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Everything posted by JayStonesen

  1. beside of that, I think that marauder/sentiel should be fairly simple. or bounty hunter.
  2. that is actually a pretty decent play time. Expect to spend 5.5-6.5 days PLAYED before you hit level 50. By then though, the games becomes a lot more fun- especially if you are a casual player like me who plays a few times a week. -Personally, I love my scoundrel and he does well in both pve and pvp. You do not have to listen to the extreme cries over the class in here. He does just fine- if you ever go to a warzone with a well geared scoundrel, I bet you he will be in the top 3 at the end of the match. Being fresh level 50 means the same for you; battling players with high gear or going for heavy armor is certain doom. If you like to play Dps or heal go scoundrel, if not then tank as Jedi Knight (unless you are a sentinel?)
  3. Hey guys, Have any of my fellow scoundrels ever tried this build?.. Throw some dots- both heal and dmg, and just sit back and watch your team win? (if viable. never tried the build) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701MffMzhZhZhrbkrMh.1 Another version is this one: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701MffMzhZZhrbkrMhd.1 Gives you a little less dmg on vital shot, but gives you much energy and the ability to both heal and throw some woundingshots fromt he distance. Last one is this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701Mc0MZhZhrbkrrhdhR.1 Off heal and use the rest of the DF tree to kill? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#701McbMZoZhrbkrrhdhR.1 Anyone with experience, please reply and give your opinion. Also, I think none of them are viable for pve ofcourse, beside of the fact that you gain upper hand without going melee.
  4. throw sabotagecharge, roll- hop over the barrier and give him a K.O punch! that feels too awesome!
  5. Cboy-bebop! Anybody who knows this reference will know how awesome of a name that is:cool:
  6. I must admit, that I cannot join your club. However, reading this thread is comforting. I am an artist and I work with technolog/art in practice and in theory. I do much reasearch and write papers on contemporary social behavior in computer games, and reading, that you guys are well payed academics who still play is comforting; right now, I can rarely play because of study and work. Just hit lvl 50. I like your tone, way of writing and sharing your experience. Knowing that it is possible for you to play and still have a profession is nice; I love playing, but the amount of time these games take today as well as the dialogue people often use on forums and online is what keeps me from playing more beside of time. I know that my dad at 60 play civilization everyday and get a kick out of it. Keep the spirit up, and let me know if any of you are at the Niman server! I think playing with you guys must be a nice experience. I to do it for destressing, relaxing and just chatting with friends while playing.. Starwars!
  7. I do not have time to level another toon to lvl 50 in this life. However, what I meant was, that I am always top 3 in pvp and finish every raid and fp dealing sustainable high dps (as far as I can compare to other classes and the numbers they give). However, I find it a bit harder to have high raid dps as scrapper in comparison to Dirty Fighting in boss fights. So I guess that the class is fine. I mean, there are dps/pvp classes below me when I play, that is for sure.
  8. CHeck the guy posting on how to pvp with scoundrel in here, he has some good tips on how to avoid the gap etc. that pretty much explain what I feel would be a waste of time to write here due to the way communication on computergame forums has change into today.
  9. I am however starting to think if you are right when you say, that those who master scoundrel would master other classes even more. I have no idea because it is the only char I have- but I think i do very well and above average. cannot talk about other classes though.
  10. My only point by saying that is, that I think a lot of scoundrels dont use sabotagecharge ex. or both def. screen mechanisms, kick, stun and silence etc. You know what im talking about
  11. I like you´r playstyle. Quite similar to my own and I agree with the cover. I love using it! Most awesome feel is to approach an enemy when out of cover- roll, granate, backblast etc. awesome! I have not thought of using cover while healing. Keep the videos comming, they are great and proves that we can do just fine!
  12. I am sorry for posting both here and with the operatives. I thought it was necessary for my fellow scoundrels and operatives to follow the thread. please write in the one at the operatives forum: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2975354#post2975354
  13. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=98247&highlight=dirty+fighting+stream&page=3 Hope you can use some of it. TIp: Focus on learning how to manage your aoe granate. And let your tank/guild now that you have to use it, so a tiny bit of aggro is needed in fights, where serveral mobs are on tank so they dont go for ya´ tiny scoundrel hp. if so, lower your threat and use the def screen that gives you 100% dodge (if the **** hits the fan) while you get a stun in/restealth. However, this should never be allowed to happen.. Furthermore, it is a spec for the long hard boss fights; the place where skill and gear matters for real.
  14. your not awesome, and therefore the class is broken
  15. If you want tips for raidspecc (DF) try the tread some guy posted a month ago or something like that, where he streamed his end game play style and explained how he did it. He had very nice damage with DF and there is a guide if you google it. Hope it helps you to achieve top dmg in nightmare mode. Scrapper has a harder time doing that, but is that not fair? I mean, a class should not be able to excell both at pvp and raid witht the same spec, or is that just me? A lot of ppl. also compare the souncdrel to sorceress. Well, if they are so much better, they should be nerfed, but that does not mean that we should be buffed up.
  16. If I play a game of huttball, I aim for the enemy team healers. I rarely go for the one with the ball itself; however, I always give him my 50% slow. WHICH is very usefull in huttball. I also purge the one with the ball, and if I see the enemy approaching my goal, I will ususally be in front of him, waiting to stun-shoot first "stun" and slow as I always keep an eye on the lightning beam that shows where the ball is on the map to locate myself in stealth infront of the enemy (as I am slow in stealth)- I hope this might help you to be better at Huttball with your scoundrel. - Also, the huttball map has tons of covers, which is awesome to use to get around fast when out of stealt as well as get thrown that granate at the enemy which + our dot gives alot of dmg. But make sure, that you never get the ball yourself. Do kill the one carrying it, but avoid the last hit unless you can throw it to your teams heavy guys. The average number of medals for me in any WZ is 7. That is average, not max, not minumum and I often only die 2-5 times.
  17. You are right, my end game is mostly pvp focused, but I perform well in "raids" in this game. If I post a pvp video, it will be of the entire match and I can tell you, that what usually makes the difference for me in every single WZ is how much I focus on the location of other players, pillars, place to hide, use roll to get out/in of combat when not stealthed and in general, be very much aware of the location of your own team mates.
  18. About the re-stealthing.. I often run out of combat when I cannot stealth, spend alot of time hiding behind pillars/walls etc. If I find myself caught between three players and I cannot restealth, well.. then a certain death is only fair, isnt it? Also, what I usually do is never to initiate the battle. I see serveral scoundrels try to do this only to get focused and die. The trick is to time your entrance very well in combination with the heavy armor guys out there. It really helps you in the game. Map awareness is also keys, stealth to get the buffs around the map- especially the speed one is pretty nice.
  19. instead of looking at who´s top, look at who is on the bottom. Give them a boost, not us. and nerf those classes that you are mentioned as super duper OP (like they ment we were OP before nerf.)
  20. I am lvl 50 I have played mmo´s for ages. But honestly; am I the only scoundrel out there, that thinks the class is fine and don´t expect/want it to be superman and easy to play? I am a casual player now due to work, and this is my only character (maybe that influence my opinion). I am Doing well in pvp + pve is how a balanced game is supposed to be. If you think I dont know how to play my class and all, up to you; what I noticed before nerf was, that I did much better than other classes, and as I am no longer guaranteed the top spot, I feel that my nerf is justified. Thats all folks, and the tones I feel computergames in forums and chats have taken today, I think I will leave this post as it is.. if comments and communication in communities ever reach the asocial level of HON and Dota (mp games alike) I will quit this game for sure.. This is just ridiculous, so I will go back to my game.
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