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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why do we need the Space Stations?


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I agree with the new content later being added to old planets. But this could be handled by adding a terminal on your bridge that allows you to land/launch your ship. Instead of what we have now, going to the door and trying to open it and landing because your character is an idiot trying to blow himself out into space...:o.



So remove unneeded space stations.

Add a terminal on the bridge that allows landing and launching of your ship.

And discontinue the auto launch on entering the ship every time.

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You do realize its colder in space than on the surface of Hoth right?
Not really. Space itself (vacuum) isn't cold, it's devoid of temperature; that's why a vacuum thermos can keep hot coffee hot.


Now, there are things in space that are incredibly cold, but that's because it has radiated all of it's heat away and isn't picking any new heat up from a star. There are also things in space that are incredibly hot because they're close enough to a star that they can't radiate all of that heat away.

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Maybe you should learn more about space. It's true that space is colder than a planet, however, there is no air in space. You need air to efficiently transfer heat. It's the reason why a Thermos is a vacuum tube. Really, the bigger problem for a spaceship is actually overheating. Ships like the ones in Star Wars would need massive cooling systems.


Not true about needing air to transfer heat. There is no air between the Earth and the Sun, yet the Sun heats the Earth just fine.


Energy can be transferred both by radiation as well as by convection.

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My hope is the space stations will be used to expand the current content later on. Such as another shuttle being added that takes people to near areas. Like new PvP or PvE zones. I could be a way for them to easily reuse the same planets in the continuation of the current games story lines.


Think about Ord Mantel. Lets say when the story kicks into the next story arch that the empire and republic go to open war again and the empire invades. The space station can be used to instance out the planet. If you use one shuttle you go to the starter zone Ord Mantel if you use the other you go to the later story arch Ord Mantel.


This is all a guess, perhaps they have them for some other reason, maybe just from a lore or IP perspective it just doesn't make sense to have a star port on a lot of the remote or highly controlled planets like Ilum, Voss, and Belsavis.


But we'll see if they do anything with them in time.


If this is the case then I definitely agree with this. One thing about Star Wars is that it's riped on expansion, not just new planets, but existing planets as well. I would love to explore more of Typhon, Alderaan, and Hoth. Perhaps expand on Operations and unique open world PvP (although Ilum definitely needs to be looked at first before any new open world pvp gets introduced)

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If this is the case then I definitely agree with this. One thing about Star Wars is that it's riped on expansion, not just new planets, but existing planets as well. I would love to explore more of Typhon, Alderaan, and Hoth. Perhaps expand on Operations and unique open world PvP (although Ilum definitely needs to be looked at first before any new open world pvp gets introduced)


Woops, that was suppose to be me, my wife still had her account logged in.

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They're needed as stealth content for a timesink


I'm sick of all the elevators and clicking in order to get somewhere but I know it's in there just to waste my time so it takes longer to reach the lack of end game content


Yep. I find a LOT of stealth stuff like this. The loading screens, the layouts of places, quest locations (quests in general), commendation locations, speeder points, etc.


A lot is intentional, and not in a good way either. They could have done it in a more manageable and enjoyable format (no need to go through 2 doors and a load to get on your ship)

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It was annoying to learn this but. 'Your' ship is not really a ship, it's just an elevator. You get in and press a button to get to the floor (planet) you need to get off at. You still need to run around that floor (planet) to get to the room (npc/area of desire). What's really boggling is why you aren't allowed to ride your speeder in the spaceport but you can ride it in 'your' ship.
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Maybe it's just because I'm a more casual player but the extra running around and stuff actually makes the game more fun to me. But then, I enjoy tedious meaningless tasks and I know I'm not the normal player.


I do agree though that the space stations confused the crap out of me. I couldn't understand why there was this extra step. If I owned my own ship I would land it wherever I pleased, not on a space station so I could take a grey hound down to the planet. An animation of landing on the planet platforms would definitely make more sense.

Edited by Chevex
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I can see it now...


"ohhh back in my day we had to go through space port to air lock to another air lock to get around, you kids have it too easy now that they took that stuff out"


HAHAHAHA This is the truth if I've ever seen it.

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I agree with the new content later being added to old planets. But this could be handled by adding a terminal on your bridge that allows you to land/launch your ship. Instead of what we have now, going to the door and trying to open it and landing because your character is an idiot trying to blow himself out into space...:o.



So remove unneeded space stations.

Add a terminal on the bridge that allows landing and launching of your ship.

And discontinue the auto launch on entering the ship every time.


well it also saves on cut scenes. Every space port has a cut scene. One of the ship landing, one of it taking off. By using the space stations they can use the same 2 cut scenes 3-4 times and save having to do new ones. If they made new space ports on the old planets that's a lot more design work and they'd need new cut scenes as well.


Don't get me wrong I find the stations annoying to run through. But I don't think they added them without an intent in mind. Because someone spent a good amount of time modeling them.

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Haha, I donno if the cutscene showing your ship fly into a planet, landing since they left the landing part out. (Again, have this landing sequence roll over your loading screen... be cool to look at than a blank screen with the tip at the bottom - I'll admit some of those tips were awesome and stuff I didn't know about)
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By lack of endgame content you mean the same/more endgame content WoW currently has...right?


No he means the lack of end game content that SWTOR has. Not the functioning PVE endgame that wow has. Or the PVP grind that doesn't take 11 minutes to be in full champion gear.


I already unsubbed because I have everything except battlemaster gear... The whole set is like a +40 aim upgrade all together. What a joke.

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I thought more about the space station's shuttle being used to land on different parts the planet (if they expand on the content of each planets) and I realized, wouldn't it be better to be able to select which part of the planet you would want to land on through the galaxy's map? Unless the Space Station has actually relevant content themselves (or they're needed on planets that aren't accessible by normal means), I still don't see the need for them.
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they really arent needed... the amount of loading in this game is more than needed for an MMO... that being said they arent going to take them out anytime soon if ever because classes have some story moments in said airlocks


i worried back in when i didnt play that getting from planet to planet was going to be more of a hassle than in wow because they are disconnected


guess i was right

Edited by SuperomegaOP
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That I know the answer to. It's for game graphic performance. They don't render the inside of a building until you are inside, and those doorways where you have to run around some central thingy server has zone separation.


Remember WoW cities... all have a similar entrance (big thing you have to run around, curved path, or elevator). For the same reason.


Except this is 2012... WoW has had flying mounts since 2007 so those 'scenery blockers' are no longer relevant, and the graphics engine copes without a problem.

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It's really baffling what has whoever was responsible thought when designing the approach to your ship. Why on earth would you want to introduce a long, long, empty lonely run and even an elevator to get there? It's not immersion, if anything it's breaking it because of the boredom of it.


I'm 100% sure it will change sooner or later and then be remembered as one of the really bizarre design things that somehow managed to pass qa / play testing. :rolleyes:

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- Why are there taxis ? Why don't you teleport me instantly ?

- Why are there several quest hubs ?? Why don't you centralize all into one ?



- Can you help me chew my cornflakes please ? I find chewing too tedious.


This is pointless and poor game design. Don't be such a fanboy. If there was never any constructive criticism then nothing would be fixed ever.

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This is a RP implementation that made it into the game without fully realizing the gameplay effects. I actually /bugged the extra run through the hallway on the stations in beta, it is completely unnecessary. Edited by TwoHearted
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The space stations make this game feel more like Star Trek, not Star Wars. In the SW world most space ships are built to land on a planets surface.


Incorrect. In SW big ships are build on shipyards over planets. Fact: Most ship can't even enter planet's atmosphere.


One famous shipyard is Kuat: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kuat

Edited by Raven_Wolf
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