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Let me give you my Level 50 Concealment Operative PvP experience


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You are just trying to keep your OP abilities. Quite sad. You mention these 4k crits and Operatives have many abilities that easily crit for 2k+ almost every single time after their opener as well and now your complaining about being brought out of stealth??? LOL


try leveling and playing a 50 shadow/assassin. We dont even get an ability that does half that damage as your opener and we dont crit as often


you don't have abilities that do half the dmg? Assassinate and maul do more dmg than all of ours skills except for hidden strike, and those 2 skills can be used multiple times in combat on different enemies in multiple fights.

your shocks deal dmg equal to our backstabs, your CC has 30m range, there's a lot more....


edit: our crits are mostly backstab which has 30% chance to crit, if it crits it deals about the same dmg as an non-crit maul.

Edited by Bwuce
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In hex droid one operatibe use the set healer (blademaster) and this hit you 4/7k easy and in 4 minute he have the comenation for cure 300k healing.


This class is op and need nerf urgent.


They nerfed us right before release because with stim boost, we could almost spam anything and everything and never run out of energy. So now, the burst class does their burst, and then has to be smart about regenerating and using energy.


Sign the petition in my signature. We really gotta get mad before Bioware will nerf Operatives into the ground!

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I've seen many operatives go 0 deaths in warzones, including my guildie buddy that's a 50 operative, he rarely dies and is almost always in the top 5 on the damage chart.


Operatives shouldn't get steamrolled unless you're facing premades.

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You know why Operatives are considered OP? Because when I stealth up to you mouth-breathers and Hidden Strike crit you for 6k, you don't trinket out of it, you don't CC me, you don't make an effort to escape, you don't have a healer with you, you don't have another DPS with you, you don't have a tank with you, you're not guarded, you don't pot, you don't make a real attempt at getting to 10+ meters to kite me, you don't slow me, you don't root me, you don't knock me back.


You turn around to face me, and I run around behind you, putting my knife in your butt, and you die. And before you can rez, you've made a post on the PvP forums about how OP Operatives are.


Almost no one plays defensively. People just zerg rush everything and mash buttons so they can see big numbers pop up over their opponents' heads. And those people, which is probably 90+% of you, I absolutely wreck. GG.



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I'd rather get shanked in one cycle by an op and be respawning than wait a lifetime being zapped by 2 or more lightning queens unable to do anything other than develop epilepsy abd wait to slowly die, theres a ton more of that than the odd op wtfpwning you in one cycle, and rly they aren't even that hard to deal with unless your jogging around on your own, which is then your own fault.
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Once AGAIN, people need to actually level up and PLAY a level 50 concealment operative.


Last night I got steamrolled BADLY, especially by Republic in Voidstar. My openers were critting for 4-5k, but still could only get some people down to half health, shiv, lacerate, shiv lacerate hitting for 500-700. Then...I get stormed, steamrolled...reset and restart.


Stealth, walk up behind someone...boom someone does an AoE...stealth broken, stormed, steamrolled....dead.


Stealth, find someone half health...walk up behind...oh wait they have a bubble. Do I fight or find someone else? No one else around. Fight. AB/HS...Absorbed....Backstab, Shiv, Lacera....his friends storm, steamroll, dead.


Ok let's try again. =)


Stealth, find someone with bubble down. AB/HS...5k crit, Backstab 3k crit, Shiv, Lacerate, Shiv....dead. Finally!!



Point of post?


It's not all just 5k, 3k, 3k, 3k dead like some of you are spewing on these forums. We get steamrolled VERY easily. We got destroyed badly by Republic in like 3 back to back matches and we have pretty good teamwork.


Vanguard's DESTROY us. Stealth opener barely dents them at all, then it's game over for Operative. Not to mention other classes like Assassin's and Sorc's that we have much trouble against even doing our openers. They have alot of knockbacks and pushes that take us right out of the fight.




Roll a 50 Operative first and see how it is. Everything needs to go perfect for us to have those 4-5 shot crits. Relic, Exp, Gear, Stealth not broken by AoE's or knockbacks, etc.




OP don't know what he's talking about

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5 bucks says the people crying about the operative are level 30s with no gear/and or level 50s with 0 clue on how to play that game... Maybe also with crap gear. Yes, Operatives have an awesome opener (When it crits), but it's not as creamy as you think. As soon as we meet someone with equal skill and gear its a tough fight.


I don't get why people are crying. Get yourself some skill and gear, learn how to counter things.. Yes, you can get up from our knockdown and sometimes you cant.

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There are people saying they DO NOT have a problem with them, i have seen at least one of EVERY class say that 50% of the time or more they are fine with Concealment Ops... So now you can JUSTIFY people claiming there not OP.. If one can do it.. all can do it. The diffrence is The player whos not getting Facerolled by Ops/scound. are learning how to beat them, instead of not bothering and spending all day crying on the forums for a nerf...


Players that cant play are the reason WZ's are so fun at the moment. Half of the players who "Dont bother learning and improving" jumped onto PvP realms. EZ kills for me i guess.

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so last night i got my Rep trooper to 13, Hes vanguard. Nothing special. A few blues and 2 orange from Esseles. In huttball i was stalked by a lvl 47 op. I mean stalked non stop.


It was actually fun as it turned into a cat and mouse. Yes i got steam rolled. Knocked down in the dirt and down to 25% health before I could recover. BUT, we had a good time about it, you know why?


Because when I had my one anti cc ability up i turned around and got him to 30 % at one point solo and almost killed him another. If you've played vanguard, you know at lvl 13 they have **** damage and no cc. Give me 10 lvl's and this op is a joke. Give me a shield and his opener is nullified. He knew it. I knew it. BTW we won 6-0.


I'm not concerned about the state of pvp in this game. Its fun, and i'm a patient person. I know BW is going to fix the issues people are prattling on about.


BTW if you're standing still in PVP you deserve to die. If you're hiding behind your cover the whole match you deserve to be backstabbed and destroyed. /shrug

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Sigh. I can direct you to plenty of Shadow/Assassins that can tell you how to blow people up in a few GCDs.


I can't help but to laugh at Shadow/Assassin complaining about Operatives.


Operatives = better stealth opener

Shadow/Assassin = better out of stealth


It's a wash.


Incorrect. Obviously coming from an operative player. You make me laugh, well you an your imaginary shadow/sin players that can do that. Maybe to a marauder/sent lol, and thats a maybe.


Operatives do more damage in stealth opener even 3x as much, and more damage out of stealth. Where as shadow, even more so in inf builds, RNG is required to even do anything.


Silly operative

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Seriously, when will this discussion end?


Okay, I play against some total handicaps or lowbies and I hand their asses over 5k, 3k, 3k style.


I play against people who have their arms intact and got a clue and I get steamrolled if they please.


I'm the most skilled operative on my server from what I've seen. On Republic side there's one scoundrel who is better than me, everyone else gets owned because I know my ****.


People who cry that operative/scoundrel as a class is overpowered are mostly trolls, noobs, handicaps and generally unskilled people.


People who cry that operative/scoundrel opener is too strong and damage should be spread out on other abilities have a clue, as I'd love to be able to do sustained damage better and not be stuck with using my "weaker" abilities after the usual relics, stims, AB, HS, Shiv, AB, BS, Sever Tendon, Lacerate and stim rotation (and some of you consider this faceroll? :D)


People who cry that operative/scoundrel stunlocks have no idea about resolve, CC game mechanics or what stunlock even means.


Also, if you happen to be a tracer missile spamming mercenary, please **** about operatives. I'm not calling your class OP, even though you can do the most damage out of all classes simply by spamming one button over and over. Fully geared your tracer missile spam outdamages every operative ability except for hidden strike and buffed backstabs (and you can buff your missile as well).


Operatives are not overpowered, strong one vs. one as rogue types usually are, but overpowered? Lol, go buy skills.

Edited by Kal-Ekh
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OP don't know what he's talking about




Explain why? All you say is I don't know what I'm talking about, but yet you don't give any details. Trolls will be trolls.


I know my class, and I do well with my class. Some situations you just can't win though.


Going up against well played 50 premades is a challenge.

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that makes it all fair and everything's just right.


Do you honestly in your heart of hearts want pvp to be fair and balanced? The only way to do that is have the same characters with the same abilities and the same animations with no variation.


If that's your vision, i truly believe you do now want pvp. Pvp in my mind is about overcoming odds. Beating someone you know has an advantage. That's when i can say i am a god damn good pvp'r.


************ for equality is just admitting you cant adapt.

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Yea it's funny how most of the people that QQ in these forums are the ones that aren't level 50 yet but think because the WZ's are bolstered that they shouldn't get steamrolled.


Yes you should, and you WILL because we have more abilities available to us at level 50, and we also have expertise gear.


We will roll your face over and over until you level, get geared, and L2P.

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Incorrect. Obviously coming from an operative player. You make me laugh, well you an your imaginary shadow/sin players that can do that. Maybe to a marauder/sent lol, and thats a maybe.


Operatives do more damage in stealth opener even 3x as much, and more damage out of stealth. Where as shadow, even more so in inf builds, RNG is required to even do anything.


Silly operative


Would you like some names of people that can teach you how to play your class? I'm willing to help.

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Seriously, when will this discussion end?


Okay, I play against some total handicaps or lowbies and I hand their asses over 5k, 3k, 3k style.


I play against people who have their arms intact and got a clue and I get steamrolled if they please.


I'm the most skilled operative on my server from what I've seen. On Republic side there's one scoundrel who is better than me, everyone else gets owned because I know my ****.


People who cry that operative/scoundrel as a class is overpowered are mostly trolls, noobs, handicaps and generally unskilled people.


People who cry that operative/scoundrel opener is too strong and damage should be spread out on other abilities have a clue, as I'd love to be able to do sustained damage better and not be stuck with using my "weaker" abilities after the usual relics, stims, AB, HS, Shiv, AB, BS, Sever Tendon, Lacerate and stim rotation (and some of you consider this faceroll? :D)


People who cry that operative/scoundrel stunlocks have no idea about resolve, CC game mechanics or what stunlock even means.


Also, if you happen to be a tracer missile spamming mercenary, please **** about operatives. I'm not calling your class OP, even though you can do the most damage out of all classes simply by spamming one button over and over. Fully geared your tracer missile spam outdamages every operative ability except for hidden strike and buffed backstabs (and you can buff your missile as well).


Operatives are not overpowered, strong one vs. one as rogue types usually are, but overpowered? Lol, go buy skills.


Another op/scoun player chimes in. Fear runs rampant against the un-"skilled". Keep holding onto that lingering hope you won't get the bat.


Here is a good link for ya and your bretheren


op/Scoun players


Go buy a therapist





Would you like some names of people that can teach you how to play your class? I'm willing to help.

This guy is hilarious

Go see a shrink.

Edited by cloudxshadowbane
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When 2 level 30 OP's can stun lock me and have there way with KY Jelly. Something is wrong. I get that they are weak if you can stop there opener but what you dont see is the 4 chain lightning screwing me up before they jump.


OP's arent broken its true. Everyone here is really arguing STUNS. OMG YES STUNS ARE THE PROBLEM.


Idc what people will try and say stun locks and stuns in general are the anti skill. I wish we could get 1 game just 1 game like DAOC, where stuns were nothing and teamwork was everything.

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Another op/scoun player chimes in. Fear runs rampant against the un-"skilled". Keep holding onto that lingering hope you won't get the bat.


Here is a good link for ya and your bretheren


op/Scoun players


Go buy a therapist






This guy is hilarious

Go see a shrink.



You have now mastered your trolling. Time to reroll.

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Can i just bring up points about the way the games headed...


First Point:

In january rated WZ's are "Apparently" gong to be implemented, now lets imagin if all guilds are like mine and have 8 people full Champions/battlemaster, which is a full team. We WILL be facing other teams in the same kind of gear.


Second Point:

Now, for anyone here who has played a healer in full champions + gear you will know how strong we are right now, we can hold multiple enemies off us while still healing other players. In other words were not going to die 1v1 easily.. Which brings me nicely to.


Third Point:

Imagin a Team, we would be running 2 healers, 1 tank and 5 dps.. now currently we would have 1 or 2 concealment ops with us in all games. Why? because there burst damage is good enough that they CAN take down healers solo.. The presure they put out at the start is good enough to make a healer focus on themselves not the other players..



Now why am i telling you all this?


The reason being is currently PvP is not played very Tactfully.. and when rateds come in, you will have all the top guilds appearing out of the woodwork. The ops currently would be on healer patrol, there not built for running in like a maraudor or a assasin, there built to pick people off..

Cry for nerfs all you like but i think Bioware did an amazing job for class usage in endgame, maybe if people were patient they would see that. But as it was in WoW when were the whiners ever rank 1? xD

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So the operatives, exactly what skill is it that you can spam to kingdom come outside stealth that does 1-3k hit/crits with only GCD on?


Since this WZ a lvl 50 operative appeared , ran around spammed his stab skill for 1-2k per hit, he removed all slow debuffs and dots the second they hit. And we where 2 people hitting him, he killed 1 of us and left the other with 10% hp. He faced sage (healing) and a sentinel.


a HYBRID class soloed almost 2 specialized classes .. wth is up with that? (hybrid ie he can use guns and melee)


Either you were both under level 50, both lacked expertise gear, or your sentinel lacked some skill.


My level 41 sentinel destroys any under 50 operative that's running around out of stealth. I'd be surprised if I couldn't kill one in fewer than 5 GCD's.

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