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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post your Smugglers name


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My smuggler's name is Planet!

Never changed my title since I created the character...

By your powers combined... I am Captain Planet!!!


I was going to do this with my Smuggler, but sadly the name was taken when I got around to making the character :(

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I did not know about the legacy sir name. So I named my Smuggler/Scoundrel Flint Goto.


I tried spacing it but it's put together on my character. Future Lover of Kasumi Goto fire starter and thief. My legacy is not a sir name but simply The Runners Legacy.

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Quillsuwa Byer


I always name my 1st character Quilland and later characters Quill<something> in MMO games. Its a tradition I started in Lineage II and kept through WoW and SWTOR. Quilland I used in a very old MMO - Jumpgate - which was a space combat game. The name Quilland was from a Sauron Pilot in Jerry Pournelle's Warworld Sci-fi series. Warworld in the book series was habitable moon in the Byer's star system (hence the legacy name).


The Suwa is from Quecha, a South American language used to derive Huttese in the Star Wars movies. There was no word for smuggler that I could find. Suwa is thief which was as close as I could find.

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My Gunslinger's name it's 'Ihavea' because when I actualy manage to get my legacy name it had to fit with Chestykov.


This is a name I have had for a long time on my other game's as a surname.

My other 2 republic char's names are Covonia which is the name it all started with... and 'Igotta'... Lol!


(It all started with a bottle of cough medicine ...:p)


It also fit's with my Imperial Char's too! Llamedos,Kianne & Keegann. :D


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