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Rank the best damage class in PvP


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OMG, an operative/scoundrel talking trash about rolling people on his operative/scoundrel. Hey, I'll say this though Sevvy, at least you came to the game at launch and rolled your operative without knowing how imbalance..... oh wait.. i forgot, you "adapted" into that from all your beta testing and rolled the most OP class at launch based on beta. Yeah.. nevermind you're a bad whose words mean ZERO.


Your opinion means a lot, though. Have fun getting rolled by any and every Op/Scoundrel for a few more months until they nerf us due to public outCRY. :D

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If you think 300k in a wz is doing something you have not experienced good ops/scoundrels.


there are a couple on our server that have posted 570k dmg in wz's with 60 - 75 kills. Scoundrels on these boards have posted screenshots of similar numbers. 300k dmg from the classes you speak of is fluff aoe dmg that is laughable. the 600k dmg I speak of is single target burst. there is a gigantic difference.


If anyone gets 600k dmg done your in a match with nothing but baddies.

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Your opinion means a lot, though. Have fun getting rolled by any and every Op/Scoundrel for a few more months until they nerf us due to public outCRY. :D


Nothing wrong with operatives. They are not even strong. In fact they are one of the worse classes currently cause they are almost useless for objectives lol. And 1 on 1? any BH who is not bad will faceroll them.


One 8k crit is nothing. If your not biochem your bad. Rakata medpack that hit an then he can look dumb as he gets *****. When he tries to stealth keep DoTs on him. Or just drop a stealth detector and **** his face. Operatives cant kill anyone who are good an prepared 1 on 1. Only thing they are good for is helping burst down a target other people are fighting.

Edited by Furyofwar
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Then there is no good operatives on our server, because as 50 operative with 365 expertise I'm not even close to those numbers and I usually place highest among the operatives and rep counterparts I play with - niether have I seen any screenshots of OPs delivering those numbers, I would like to though, and more than one screenshot as to show theres consistency in it.


I'm furthermore, not sure why you think that constant "fluff AoE dmg" in the area around 300-600k, is not a huge factor in a WZ outcome - I dont think I seen those numbers on the losing side yet.


Don't listen to that kid. He's so bitter, that he can't even think rationally for a second.


All Op/Scoundrels hit for 8k with every hit, stunlock you for 15 seconds, blah blah blah. There is nothing that anyone could ever do... GOD MODE!

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I PvP often with a Jedi Sentinel who has two Champion light sabers and he does 400k++ almost every game.


Ya a well played Sentinel is one of the scariest classes by far. The thing is, you don't see massive blobs of Sentinels at the very top of warzone dmg like you do with sorc and bh.

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Post screenshots of a Concealment Operative doing 570k dmg with 60-75 kills. I know many good 50 conc op's in full champ gear that don't get that much. Maybe the Lethality spec's do.


Please try again.


Also BH's and Snipers do probably the same if not more DPS than OP's do.




The difference between 300-400k aoe dmg from a BH and 500k dmg from a single target burst operative/scoundrel is enormous. it isn't that 300k aoe is not helpful in battle... it is... but its spread and thus healable. that same kind of dmg directed at a single target is gamebreaking.

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Ya a well played Sentinel is one of the scariest classes by far. The thing is, you don't see massive blobs of Sentinels at the very top of warzone dmg like you do with sorc and bh.


The ones I have seen that do very well have at least 1 pocket healer if not two running with them.


When they do have that healer backing them up though, they smash faces.

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The difference between 300-400k aoe dmg from a BH and 500k dmg from a single target burst operative/scoundrel is enormous. it isn't that 300k aoe is not helpful in battle... it is... but its spread and thus healable. that same kind of dmg directed at a single target is gamebreaking.


biggest hit 8000 ... damn ... I can't imagine any sane person thinking that's remotely fair.


like the WE in warhammer and the 1.3 parachamps in RIFT, I'll put money this will get nerfed.

Edited by Orangerascal
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The difference between 300-400k aoe dmg from a BH and 500k dmg from a single target burst operative/scoundrel is enormous. it isn't that 300k aoe is not helpful in battle... it is... but its spread and thus healable. that same kind of dmg directed at a single target is gamebreaking.


I love how this kid just got silenced, lol. You asked for a screen shot and you got it.

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How to beat the front-loaded Operative=biochem. Operative energy regen blows. After our opener....baddies freak out and become trackstars straight to the forums. Gladiators figure out how to beat us. The way that Gladiators have already started beating the best of our burst is ...biochem.


In the next few weeks, after people lvl up biochem...they will focus on Mercs. Then, they will focus on Powertechs...then Pandas...then Leroy Jenkins.


Pandas should never been allowed to learn kung-fu in the first place.

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I mean holy ****, not only is that damage insane - but he did almost 50K healing on top of it.


EVEN IF he is preying on lvl 10s the entire game those numbers are still crazy high and make a legit case that the class's burst should be toned down a bit.

Edited by Dirtydurst
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How to beat the front-loaded Operative=biochem. Operative energy regen blows. After our opener....baddies freak out and become trackstars straight to the forums. Gladiators figure out how to beat us. The way that Gladiators have already started beating the best of our burst is ...biochem.


In the next few weeks, after people lvl up biochem...they will focus on Mercs. Then, they will focus on Powertechs...then Pandas...then Leroy Jenkins.


Pandas should never been allowed to learn kung-fu in the first place.


So your class is balanced because everyone should be forced to take some gimic in Biochem to counter you? Great logic

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I love how this kid just got silenced, lol. You asked for a screen shot and you got it.


A Pyro Powertech I play with/against on occasion routinely does 500+K in WZs. I've seen him do over 600k damage. Do they need to be nerfed, too?


One of my guildmates did 500k damage and 200k healing as a Sorc last night. ****NERFNERFNERF.

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A Pyro Powertech I play with/against on occasion routinely does 500+K in WZs. I've seen him do over 600k damage. Do they need to be nerfed, too?


One of my guildmates did 500k damage and 200k healing as a Sorc last night. ****NERFNERFNERF.


Sorc's need to be nerfed to, that really doesnt make OPs LESS overpowered.


You're just on the "Dont Nerf me Bro" train.

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A Pyro Powertech I play with/against on occasion routinely does 500+K in WZs. I've seen him do over 600k damage. Do they need to be nerfed, too?


One of my guildmates did 500k damage and 200k healing as a Sorc last night. ****NERFNERFNERF.


I find it ironic that the 3 classes you mentioned here are my top 3 for DPS classes in PvP - note: it's not a coincidence, all these classes are awesome.


1. Op/Scound

2. Powertechs/Vanguards

3. Sorcs/Sages


I don't think asking for Op/Scound burst to be scaled back a little bit is unreasonable at all. The armor pen on Acid Blade needs to be reduced (you shouldn't be able to burst down a tank) and the damage from Hidden Strike needs to be redistributed to other abilities.

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How to beat the front-loaded Operative=biochem. Operative energy regen blows. After our opener....baddies freak out and become trackstars straight to the forums. Gladiators figure out how to beat us. The way that Gladiators have already started beating the best of our burst is ...biochem.


In the next few weeks, after people lvl up biochem...they will focus on Mercs. Then, they will focus on Powertechs...then Pandas...then Leroy Jenkins.


Pandas should never been allowed to learn kung-fu in the first place.


winter... biochem is universal.. meaning that the cancellation of dmg via a biochem pot applies to all classes.


So, if a shadow opens on you for 2k dmg..and then hits you with a strike..and then stuns you...and hits you two more times... you have about 9k dmg on you in 12-15 seconds and cancel it with a biochem pot.


If an op/scoundrel opens on you for 6k+2k+2k in 3-5 seconds and you then use biochem pot.. you cancel that dmg.


Now here is the point - in a team based pvp game... once one 4 man team and another 4 man team trade openers... and use consumables... who is in the position to win?


well.. team 1 with a shadow needed 15 seconds to force the other team to use consumables..


team 2 with the op/scoundrel needed 5 seconds. in the next 10 seconds... they killed team 1... meaning team 1 never forced team 2 to ever pop a consumable.


this expanded logic of fighting from its simplest form.. 1v1 ... to team play.. does require alot of thinking. I understand there are many who are poor at this. that is why, breaking it down to its most basic level (the 1v1) is sometimes most helpful for the simple minded.


if one class rocks all other classes in 3-5 seconds in 1v1...(while all other classes require more like 10-15 seconds to kill someone in a 1v1) then in teamplay... guess what.. that mis-match advantage will still occur. because yes.. you have healers and guards... but so does the freaking OP/scoundrel... and while it may not take 3-5 seconds... your kill in 10-15 wont be that quick either. It scales..but the advantage stays.

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Sorc's need to be nerfed to, that really doesnt make OPs LESS overpowered.


You're just on the "Dont Nerf me Bro" train.


And you're on the "NERF ALL CLASS BUT MINE BRO" train.


People are just using bad examples to justify nerfs.


"Here is a screenshot from a Warzone of a dude doing a ****ton of damage! NERF NERF NERF!"


Whoopdy ****. I'l start taking screenies of people doing 500K or more damage in WZs then cry on the forums for a nerf. You PvP bads are such a *********** joke.

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