can break cc then use my cc immunity and completely destroy them.
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I still cant believe that people playing operative/scoundrels are trying to argue that arent over powered and dont need a nerf. All their arguements for only having burst and not sustained is BS, i always see operatives top the charts. Everytime there is a 50 op/scdrl on other team and i dont have a pocket healer i pretty much might as well give up. How is it fair they can kill whoever they want in 3seconds then go stealth and do it all over again? And now the worst thing i see pretty often is pairs of operatives just going around killing everyone in sight no matter if they have a healer. No other class has this power what so ever. A nerf is needed very badly or lvl 50 wz's will be miserable with the rate people are rolling operatives now
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I still cant believe that people playing operative/scoundrels are trying to argue that arent over powered and dont need a nerf. All their arguements for only having burst and not sustained is BS, i always see operatives top the charts. Everytime there is a 50 op/scdrl on other team and i dont have a pocket healer i pretty much might as well give up. How is it fair they can kill whoever they want in 3seconds then go stealth and do it all over again? And now the worst thing i see pretty often is pairs of operatives just going around killing everyone in sight no matter if they have a healer. No other class has this power what so ever. A nerf is needed very badly or lvl 50 wz's will be miserable with the rate people are rolling operatives now


Can we get some hard numbers here? What exactly is the "rate" people are rolling operatives? Can we get some footage of this exorbitant number of operatives 100-0'ing in their opening stun?


You were right about one thing. You might as well give up. If your best defense against us is to make a nerf post on the forums, no amount of nerfs is going to help you. A good player w/ a gimped class will still kill a bad player with a solid class 9/10 times because the good player knows what he's up against and how to defend against it/counter it. That's why you'll never see a thread like this from a good player.


I'm really hoping these nerf threads die off once the 50 bracket hits so people can see how operative performs under slightly more controlled PvP circumstances. Any lvl 12 saberslinger can make a thread and say "I'm former 5000 rated WoW arena man with full champion gear and I get killed by every operative ever in 2 GCDs"

Edited by YpaWinz
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Your pathetic anecdotal statistics hold no weight here. Your entire post is worthless, and literally NONE of your bullet points are true at all. You're probably just really mad because operatives give you trouble, personally, and you don't know how to deal with it.



As opposed to your hardcore peer reviewed data and facts...oh wait.


Unless you are sporting metrics from BW it's ALL anecdotal. You are just so arrogant to think your position is worth more than any one else's.

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Why would their opening get nerfed? Once they're out of stealth they're garbage. Just trinket the initial stun and get away. Not too hard.


Bull ****, I fought a premade the other day that had 2 scoundrels and appropriate support (guards + heals.) This 'they're useless after their opener' is just a flat out lie. And seriously, CC breaks tend to be on a 2 minute cooldown for all of the classes. With the amount of CC in this game I seldom get to save it just for some random scoundrel.

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untill BW getsoff thier *** and puts a combat log in this game they wont be able to balance it. so please for the love of all things sacred stop the QQ and trinket the opener. After we come out of stealth we are useless.
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As opposed to your hardcore peer reviewed data and facts...oh wait.


Unless you are sporting metrics from BW it's ALL anecdotal. You are just so arrogant to think your position is worth more than any one else's.


Difference is I'm not making a case for a change to the game, so I don't need to present data. He's the one arguing for something to be done because "HERP DERP 9/10 OPERATIVES BEAT ME UP AND STEAL MY LUNCH MONEY!"

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How to counter an Operative/Scoundrel


1.) Break the initial knockdown. You'll have a chance to recover, and on top of that your resolve bar will be full, so you can get stunned against for a bit.


2.) CC the operative immediately, and be ready to cc the operative again. We only have one cc break.


3.) If you survive the initial burst, you can typically heal through the damage. We only have two interrupts, and one of them is a stun.


4.) Knockbacks. We have no skill that allows us to immediately close the distance.


5.) Dot, dot, and dot. We'll be less likely to escape, and on top of that less likely to vanish and reopen.


I'm not going to sit here and say l2p, as it'll simply make my words fall on deaf ears. All I'm going to say is please reevaluate your gear, level, and tactics before you start crying out for nerfs.

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A few things to consider:


• Sorc/Sage being the most popular class, their counter class Op/Sc can be expected to have the most nerf calls purely on statistics


• Many think the idea/concept of rogue is imbalanced, therefore they also think <rogue x> is imbalanced

-> Their proposed solution = make rogues unviable


• Operative/Scoundrel possibly the least rolled class at release?

-> Expect people not to understand their weaknesses or how their viability is determined


• Burst classes are pretty much always relatively best off when a game is young

-> Young games have high gear and level gaps between players

-> General level of gearedness is low

-> Many haven't learned to use the tools available to them properly (or the game mechanics *cough* resolve *cough*)


• Classes that are very reliant on micromanaging haven't learned their class yet and are therefore relatively underpowered to many

-> Glass cannons such as mages depend on good use of defensive abilities

-> Combine the problem of high micromanaging requirement for mages with their popularity


• Endgame scaling usually changes things.

-> Until you're a 50 fighting ONLY other 50's, PvP is not representative of endgame balance


We'll start with these.

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A few things to consider:


• Sorc/Sage being the most popular class, their counter class Op/Sc can be expected to have the most nerf calls purely on statistics


• Many think the idea/concept of rogue is imbalanced, therefore they also think <rogue x> is imbalanced

-> Their proposed solution = make rogues unviable


• Operative/Scoundrel possibly the least rolled class at release?

-> Expect people not to understand their weaknesses or how their viability is determined


• Burst classes are pretty much always relatively best off when a game is young

-> Young games have high gear and level gaps between players

-> General level of gearedness is low

-> Many haven't learned to use the tools available to them properly (or the game mechanics *cough* resolve *cough*)


• Classes that are very reliant on micromanaging haven't learned their class yet and are therefore relatively underpowered to many

-> Glass cannons such as mages depend on good use of defensive abilities

-> Combine the problem of high micromanaging requirement for mages with their popularity


• Endgame scaling usually changes things.

-> Until you're a 50 fighting ONLY other 50's, PvP is not representative of endgame balance


We'll start with these.





I feel like I should wife you. Also I don't know if you're real. Rational posts like this seldom surface in these parts.

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how do you counter an op? you can't.


Stun opening move. Break it? fine. Second stun. Now you're stuck. DPS burst damage already has you to less than 50%. Stun breaks and you're slowed. by the time you turn you're less than 20% health (assuming he didn't crit you and you're dead). Now what? DPS? Fine. You do some dps. He's down to 80% and you're dead. Run? Fine. You're slowed, he follows and you're dead.


I'd love to see your "counter" strategy for a class that can keep you stunned/slowed until you're dead/under 30% health.


heard of resolve bar you fool, OP cant stun u 2 times after eachother...

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They need to lower the opening dmg or put hidden strike on like a 2 min cooldown cause i dont know how anyone can argue the point that its ridiculous that 1 class can pretty well 3-4 shot a heavy. And before you OPs/scoundrels cry QQ and blah blah, realize that the 100% knockdown chance that says like 3 secs is really 5 secs with the getting up animation time factored in. Also unless im missing something, the last time i was knocked down by one, i wasn't able to CC break out of it. Now if the trinket does it, great.....so OPs/scoundrels are the only class that you NEED a specific item to counter one of their biggest openers...


Also for those that are gonna cry that assassins can do the same, thats fine as long as i at least can get a chance to fight back instead of being flat on my face for 5 secs while 1/2-3/4 of my life is instantly taken.

Edited by Sauzo
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BH/troopers do crazy dmg as well but once a melee closes in on em, they can wreck em. Plus you can at least run from them vs OPs/scoundrels where there is nothing you can do once they hit hidden blade or whatever the scoundrel one is except take it and pray you knock em back, stun em and run. Having weak out of combat dmg doesnt matter when you can open on someone and pretty well take em to half life or less in 1 chain.


And on sorcs/sages, that dmg bubble they got absorbs a pretty good amount of dmg :)

Edited by Sauzo
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I have to giggle about the talks, playing a lvl 12 Mercenary and 20lvl higher player already running from, dmg is insane in comparison to all the classes i played before. I know for sure which class belongs to the powerfull classes aswell and so easy to play. Edited by BobaFurz
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i agree here they have crazy CC and i am getting 3 shotted and sometimes 2 shotted.

and if i happen to get away from their melee i get shot and killed


if i even stay here long enough to see any changes this one one that i definitely want to see

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I disagree that BH/Commando are the most OP class.


You do not see BH/Commando's doing 10-14k burst damage in 3 seconds. No class in fact that I have seen has done that, except the operative. And for that reason, they do need a nurf. Most of these posts cry out for a game breaking nurf, which I will disagree with. The operative is like a ranged rogue in a way, and they should have some burst. But in no way should their burst be a knockdown and 100% to 0 two seconds later. Many videos are posted with operatives doing this, and I believe it is very overpowered. It doesn't matter what class you are, as of right now that kind of burst will kill about anyone.


As to the person who posted awhile back, "If you cant kill them after their burst you're bad", well not sure what to say to someone who thinks that's a logical statement. Why? Because even if you do survive that burst, you have maybe 1-2k hp left tops? That's enough for a crit by their grenade, etc. Either way the result is the same. You also have to figure this class can also heal, vanish, and stealth. Essentially they are rogues with the best burst dps, that can heal, and escape with ease.


A nurf is needed.

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