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Am I the only person not raging at bioware??


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Okay. First let me start by saying, I am a UK member, I brought the pre-order on the day it became avaliable, I now have to wait before early access (shock horror) and yeah, so far it has not the as smoothly as boiware would have liked, but it was NEVER going to be perfect, during any launch there are always going to be unpredicted problems along the way, that doesnt mean the entire game will fail and it is the end of the world.... ect.. ect.. ect...


Fact of the matter is that Bioware have really developed an amazing game here and they are doing their best to give everyone the same oppertunities to play the game. So people, calm down and just wait for your e-mail, and lets help make this game better than WoW rather than put it down as we are now. Top game Bioware.

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Not raging. A bit sad and disappointed cause since around 5pm PST the server pops have read either "Standard" or "Light" and they stopped doing invites at 12pm PST... but not rage filled.


Not ecstatic and claiming this to be the best launch either.. thoughts on how the launch goes will depend on how the game handles when everyone is online (Dec 20th).

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I am



  1. Unlikely to get my early access especially early, since I preordered on November 30.
  2. Not cross about this at all. I would love to get to play super-duper-early; I would also love to have a magic spaceship in real life. These things, I will somehow do without them.


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I bought early on, too. Not worried about it - I've waited a long time for this game, and I trust Bioware, and (perhaps more importantly) I'm not going to behave like a child who doesn't get his way. I wish more would make that choice.
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There are always too many whining people... OOOH NOOOOZ I DONT HAVE EARLY ACCESS!!


Seriously... they have put in 2 extra days... The first week of preorder had a huge amount of people preordering... those people POrdered in JULI... so it's all more logical that the first day of Early Access consists only those people!


I have registered my code august 12th... so either I get it tomorrow or today if I'm lucky.


I NEED to play the game like everyone else... but we've waited so long for the game... a few more days is no problem at all... People should stop and nag about everything... it's pathetic!


So NO, you are NOT the only person not raging against BW...

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Okay. First let me start by saying, I am a UK member, I brought the pre-order on the day it became avaliable, I now have to wait before early access (shock horror) and yeah, so far it has not the as smoothly as boiware would have liked, but it was NEVER going to be perfect, during any launch there are always going to be unpredicted problems along the way, that doesnt mean the entire game will fail and it is the end of the world.... ect.. ect.. ect...


Fact of the matter is that Bioware have really developed an amazing game here and they are doing their best to give everyone the same oppertunities to play the game. So people, calm down and just wait for your e-mail, and lets help make this game better than WoW rather than put it down as we are now. Top game Bioware.

Well I am not upset cause Skyrim is still giving me a lot of fun.

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As I was not expecting access before the 19th and only had my fingers crossed for a chance to play on the 18th due to only deciding after the beta that I would actually buy the game. I am more then happy with the roll out.


It is all about realistic expectations. The number of people who get in by the end of the 15th is probably going to be considerable so I am really not sure what the grounds for concern are.

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I'm an Aussie, which basically makes me a Gizka as far as the big name gaming companies are concerned. I represent 1.5 California's worth of potential profits, with dramatically greater export distance, and a whole other set of red tape, laws and conditions of sale.


Not to mention, my official SWTOR release date is in late February, or early march, and all video games in Australia, despite being at parity with the US dollar for well over a year, are nearly double the price ($40-$60 in USA, $80-$110 in AUS).


Waiting for a few days because I pre-ordered late? That's cool. When the 20th comes, my disc may not even have been shipped yet, so I wont be able to play again until new years.


I'm not mad at Bioware. It's business as usual down under, where the women glow and men plunder.


So no, you're not the only one who isn't mad at Bioware. Maybe you're the only one who isn't bitter though.

Edited by Force_Capitalism
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You're not the only one not raging. But most people who got in are playing and content, and those who aren't raging look at the mess that is these forums, and decide it just isn't worth it.


The people who ARE raging obviously feel entitled to be in even at the expense of everyone else - how else can you explain people saying they'd rather see lag and queues and server crashes, just so long as they don't have to wait any more? Anyone that selfish, you're not going to change their mind with a forum post. My self-control breaks occasionally, but in general it's not worth it.


The important thing to remember - the thing the ragers forget - is that with 2 million people, it takes a very, VERY small percentage to make a LOT of noise.

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It is what it is, I'll get in eventually, not that worried about it, but I agree the ragers on the forums are amusing, so that keeps me entertained while I wait. I preordered CE the first day it became available, which sadly was about a month after regular edition was available for preorder. It would have been nice if Bioware would have taken this into consideration for their Early access as well since technically I preordered on the first date and registered my code on the first date I could for my preorder. To many times in the past have I had the issue with preordering the regular, and then trying to upgrade to the CE, in this case it would have been beneficial, but oh well. Like I said, I'll get in when I get in.
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BioWare has stated that everyone who pre-ordered will get some Early Access, even if it is only a day early. They managed to get about everyone who pre-ordered the first week or so (from the 21st to the 31st) in on Tuesday. That includes a huge chunk of all of the pre-orders total. They have stated that they will be adding more people today then they did on Tuesday and as many or more again on Thursday. I wouldn't rule out all of the pre-orders being granted Early Access by Friday, in time for the weekend. Don't despair. Be a little more patient.


Just a wild guess here, but considering that by far most of the pre-orders came during the first week or so of availability, it isn't unreasonable to think that people who pre-ordered in August and September will see access on Wednesday and October and November on Thursday with the last group on Friday. Those are just my estimates based on what I saw others who are in already state as their pre-order dates.

Edited by Langkard
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No rage here. I'm slightly sad that


1) My guildies are all levels ahead of me

2) The names I hoped for might be taken

3) The economy on our servers are probably going to be off kilter because of people being able to farm and so forth


But whatever. No sense in freaking out, I'll get in sooner or later. Happy waiting!

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Not raging here either. I got a chance to check out the game already, at least from the Rethuglic side, and a little bit of the Empire side. It's an excellent game, but something that I can exercise a little patience for.


Acting like a semi-literate toddler isn't going to make it better, but I can still get a giggle out of putative adults that are acting that way. I expect better out of my toddler at the ripe old age of 20 months.


90% of the time, I even get it.

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