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Everything posted by DeadPand

  1. Game designer/developers should be punished for release extremely buggy games or even partially buggy games. Paying customers that take advantage of the game mechanics as they are upon release should not be punished for playing the game in the state it was. They paid for it after it all. You get what you pay for.
  2. It was annoying to learn this but. 'Your' ship is not really a ship, it's just an elevator. You get in and press a button to get to the floor (planet) you need to get off at. You still need to run around that floor (planet) to get to the room (npc/area of desire). What's really boggling is why you aren't allowed to ride your speeder in the spaceport but you can ride it in 'your' ship.
  3. For 85$ They sure ARE entitled to a complete product and not a buggy broken one. They are also not paying to bug test a finished game. The overdone sense of maturity in your post fails to hide the condescending tone and immaturity of your words.
  4. I thought swtor was designed in such a way that grinding was unnecessary
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