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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why do we need the Space Stations?


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So I have a question. With the majority of the planets, you have to land on a space station then take a shuttle down to the planet.




At first it didn't bothered me because I thought maybe there would be story phasing or something along the lines (and there was one at the beginning at some point for JK's class quest afer Ord Mantell) but after that (And I'm talking after I got to 50 after that)... it's just a tedious run to get to the planet every single time. (And even more tedious going back - especially if you wanna help a guildie somewhere else and don't wanna use your Fleet Pass just yet, or perhaps it's on a cool down.) They absolutely serve no purpose, to a point where it neglects the quality of life.


But I gotta ask, when you access all the ship pages on the SWTOR site, I noticed the pictures where each planet has different landing pads (instead of the exact same layout of the space port or space station with different textures). And some... you can actually land ON the planet (Like Voss and Hoth).









So I gotta ask... these all look ingame, what the heck happened to this? These landing pads look really kool, very open and you can actually see the world as you leave your ship. (And maybe even see it from the ground... how cool would that be?) Why was there a need for all these space stations when they serve no purpose?


Heck, even the animations of the ship leaving the planet/space station seem... under par when it comes to quality compared to the rest of the game that it enjoys. And going to the planet is practically nonexistence... would love to watch my ship makes its final approach, getting a glimpse of the world for the first time and land at the landing pad instead of staring at the loading screen. I've done some animations back in college and even I could come up with better renders and pathing than this... and make it long enough (and good enough, not running into some buildings or starships) so that when it's done, the loading will already be done. Also... ever notice your ship going INTO the space port when the exit is behind it when your ship takes off??? Wow... my ship navigation computer must of been hella drunk or something. And how is it that on Black Talon, you can watch your shuttle take off from BT and arrive on the Brentel Star yet on the Esseles side, you just get a black screen? (And the rest of the shuttles in the future FP are wonkie as well.)


Are the different landing pads on the planet gonna be added in the future? Or was it scrapped entirely in favor of these tedious space station aka airport terminal > passenger pickup > economy parking lot??? Will the animations be brought up to par as well?

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Yea they really need to cut the fat out of this game. The extra, meaningless areas like airlocks are very annoying.


Add in waiting 30 seconds between companion gifts too. How many extra months of sub do you really think you will get from me by making me sit 30 seconds between gifts for no reason?

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Not to mention when you load into the Belsavis air lock (Jedi consular at least anyway) You spawn FACING your ships airlocked door. How many times have I just clicked it straight away cos...well its in front of me? many many more than is neccessary to learn not to but im usually not giving my comp much attention during orbital station visits (as I know im 2-3 minutes away from anything I NEED to pay attention too. Ill admit this is a problem that can be avoided thru being aware of it but surely its a simple fix of your loading coordinates and facing direction.
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well how about some plane4ts dont have spaceports? you need to shuttle. If you dock in a space station, you need an airlock.


sorry, but if your just rush hush bunny hoppes maybe you should not have chosen a game from the top ROLEPLAYGAME (RPG) company on the planet.

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Considering the space station is the only open area where you run in to more than a couple other players, I like it as a central spot. it is the "capital city" of the game.


That being said, they really do need to eliminate the airlocks and much of the extra zoning one must do to travel.

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I don't disagree with this. I have commented on the number of steps to get from ship to planet and back again (a hobbits tale...), um, er... sorry, I digress. Yes, let's just add transporter bays to our ships and beam every where! :D
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you cant just land on the planet, think about it, your ship would freeze up on hoth. I dont want to be out with a 99p halfords ice scrapper trying to get a little patch cleaned on my fury's front window for an hour so i can just take off. give me 1st class pod on shuttle anytime, let the lackies do the hard work.
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They're needed as stealth content for a timesink


I'm sick of all the elevators and clicking in order to get somewhere but I know it's in there just to waste my time so it takes longer to reach the lack of end game content


By lack of endgame content you mean the same/more endgame content WoW currently has...right?

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well how about some plane4ts dont have spaceports? you need to shuttle. If you dock in a space station, you need an airlock.


sorry, but if your just rush hush bunny hoppes maybe you should not have chosen a game from the top ROLEPLAYGAME (RPG) company on the planet.


You do know that, in SW canon, the largest ship capable of planetary landing is the Venator at around 1100 meters long. The ships we fly in TOR are around 30-50 meters long. Indeed they are not much larger then the very shuttles we are taking down to the planet. Our ships can land anywhere that's flat enough and open enough. Obviously game mechanics doesn't permit us to just plop down anywhere, but forcing us to dock at a space station is just stupid and there's absolutely zero justifiable reason for it.

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you cant just land on the planet, think about it, your ship would freeze up on hoth. I dont want to be out with a 99p halfords ice scrapper trying to get a little patch cleaned on my fury's front window for an hour so i can just take off. give me 1st class pod on shuttle anytime, let the lackies do the hard work.


A couple of things come to mind here.


1. Space is colder than Hoth. If you are concerned about the cold on Hoth freezing your ship, space is worse.


2. My Fury (and all my characters ships) have automatic defrosters on the cockpit windows. In fact, the ship is never truely off, a comfortable internal temperature is maintained at all times, and the windows stay defrosted.


3. And, even if they did need scrapping, that's what that annoying droid is for, let him scrape.

Edited by Tyrloch
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A couple of things come to mind here.


1. Space is colder than Hoth. If you are concerned about the cold on Hoth freezing your ship, space is worse.


2. My Fury (and all my characters ships) have automatic defrosters on the cockpit windows. In fact, the ship is never truely off, a comfortable internal temperature is maintained at all times, and the windows stay defrosted.


3. And, even if they did need scrapping, that's what that annoying droid is for, let him scrape.


Yes space is colder then Hoth but there no moister to freeze on the ship itself, :)

Edited by Lawpel
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It's a bit cumbersome I'll agree. What I dislike to having the silly cut scene that your launching from the planet AND landing on the planet when in fact all you want to do is to go into your ship. I would much rather have the windows in the ship show the docking bay or the area my ship is at when I am on planet.


Instead of a cut scene that shows you flying to a station or planet. I'd rather see a cut scene of your ship actually docking or landing or taking off when you select your destination. That would be MUCH cooler. In fact, if the cut scenes were changed to this, I'd imagine we would see less posts because it gives a feeling of actually taking off and landing.


You choose your destination, click it, return back to your character. Run back to the door and activate to leave before the jump to lightspeed is completed.

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A couple of things come to mind here.


1. Space is colder than Hoth. If you are concerned about the cold on Hoth freezing your ship, space is worse.


2. My Fury (and all my characters ships) have automatic defrosters on the cockpit windows. In fact, the ship is never truely off, a comfortable internal temperature is maintained at all times, and the windows stay defrosted.


3. And, even if they did need scrapping, that's what that annoying droid is for, let him scrape.


Maybe you should learn more about space. It's true that space is colder than a planet, however, there is no air in space. You need air to efficiently transfer heat. It's the reason why a Thermos is a vacuum tube. Really, the bigger problem for a spaceship is actually overheating. Ships like the ones in Star Wars would need massive cooling systems.

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They're needed as stealth content for a timesink


I'm sick of all the elevators and clicking in order to get somewhere but I know it's in there just to waste my time so it takes longer to reach the lack of end game content

Or they were going for a degree of realism...


When you fly into an international airport, do you get out of the plain and step staight into a taxi; no, you walk down corridors, take lifts, escalators, go through checkpoints....


(oh, but the timesink is there, but it has more than one purpose is my point...)

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I personally don't mind those, they add a sense of "realism" and immersion. It only takes 20s to run through, no big deal.


you cant just land on the planet, think about it, your ship would freeze up on hoth.
Wait, a ship able to withstand the extreme cold of OUTER SPACE would freeze on Hoth?


/facepalm... :rolleyes:

Edited by Korrigan
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And what's with having to quest to level? Talk about timesink.

Why can't we just gain a level for every hour we are logged in?


Sarcasm aside, it's about immersion. Some people like it, some don't.


Except it's not immersive. Only people who don't know much about SW to begin with could think this has anything to do with immersion. In the SW galaxy you would NEVER dock at an orbital station and then take some shuttle down to the planet. Ever. Either that planet has a starport at which you land, or it doesn't and you just land at whatever flat area you can find. There is absolutely no circumstance that would warrant landing at a space station just to transfer to a shuttle that's roughly the same size as the very ship you were flying to begin with.


P.S. We're not talking about spacedock for the imps/reps, we're talking about those random space stations over planets such as Korriban.

Edited by ColonelColt
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I personally don't mind those, they add a sense of "realism" and immersion. It only takes 20s to run through, no big deal.


Wait, a ship able to withstand the extreme cold of OUTER SPACE would freeze on Hoth?


/facepalm... :rolleyes:


It's about moisture in the air. Hoth has it, space doesn't.

The thing that's freezing is the moisture, not the actual ship.

Edited by Workerdrone
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