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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware steal our paid gametime


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The only time one game/one client thing matters is when they update loginservers and upload/download servers for actual patch content, not patching the servers themselves and if this is what takes _8_ hours to do I'm at lost of words for incompetence.


Except it only took 3 and a half hours. Bioware chose to overestimate instead of give a tight estimation and have to extend.

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Bioware steal our gametime throug their long Maintenance. then let them compensate for time taken away from us as it did CCP in the game eve online.


Stupid. They can let you play without fixing bugs and adding new content and you will moan anyway. Eat some chocolate - good for the brain.

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You think BioWare should compensate you for game time that was included with the purchase of the game?


Time to let go of your momma's ***** and stand on your own two feet. You don't deserve anything, you aren't entitled to anything, you aren't owed anything...


You want to receive something? Go out and earn it.

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complaints about servers coming down for patching and maint!!??? complaints about when they bring the servers down??


When something needs fixing you have to shut it down to fix it. its common sense 101. you dont change the timing belt on yer car while driving down the road, do you? of course not. You dont repair a 747 Jet engine while flying at 30,000 ft. Ya shut it off while ya work on it.


Online games are no different, When you install Windows it makes you shut yer pc off and reboot it, right!!! well games are the same way. Ya put the new patch code in and reboot it that way the server programs will recognize and initialize the new code properly. Just like if they need to replace a Server MB or HD.. ya shut it off, install and boot up that way the bios and operating system will recognize the changes correctly.


besides its the game company OWNS the game. we the customers and players pay to have access to it. you all did read the TOS right??


As for when the maint is done. LOL at this. People are playing this game all around the world. So someone somewhere in a guaranteed timezone is gone end up dealing with the downtime.


and complaining about it being in the middle of the day in Europe. I play at different times in the day and night and i live in the USA and im not complaining.


downtime is a necessity and a requirement. If the server goes down. Take a nap. Do yer homework, Do yer house chores, go to work, or read a book. Next thing ya know the servers will be back up.



I for 1 would rather a game company bring the servers down each and every day if it meant the game play quality would be improved and i would love it. but that is just me.

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You think BioWare should compensate you for game time that was included with the purchase of the game?


Time to let go of your momma's ***** and stand on your own two feet. You don't deserve anything, you aren't entitled to anything, you aren't owed anything...


You want to receive something? Go out and earn it.


Most people don't want compensation, they want FAIR maintenance times for the EU. The current times are NOT fair.

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Having played WoW from release (and still do), I know that Blizz suffered from downtime, but I also know and benefited from their 'good customer service' where they compensated paying customers by extending their subscription period by 1-day or more according to the disruption and period of downtime.


For unexpected extensive downtime or server disruption they'd credit downtime. They never did for the regular maintenance though, even if it went over the eta by a few hours or they replaced a "rolling restart" maintenance with a full maintenance downtime.

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complaints about servers coming down for patching and maint!!??? complaints about when they bring the servers down??


When something needs fixing you have to shut it down to fix it. its common sense 101. you dont change the timing belt on yer car while driving down the road, do you? of course not. You dont repair a 747 Jet engine while flying at 30,000 ft. Ya shut it off while ya work on it.


Online games are no different, When you install Windows it makes you shut yer pc off and reboot it, right!!! well games are the same way. Ya put the new patch code in and reboot it that way the server programs will recognize and initialize the new code properly. Just like if they need to replace a Server MB or HD.. ya shut it off, install and boot up that way the bios and operating system will recognize the changes correctly.


besides its the game company OWNS the game. we the customers and players pay to have access to it. you all did read the TOS right??


As for when the maint is done. LOL at this. People are playing this game all around the world. So someone somewhere in a guaranteed timezone is gone end up dealing with the downtime.


and complaining about it being in the middle of the day in Europe. I play at different times in the day and night and i live in the USA and im not complaining.


downtime is a necessity and a requirement. If the server goes down. Take a nap. Do yer homework, Do yer house chores, go to work, or read a book. Next thing ya know the servers will be back up.



I for 1 would rather a game company bring the servers down each and every day if it meant the game play quality would be improved and i would love it. but that is just me.


Easy for you to say when your maintenance times are in the middle of the night. You really think the US player base would take it lying down if their maintenance times were in the middle of the day?


No, of course they wouldn't.

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I agree that maintenance times for EU servers ought to be changed to non-peak hours. Unfortunately it's not my decision, nor is it yours.


Keep petitioning BW through in-game system and keep a thread bumped on the forums, eventually they will have to address it.

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Most people don't want compensation, they want FAIR maintenance times for the EU. The current times are NOT fair.


What is not fair about EU maint times? There are not during peak hours but at times most are at work or school (read doing something productive or at least trying to do so).

Edited by ilovepeanuts
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What is not fair about EU maint times? There are not during peak hours but at times most are at work or school (read doing something productive or at least trying to do so).


They are not at the LEAST populated times as the US maintenance times are. That is what is not fair. The US players get their maintenance when the least players are online. We get ours in the middle of the day, it is not the least populated time, the middle of the night is.


That, is what isn't fair. I don't know why it's so hard for you people to see this.


Just to add, some parts of EU are up to four hours ahead of GMT, if maintenance finishes at 4pm GMT then that is 8pm in some parts of Europe, which is NOT off peak hours.

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Easy for you to say when your maintenance times are in the middle of the night. You really think the US player base would take it lying down if their maintenance times were in the middle of the day?


No, of course they wouldn't.



yes we would take it and we have. We delt with UO bringing the servers down at random times during the day and night. never had a single ounce of previous warning.


WoW, they bring the servers down in the morning and I would have to wait until 2 or 3 pm to be able to log in again.


SWG, always brought their servers down in the morning.


LOTRO, Has and still brings their servers down on Mondays every week for maint around 7 or 8am until about 10 to 12pm.


I play games in the AM about 40% to 55% of the time.


So yes they are bringing the servers down when i want to play. who cares if its day or night. its when I want to play. and i want to be playing TOR right now, just as much as everyone else. But id rather have something patched and fixed if possible so the next time i do log in My game play is better.


So don't think yer the only 1 who is upset about not being able to play just because yer in Europe.


and yes, Game companies have been known to put in a patch and either not fix the issues, or they fix it and break something else.

Edited by Tojamn
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Bioware steal our gametime throug their long Maintenance. then let them compensate for time taken away from us as it did CCP in the game eve online.


yeah, i heard they sell the time they "stole" from you in a sleazy back-alley in austin ...

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What I really love about these threads is seeing all the Americans reply. I would love to see the reaction if the boot was on the other foot.


For me it is what it is, not ideal by any means but Bioware IS an American company so I guess that is their perogative. And yes I am aware Blizzard is an American company too.

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yes we would take it and we have. We delt with UO bringing the servers down at random times during the day and night. never had a single ounce of previous warning.


WoW, they bring the servers down in the morning and I would have to wait until 2 or 3 pm to be able to log in again.


SWG, always brought their servers down in the morning.


LOTRO, Has and still brings their servers down on Mondays every week for maint around 7 or 8am until about 10 to 12pm.


I play games in the AM about 40% to 55% of the time.


So yes they are bringing the servers down when i want to play. who cares if its day or night. its when I want to play. and i want to be playing TOR right now, just as much as everyone else. But id rather have something patched and fixed if possible so the next time i do log in My game play is better.


So don't think yer the only 1 who is upset about not being able to play just because yer in Europe.


and yes, Game companies have been known to put in a patch and either not fix the issues, or they fix it and break something else.


Erm, I've seen the threads on ALL of those games with people complaining about the maintenance times, so don't try to say that nobody in the US complains about it, they do. A quick google search of ALL of those games maintenance times flags up tons of threads where people aren't happy. So please, stop pretending that the US just accepts these things and it's only us EU players that complains.

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Oh c'mon, now we get people complaining and whining about wanting their lost game time refunded? EVERYONE except for those who played this game on Early Access is still within the 30 free days. So let's calculated, you paid 0.00 for the time so you will get 0.00 in return. Nada.


But seriously now, are you also going to ***** at your ISP that you want your downtime refunded if your internet is out for an hour or 2, or your cable company because there was no cable for a morning. They'll just apologize for the inconvenience and tell you that they wont refund you for such so why on Earth would a gaming company do the same for the downtime of their maintenance that they use to improve the game.

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literally every MMO I've played had server downtimes during the day time (EU) for maintenance. I'm in EU, but I work for a living and are therefore not affected by this issue. By the time, even long maintenance is finished, I'm just barely on my way home.


it's the way it is, and it's the way it'll always be. After all, you cannot please everyone right?


Take the servers down night time in EU, it's the mid-late afternoon in most of the US ( i think)

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CCP compensated EVE players when they transfered the whole game to a new server group. Let me say that again, they took every server down for over a day to move the whole game to bigger and better servers. It took much longer than expected to get the servers up and running and a lot of people lost out on skill training time due to the extneded length of downtime. They were compensated with the equivelent skill points to make up for the down time. That is all.


So how shall BW compensate you? what do you want? you want some money back? not going to happen. End of story.


And as far as going "CCP compensated there players" they did so with an in game mechanic. They have never given a player money back. Not even when that ******* lost over $1000 in gime time cards. That was $1000 worth of game time and pure revenue that CCP took and they never had to deliever services (game time) for. The game time was actually gone, destoryed in a blaze of glory because of some idiot. Served him right in my opinion. CCP didn't cave despite many people claiming that CCP should honnor the game time, or donate the money to charity. Most sensible people however would not be transporting 76 plexes in a frigate while at war in the middle of the most ganked trade hub in the whole game.


Back to BW and SWTOR, so your game goes down once a week for a few hours. BOO HOO I also am effected by the down time, I work nights and the downtime is often right in the middle of my play session. I just go play something else for a bit and come back and see if the servers are up. Maintenance happens, it's just once a week. Get over yourself

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Erm, I've seen the threads on ALL of those games with people complaining about the maintenance times, so don't try to say that nobody in the US complains about it, they do. A quick google search of ALL of those games maintenance times flags up tons of threads where people aren't happy. So please, stop pretending that the US just accepts these things and it's only us EU players that complains.



ya need to reread my post bud. I never said NOBODY complains. I said we have been and do deal with down times during the US AM times.


we are used to it.


we get frustrated.


We get mad.


"we deal with it!!"


we move on and play the game when the server comes back up.


when UO came out you should have seen the in game chat when the sudden server msg came they were bringing the server down in 5 min. then the threads on their forums. UO was 1 of the first major online games to teach us about the frustrations of downtime and not being able to play. Some still get mad about it and continue to want to do some qq'ing that's up to them. but most of us experienced older gamers who have been playing online games since UO came out have learned to accept and deal with it.


I never said Nobody. also since ya didn't want to take my subtle hint i spell it out more bluntly and i apologize if this offends anyone.


Folxs in Europe or any other time zone do not hold the "im Special, let me play NOW!" card.


my case and point.


1) folxs in europe are upset the server is down during their day time when they can and want to play. Understandable.


2) server is down here in the AM us est time 7:11am and i want to play also.


so think yer still special??? get over it.


3) im glad bioware is attempting to put in patches to fix their game. Id rather have the game fixed. even while its during the time i want to play, its better than to playing a bugged broken game.


But if you seem to like playing games on computers that dont get fixed i got this old c64 computer id like to sell ya for about $1.5mil euro :p


im gona go make me some eggs and bacon and watch the morning news while i patiently wait for the server to come up.


have a good day. its been fun :-)

Edited by Tojamn
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They are not at the LEAST populated times as the US maintenance times are. That is what is not fair. The US players get their maintenance when the least players are online. We get ours in the middle of the day, it is not the least populated time, the middle of the night is.


That, is what isn't fair. I don't know why it's so hard for you people to see this.


Just to add, some parts of EU are up to four hours ahead of GMT, if maintenance finishes at 4pm GMT then that is 8pm in some parts of Europe, which is NOT off peak hours.


EU has up to +2 GMT only unless the half of Russia joined and I completly missed that.


And I would agree with you if it would have been a real problem like the servers would go down every day for the full 8 hours (the last two downtimes where not even half of that) but as they stated it will happen roughly once a week (bar the emergency spoit fixes like today) I do not see the problem.


Oh, just to clarify I am from Europe.

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8 hours maintenance / week


==> 4 days per month


We cant play during 13% of our paid time




At least make the maintenance for EU servers during the night not during the whole day



Ps: this week maintenance time was an exception

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