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EXTREMELY frustrating problem (bug?) with SI Hoth quest 'Into the Assasin's Temple'


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**Below contains minor SPOILERS for the Hoth class questline for Inquisitor**









So I specced healer, and received the quest to go into the Sadow'een temple and Talos became my companion for this endeavor. It was a little tough, me being a healer and having a healing companion; it was taking forever to kill the droids in there. But that is neither there nor here.

Anyways, you come to a point where Talos needs to open the door and you have to fight ~3 waves of droids solo while he opens the door. This was tough for me, and after trading blows with the final wave for awhile, I finally died. Then, I was respawned outside the phase. Fine. But then Talos was still inside, at the door, so I figured I'll just run back to the door and kill that one droid I died to. But no, the entire phase had respawned, and my bonus quest went from saying 'kill ancient droids 17/30' to 'kill ancient droids 0/30'. Now it expects me to mow through 17 droids to get to the door, solo without my companion. I tried. I died. I respawned and ran forward as far as I could until I became visible again and died again. Rinse repeat. After two 10 minute death timers I am at the door again and Talos is still there tinkering with it, and I have to fight the 3 solo waves again, this time with completely borken armor due to my copious amounts of dying. I almost did it. So close. But then I died and respawned outside the instance, conpanionless, with a fully respawned instance ahead of me. I finally had to enlist the help of a guildmate. Is this right, or is this a bug? I have never run into a situation so ridiculous and penalyzing in the whole game.

Maybe it would have been different if I was dps specced, but force a healer to beat solo waves, they die, and then force them to re-beat 5 times that number of enemies companionless? What?

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Unsumon and Resummon to solve the Prolem with the Companion. You may also summon any other Compni to get back atthe door.


However the phase will reset again and again if you cant survive the Fight at the door. I'm stuck there as well (DD-Specced) and iss alswas the last damn droid killing me.


Also he seemed to resist the Whirlwind last time. *sigh*

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I understand the desire of most of us SI's to do the class quests solo. That said, if you're spec'd healing and are taking a healing companion by requirement, enlist a friend's help. "A Sith is nothing without a power base". Power base = people, and I can't see any reason why "making one of them kill stuff for you" would detract from the experience.


YMMV and all that, but just a nugget to maybe help get you over the roleplay aspect if that's your thing.


EDITED TO ADD: I appreciate your spoiler warning. It's nice when people are thoughtful enough to do that. It appears, however, that you are unaware of the spoiler flag that will auto hide that info. It's the gray gear shaped icon, bottom row on the right, at the top of the compose window.

Edited by Hochrami
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I had a lot of trouble with that fight, and I was put in combat at once so summoning another companion wasn't possible. Was a bit hard for my assassin as tnaking isn't his deal and I was 2 levels under, which didn't help either. I resorted to going out to gain some more levels and come back.
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Unsumon and Resummon to solve the Prolem with the Companion. You may also summon any other Compni to get back atthe door.


However the phase will reset again and again if you cant survive the Fight at the door. I'm stuck there as well (DD-Specced) and iss alswas the last damn droid killing me.


Also he seemed to resist the Whirlwind last time. *sigh*


What RyuKazuha said was true. What I did, I summoned Khem for droid kills quest up to the point where you need to open the Temple door. While at the door summon Talos so he start the quest. I have to admit it was not easy for me at first try cause i made a mistake of Whirlwind the last droid so I can heal myself, but never realized that the doid healed too. I run out force and health, died and run back in. Second attempt went easy. I ccd the hell out of that droid, knock him back then I used the slow ability (sorry forget the name). i think that trick worked for me. :):)

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I died once on this and was pretty upset but on the 2nd try here's what I did....


Ok the last bigger guy is the problem right? The problem is the earlier mobs get your health down enough that the last guy is simply too hard. You don't get any time to regen health before the last big guy. Ok...there are 2 mobs right before the last big guy....so I killed 1 of the last two mobs then I CC'd the very last mob before the big guy. Then while it's CC'd I healed my self up 100% and put on my barrier. Then quickly downed the CC'd mob which was easy and lost very little health which made me able to kill the last big guy fairly easy.

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im assassin spec and found this still very difficult. on my second attempt before firght i was able to very quickly summon a second companion for the battle. it was very close, hit 'N' and summon. i also found out later if your assassin you can force cloak out battle and summon a companion for battle.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I died several times on this fight, and finally found the way to do it. Here's the trick :

- when Talos Drellik works on the door, he's not a companion anymore, so you can summon Khem to tank the last wave ;

- the mobs of the waves attack you even if your cloaked ; but it you wait for them to attack you and then vanish, they reset and go back to their spawning point.


Here's how I've done it :

- kill the first wave ;

- kill the 1st mob of the second wave, and cc the second one ;

- vanish, run away... you should be out of fight now ;

- summon a companion (I used Khem) ;

- kill the 2nd droid of the 2nd wave, and the boss of the 3rd wave.

Edited by isazull
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Summoned Khem...died and ran back in...ccd the hell out of that droid, knock him back then I used slow


This is how I did it...as an Assassin (which is even harder).


Also, are you on level for this quest, and is your gear up to date for that level?


(And I'm assuming that you're stimming endurance and using med packs, yes?)

Edited by Petrus
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Seriously not bragging, 1 level below as deception assassin completed on first attempt. CC, use your defensive CD and a current level medpack and you should be fine. The last droid I was at roughly 3% when I got him down.


Yup, it can be done. Also, you're using interrupts and Overload on his main attack, correct?

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  • 3 years later...
I had the problem with the companion as well but mine just fully disappeared so I stealth through the cave until I got to the door then resummond him the last Droid was my problem I'm a hatred assassin spec what I did was dropped with first two mobs then when the attack came from the last Droid I force cloaked when he began the attack witch allowed me to drop out of sight ending combat then hid behind the rocks so he couldn't see me and healed up to full changed over to dark charge witch allowed me to use guard on the companion healed to regain my force and proceeded to defeat the last droid Edited by oblivionshadows
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