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Helmets under Hoods?


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In the cinematics , the sith assassins, appeared to be wearing their helmets under their hoods..infact the helmet that looks like a football helmet (with the bars across) is worn by the dark lord that Malgus kills.

Just wondering why they can't be like that in-game also.

Most of the helmets are round and are no bigger than the character's original head ,so they should fit under hoods.


Medium and heavy armor wearers get a half-face mask that can be worn under a hood.

The only head piece a light wearer can use under the hood is a headband.

Can we at least get a light armor version of the half-face mask?


Also,while i'm on an armor rant...if it's not possible for the helmet under hood thing...could we light-armored force users at least get a pants and top type combo, similar maybe to medium gear (maybe less metal to differentiate).


As an example...the helmet from our class quest (at the 25 mark) would look awesome under a hood or at least showable on sith marauder type gear.

As it is now..I have to use the hide helm option..cos i don't like looking like a monkey :)


Don't make me use "hide helm" for the whole game please.

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One of the reasons i'm still wearing a crown-type headgear. The "mechanic" is surely there and as you know there are plenty of helms that aren't big or bulky but look really mean and could easily fit under a hood... yet they don't.


5-stars for this one, because it's one of my pet peeves as well.

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Can you please tell me where the "hide helmet" option is located?


I purchased a helmet on my character that has a crit stat, but I hate the way it looks on her. Looks like a padded helmet and that I should be playing something in sports.


As I side note I have not explored all of the preferences options yet as I have limited game time.

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Can you please tell me where the "hide helmet" option is located?


I purchased a helmet on my character that has a crit stat, but I hate the way it looks on her. Looks like a padded helmet and that I should be playing something in sports.


As I side note I have not explored all of the preferences options yet as I have limited game time.



Preferences - Social - first button option if I recall correctly.

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Thanks for the information on preferences... silly me I was looking for it out in the open on the character gear section... where it usualy is in games..... (frowny face at dev in charge of costuming)


Also... can we please have a vanity tab for all costume parts. Turn it off in pvp if your cocerned about class recognition or whatever. Though I'd prefere it did not.


As for gear itself since it seems hard baked into aprearance, can we have hoods up and hoods down versions of each piece? Clearly marked as such. You have such fantastic cut scenes and story stuff going on and yet.... for example... quite frankly I didn't spend a half hour workin on my light side, goodie two shoes, noble ex slave (fantastic story arc by the way) Inquisitor's slightly scared but still gorgeous mug in the character generator, to after the adventures on Empire homeworld to then be delegated to hiding half of it with a hood all the time thereafter cause the best inquis tops so far from 15 ish up to 23 have all been "Hoods up" only it seems. He's not emo... or mustashe twirlingly evil (only when he must to fulful duty)... Hoods down please.


Thank you. Rant over. :)



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As others have said, this worked in the beta. Near the end of beta this bug was created as a side effect of removing hoods for Twi'leks (due to clipping, from what little I know about it).


There have been lots of posts about it on the General forum, but it moves so quickly it's hard to catch them. As far as I know there hasn't been any word from Bioware on this particular bug. Hopefully they at least know about it. It's understandable that other bugs would take priority.


There are several NPCs in-game that suffer from this bug, including one key individual. And for Inquisitors specifically, you'll notice that Kallig's codex entry shows him wearing a hood with his mask/helmet.



Revan also suffers from this bug. Right before you fight him in the Foundry he dons his mask. As soon as he does this, the hood disappears from his head.


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There are robes with and without hoods (well tops).


Almost all I see are in the PvP shop and look insanely bad ***. I know my Marauder has a cape @ 35, i made an Inq cause i like its storyline (yay for having my own cult!!), and i know they get cool looking stuff later.


But yes, there ARE hooded and hoodless versions of gear from the PvP vendors.

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There are robes with and without hoods (well tops).


Almost all I see are in the PvP shop and look insanely bad ***. I know my Marauder has a cape @ 35, i made an Inq cause i like its storyline (yay for having my own cult!!), and i know they get cool looking stuff later.


But yes, there ARE hooded and hoodless versions of gear from the PvP vendors.


Not the Champion or Centurion stuff, for the Inquisitor.

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