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People claiming difficulty with Jugg leveling...


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Are you just following your class quest or are you completing side quests as well? I have had literally zero problems with any quest up to level 25 (which I am currently). I have easily completed any 2+ quest with one other person and every 4 man heroic quest with three people. I did not leave dromund kaas until extinguishing all the side quests and just finished Balmora at level 24


I am Venge spec and can defeat a same level elite no problem, I can dispatch 2 elites rather easily if I just pop saber warding and maybe use a med kit and that is with Vette, I have not even bothered to use Quinn yet.


Are you gearing Vette? Vette is able to produce insane levels of damage and can even take a pretty reasonable beating if you have her geared properly.


The commendation gear and mods are really helpful for gearing you and vette, I rarely have purchased gear through the galatic market


Venge spec has been really awesome for leveling, Shien form basically allows for sideways 8 rage, especially after you get the free smash


This game has been ez mode so far, does it just get harder or am I missing something? Is it because I have farmed out side quests and am slightly higher level than the quests I am doing? Nar Shadda has been super ez as well

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Once you get past 30, Vengeance becomes less effective, and you start getting your **** kicked in by regular mob packs. It gets really bad in the early 40s. Past 30 it's often better to go Immortal and stick with Vette. But if you enjoy vengeance you can stick with it to 50, I did it, it was just slower than doing it as Immortal.
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Once you get past 30, Vengeance becomes less effective, and you start getting your **** kicked in by regular mob packs. It gets really bad in the early 40s. Past 30 it's often better to go Immortal and stick with Vette. But if you enjoy vengeance you can stick with it to 50, I did it, it was just slower than doing it as Immortal.


I'd say it's not really until you get to Hoth and start seeing two strong mobs per pack that it gets difficult. Had my *** handed to me a couple of times when i first went there as Rage spec so just switched to Immortal. Once out of Hoth it was easy as either spec again tbh.

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The game is extremely easy at level 24. You're not even at the part of the game people are complaining about.


I switched to Immortal because I was forced to use Quinn to even have a chance at killing packs of mobs let alone class story/elites.


The mob difficulty ramps up greatly from where you are at about Taris, even more on Hoth.

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I went veng until like 33, no problems, zero wipes in solo quests, solo'd some 2+ quests.


Went immortal after that, no problems, zero wipes in solo quests, solo'd all 2+ quests.




I think that's what you've got to do.


Certain Jugg specs seem to have weak points at certain levels, yet other specs might do ok at that level.



Having said that you don't realise how weak Juggs can be till you've levelled other classes through the same content. Certain levels the power difference is plain bonkers.

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Are you just following your class quest or are you completing side quests as well? I have had literally zero problems with any quest up to level 25 (which I am currently). I have easily completed any 2+ quest with one other person and every 4 man heroic quest with three people. I did not leave dromund kaas until extinguishing all the side quests and just finished Balmora at level 24


The jump of mob stats from Hoth to Belsavis makes the Vengeance tree complitely useless, the tank tree can only survive one pull with help of a Malavai Quinn or a good pair of hands and the Rage-Smash tree is the only viability to keep playing with the companion you can while playing with companions you like and that.


Note that obviously every talent tree can play with any companion and makes all. But isnt the same:


Face Darth Baras as a Rage and kill in one try without Malavai Quin rather than try on Vengeance and wipe 5 o 6 times on each combat


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The jump of mob stats from Hoth to Belsavis makes the Vengeance tree complitely useless, the tank tree can only survive one pull with help of a Malavai Quinn or a good pair of hands and the Rage-Smash tree is the only viability to keep playing with the companion you can while playing with companions you like and that.


Note that obviously every talent tree can play with any companion and makes all. But isnt the same:


Face Darth Baras as a Rage and kill in one try without Malavai Quin rather than try on Vengeance and wipe 5 o 6 times on each combat



There is zero reason to take Quinn anywhere with you as Immortal if using the abilities you're given. I do agree with the spoiler though.

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Once I hit 44 I decided to go full Immortal and it was a breath of fresh air. Didn't bother before then as I went back and forth between Veng / Rage. The Immortal tree is amazing when fully spec'd and even in PVP I can slap 2-3 people around at the same time and not die fast at all. Pretty fun class in the later levels.
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Once you get past 30, Vengeance becomes less effective, and you start getting your **** kicked in by regular mob packs. It gets really bad in the early 40s. Past 30 it's often better to go Immortal and stick with Vette. But if you enjoy vengeance you can stick with it to 50, I did it, it was just slower than doing it as Immortal.


Post 30 gets harder for everyone. It was difficult on my assassin (before i got the healing companion), difficult on my operative.


By difficult i mean if i do something wrong i die, if i do things right i live.


Really i think the game just gets more difficult at later levels. You need to use cooldowns and interupts and CCs and stuff, whereas before you can just damage stuff and do fine.

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I have a different experience with Juggernaut.


I'm specced Vengeance and liked many others I encountered trouble too at some point (in my case Taris, not so much Hoth). After Taris I decided to re-evaluate my class, and see if I needed to switch spec's or do something else entirely, but in the end I took a trip to the auction house.


Gearing your companions is totally the key. Keep in mind that, if all you're doing is replacing your companion's gear with companion-specific gear from questing you're missing out on a ton of stats for your characters. Most companions come without head gear, implants, or an ear piece and never get companion-specific items for those slots through questing which can add up to deficiencies of well over a hundred in any of a particular companion's preferred stats. So I went to the Market Kiosk and spent about 10-20,000 credits on updated gear for Quinn and [my apprentice], the only two characters I really care for anyways. Totally worth it!


Before this, I was 100% reliant on Quinn. However, I went to Belsavis a level early with my newly geared out [apprentice] and together we finished the planet with me at only 42. I was pretty impressed...you just need to play smart on elites, or hard pulls. Make sure, especially, to chain your disables together. Force Choke -> (1-2 moves to burn off rage) -> Force Push -> Saber Throw -> Leap back onto them does a ton of damage over the seven or eight seconds it takes to execute that combination (add your companion's damage contribution too) and also ensures you take very little damage during the duration because they're being choked or flung around for most of it.

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As DPS spec post 30 you are reliant on using your healer Quinn if you want good kill speed progression and little downtime. Along with the fact that most higher level mobs have a sunder ability which makes your armor feel like paper.


You can level with a DPS companion but your downtime will greatly increase. And yes compared to my BH i levelled up the Jugg deffo feels weak.


And we all know the worst part of levelling is the downtime between pulls.


Im probably going to try out levelling in tank spec with dps gear to see how the downtime and kill speed is when using a DPS companion.

Edited by Sivn
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I have been leveling as Immortal (Currently 48) and exclusively using Quinn as my companion. I have had no problems at all.


Sure there has been the occasional fight that I need to burn every single cool down and barely scrape through it, but I manage to scrape through it all the same. I actually like those fights, because when I look back on them they teach me a lot. I have entertained the idea of rolling a Marauder to see if it is any faster, but I think I will save that for a much later date. I simply love my Juggy

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lvl 44 here and i leveled 10-28ish as rage then from there till about 40 i was vengeance spec.(went back to rage again) used vet till i got quinn, then as soon as i got jaesa i havnt used anyone else since. Literaly zero problems killing elites or large packs of mobs you just have to use your cc effectively that is all. It becomes especialy easy when you get your aoe stun :D Also dont be afraid to kite a mob with your slow and let your companion dps them for a bit if you really get too low. Like everyone else said, gear your companion!
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Pretty much leveled solo to 50 with an Immortal Jug. I used Vette only and some areas were a little harder than others. The only two fights I had any real trouble with were Baras and an Elite in a cave on Voss. I leveled from 47 to 49 for Baras and had no trouble. Used a group for the Elite. There was no other point in questing were I felt I couldn't just slug it out with a mob.


Some trouble might be just not using all the CD's available. I constantly forget about relics amongst the several skill CD's we have.

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Pretty much leveled solo to 50 with an Immortal Jug. I used Vette only and some areas were a little harder than others. The only two fights I had any real trouble with were Baras and an Elite in a cave on Voss. I leveled from 47 to 49 for Baras and had no trouble. Used a group for the Elite. There was no other point in questing were I felt I couldn't just slug it out with a mob.


Some trouble might be just not using all the CD's available. I constantly forget about relics amongst the several skill CD's we have.


The Voss cave elite was an issue for me until I realized I was forgetting my interrupt. It was one of those /facepalm moments for me. He was still a pretty challenging fight though. Very enjoyable.

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Yeah they kinda force you into Immortal. I mean I started out as Veng and I was not happy with how a lot of fights with weak mobs ended, I simply took too much damage, when my powertech can pretty much complete the same fight with a full bar of health. But as Immortal it's just as easy... well maybe you don't kill stuff as fast but at least you don't have a carrot in your bum every fight.
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I was vengeance through about 35. Always planned on going tank, but I was enjoying the quest grind with a solid dps spec. Around the thirties, things started to slow down. So I rerolled immortal and now I'm still murdering things. If jugg is slow or difficult to level, I can't imagine what the other classes are like
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I always see other DPS juggs trying to run in and blow things up, and it is true that post 35 it gets harder and harder. People seem to ignore that you can do everything in Soreasu form if you so choose. As Rage spec I really only lose the 3s CD reduction for force abilities, 3% increased damage, and the extra rage generation, but with Enrage, Saber Throw, and Charge I still do just fine, and when you can drop a Smash that kills all the normals in one hit, stuff gets pretty easy!
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I am lvl 47 31/6/0, and on planet Voss.

I mostly use Quinn, then sometimes Jaesa.

Here are some reasons why I use Quinn over Jaesa.

When on later planet, I never know if there is a Jedi around, so I like to keep my health near the top at all time possible.

Since my health is near the top most of the time, except when fighting 1 elites, 3 strong. I have little down time in between battle. I never compare if channeling hatred in between is faster or taking time to kill mobs is faster though.


I don't have any problem leveling, I never have run into a solo quest with a boss I can't kill. I do however, have to watch out the AoE attacks, and interrupt their channeling/casting.

A properly equipped Quinn can withstand 2-3 standard / 1 strong mob by himself, and I can just focus on killing the current enemy without jumping to him to gain aggro for him.


My friend has a power tech tank as well, and I do agree that he kills faster than I am, but not to a point that is so much faster that I will complain, afterall, his death from above deal insanely high damage compare to our force smash and can clear a group of strongs in a faster rate.


I think the key is to manage your rage, practice your rotation, and use your CC effectively.


force choke / force push / backhand/ intimatidaing scream / force charge are all your tools to reduce your damage intake so your healer can catch up.

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Heh, I rolled a Juggernaut at first. Got it to 50 after a leveling process I only can compare to the vanilla wow warrior leveling. Tried all the three different specs and all of em died to one Gold mobs at one point. Now this wasnt due to me not knowing how to play (I could go on talking about the similarities to the wow-warrior and how good I was at that, but it really isnt relevant).


Anyway, my Sith friends quit (for the time being or whatever) so I started a trooper (level 27 atm). Best change I ever did not only because its more fun [as in having useful tools beyond a shield wall, force choke and push and intimidating roar). Its just as stylish, but most of all having great potential.


Basically, I went from often dying to 1 gold/1 strong mob (or worst case 1 gold. One time I killed two gold mobs! AW YEA!) to soloing Heroic 2-quests and Champions of equal level with ease. Most often without popping the Commandos mini-enduring pain.


There is a huge difference in difficulty (even if the Trooper gets a harder time later on it cant possibly be as weak as the Juggernaut leveling).


Last, but not least I gotta point out that I refused to use Quinn only because I didnt like him (bootlicking little lapdog)

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force choke / force push / backhand/ intimatidaing scream / force charge are all your tools to reduce your damage intake so your healer can catch up.


^ that, don't just stand there and let them keep swinging at you like an abusive daddy would, keep the elite from casting their big attacks. A few times I've died the first time but learned what the elite does and fight them again and often successfully kill them the second time.

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