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Why are so many people saying this game is bad?


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Game breaking? As in, you cannot play the game because of them?


List them for me please.


1.) No Ant-Aliasing Support In Game (Which means characters, landscapes, enemies, cities, trees, and just about anything else have jagged lines surrounding them which makes for eye strain and overall bad presentation.


2.) Ability Delay on just about every spell and ability (Which means there a delay when pushing an ability to when the ability is shown on screen hinders eye hand coordination, to the point of hindering competitive gameplay)


3.) FPS spikes (To the point of 8-15 FPS or lower during crucial parts of the game and exploration. (Hindering the game to process the frames and giving the impression the game is laggy and other adverse affects associated with FPS Spikes. Which even with adjustments to settings does not completely eliminate the spikes)


4.) Armor and weapons not applying the correct stats when equipped, which many will not notice unless they look carefully.


5.) Roll/ Loot system (10 ops groups for world bosses consisting of at least 8 people and when the loot was rolled the last person to enter the start area of the raid won each of the 10 times)


6.) PvP Imbalance (Where although each level is scaled to the highest level in a PvP match with regards to the basic health and stats, it doesn't include bonuses such armor, datacrons, and spells and abilities that level 50 players have that none of the other levels do. This includes PvP matches that have a level 49 and a level 12, the level 12 does not have the same abilities as level 49 and so on)


7.) No real incentive for taking down a Herioc World Boss (Loot and experience does not adequetly reward you for the fight. Having to have at least 8 people of the same rank as the world boss and the fact of how long such groups take to get together and on top of that the time it takes to kill one. The items that are dropped can easily be replaced and in most cases are obsolete if you have a PvP equipment of that same level)


8.) Isolation of certain cities that their worlds are pvp contested such as Anchorhead in Tatioone where it is blocked from the opposing faction with an exhaustion zone. Which is anybody is familiar you can see anchorhead from the edge of the map on tatioone but because of an invisible albeit intentional exhaustion zone.


9.) Far reaching exploits that have affected the world economy, boss being defeated because of a gesture icon. And yes as far as i know they have been fixed, but that doesn't mean there are not similiar exploits that have not been found or that are known but no fixes have yet been found.


10.) No game assist functions, such as macros, add ons, LFG, or any number of such things that fit into this category that many deem game breaking for various reasons.


There a few more, but i think this is enough of an example to get to the point. Many might not believe any of the stuff i listed is considered game breaking. But let me be specific everything is in the eye of the beholder. And these issues many people even the most loyal of fans of an MMO have stated as being game breaking. So let the replies commence, but you ask for a list and a list was provided!

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More content will be added. Its obvious this is your first MMO. MMOs have a lack of content at end game in there birth period. Dont get me started on WoW. But look at that game, 8 years in and its has plenty to do.


If you dont understand this then you might not like the wait. but I assure you more content is coming. MMOs need time to grow.


Not my first mmo and no I didn't play wow. For their budget on the game there is a lack of starting end game content.

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Three quarters of the complaints are from the same people over and over who are trolls. There are some issues with the game, mainly the ability delay, but most of the other issues are not gamebreaking or drastic enough for it to be a "terrible game". It is a great game with even greater potential and from what i've heard and seen, I can't wait for the new additions.


Sorry not true... that may be the case in terms of who is posting on the forums but as a previous poster correctly and factually stated they have not addressed (as yet) a number of game breaking bugs...

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You see, it is good that people complain an critisize the game. It helps the game grow. Even if some posts seem idiotic they might reflect what others experience in the game. So complaints are good no matter how annoying they are.
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Sorry not true... that may be the case in terms of who is posting on the forums but as a previous poster correctly and factually stated they have not addressed (as yet) a number of game breaking bugs...


Game-breaking? None of those bugs have prevented my game from working just fine.


I've had a 2 or 3 quest breaking bugs, but certainly not game-breaking.

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The worst review this game has gotten an 80 out of 100, noting that said reviewers of these rather low scores for this game the same score they gave to Battflied 3 while giving games like Super Mario Land 3 a freaking 95. Ya thats about all I need to know about those reviewers.


As for the general consensus from players the scores range from 85 to 100 accross every major publication in the world.


So the answer is, we like this game.


The majority of official reviews match those of players quoting issues like Space Combat being sub par and the traditional bugs that come with all MMO's on release day.


Suffices to say that the hate is coming from a very small part of the community that plays the wounded dog by screaming about it minute by minute on the forums.

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OMG 3 WEEKS ? That's insa.... No, wait....


Rome wasn't built in a day.


sorry 3 weeks, how long has SW;TOR been in production? the game was first announced on October 21, 2008 thats 3 years and two months to launch date... AN whatever do not under any circumstances go down the "All MMO's need time" THIS IS NOT AN MMO it is a sharded, instanced, single player game with quest hubs.... PERIOD!!!


A more straight answer to the question... because its not very good for the very reasons a previous poster correctly stated...

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I am curious to know why all the hate for this game in this forum? I been playing for about a week now, and this is the most fun I have had with an mmo since I quit playing WoW.


I enjoy the class stories, space fights (although I think the last ones are too tough) and companions.


To me this game lacks polish and I keep discovering minor bugs that in themselves aren't game breakers but so many that my total experience with the game isn't very positive. Much of the stuff that annoys me today will probably be fixed in the future, but not soon enough.


  • User interface
    This is the one thing I use to communicate with the game and thus it needs to be effective and customizable to ensure it can suit every single player. It's among the worst ones I've ever used. In fact it deserves it's own list of faults.
    • Limited to only two windows displayed simultaneously.
    • Not enough hot bars in the center area. I don't know how it is with other classes but the Juggernaut actually has more skills than fits on two hot bars.
    • Hard coded key binding to customer support. On my keyboard when I press the key to the left of the '1' it brings up the customer support window which is incredibly annoying during fights. At least let me rebind it or remove the binding. I haven't found any support for this in the preferences.
    • Every time I split an item i automagically get a link printed in the chat window.
    • Companion mission window pops up during fights! At least make them minimized and pending.
    • Companion skills resets every single time I've used the speeder bike. If I have inactivated a skill it should stay inactive until I choose to change it.
    • Font settings in chat windows reset every now and then.
    • It seems I can only have tabbed chat windows with the original chat window.
    • I can't disable input in newly created chat windows.
    • I can't choose which chat window is to be my default window.
    • Besides the chat windows, I can't move/adjust anything else in the UI.
    • The alert sound for tells is so incredibly low it puzzles me why they even have one. Isn't the whole point of an alert sound to catch my attention?

    [*]Crafting is such a obvious and poorly created time sink. Crafting level 50 blue items takes over an hour!?

    [*]Why can I queue crafting but not gathering or mission assignments?

    [*]I keep hearing NPC conversations in a loud and clear volume long after I leave places.


Didn't get to finish this post since lunch break is over but these are some of the things that keeps bugging me. If you ask me this game needed more time before being released but I'm convinced the cash flow stopped and investors wanted to start earn money on this game.

Edited by Kilathaar
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There a few more, but i think this is enough of an example to get to the point. Many might not believe any of the stuff i listed is considered game breaking. But let me be specific everything is in the eye of the beholder. And these issues many people even the most loyal of fans of an MMO have stated as being game breaking. So let the replies commence, but you ask for a list and a list was provided!


That's a list of bugs and problems only one or two of which could be considered "game breaking".


Ability delay is the only serious problem the game has at the moment, and even then my impression from the forums is that it's only an occasional annoyance for most players, and only "game-breaking" for some competitive PvE-ers and serious PvP-ers. There are also a few vocal people who want the combat to be more like WoW combat in design, but they can be disregarded entirely.


Next most serious is the fps problem with high end systems.


But everything else on your list is par for the course for MMOs, the sort of things that are usually sorted out after a month or two.

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That's a list of bugs and problems only one or two of which could be considered "game breaking".


Ability delay is the only serious problem the game has at the moment, and even then my impression from the forums is that it's only an occasional annoyance for most players, and only "game-breaking" for some competitive PvE-ers and serious PvP-ers. There are also a few vocal people who want the combat to be more like WoW combat in design, but they can be disregarded entirely.


Next most serious is the fps problem with high end systems.


But everything else on your list is par for the course for MMOs, the sort of things that are usually sorted out after a month or two.


Ability delay will destroy this game. Hands down, without a doubt, in 3 months if it is not fixed completely.


Knock all the loser hardcores you want thinking its only 'their problem', but youll be singing a different tune when its 8pm on a Saturday and there are only 4 people in the Republic Fleet. Thats about 3 months from now if you don't turn this MMO into a 'Game'.


EDIT: If i wanted to play jedi-barbie dolls with no game attached i could have just played Second Life for free.

Edited by Iusedtoplaywow
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sorry 3 weeks, how long has SW;TOR been in production? the game was first announced on October 21, 2008 thats 3 years and two months to launch date... AN whatever do not under any circumstances go down the "All MMO's need time" THIS IS NOT AN MMO it is a sharded, instanced, single player game with quest hubs.... PERIOD!!!


A more straight answer to the question... because its not very good for the very reasons a previous poster correctly stated...


Then don't play it.

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the only game breaking bug ive experienced so far was the Taris bug- thnat got adressed as good as instantly. I have to say that yes there are some min or bugs, some affect gameplay but not in a gamebreaking way. Bioware updates about once a week to adress the issues- as any mmo company have done. Including wow.


Personally this game is what i aexpected, and a few things seems a bit rushed, but thats what patches and expansions are for :)

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It's not bad.

It's just not perfect, or as good as it could be.


And that projects out of the mouth of the masses as "this game sucks. I'm un-subbing."


I don't think people realize the work that goes into an MMO, and that things can, and are being fixed, and it doesn't just happen overnight.

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the only game breaking bug ive experienced so far was the Taris bug- thnat got adressed as good as instantly. I have to say that yes there are some min or bugs, some affect gameplay but not in a gamebreaking way. Bioware updates about once a week to adress the issues- as any mmo company have done. Including wow.


Personally this game is what i aexpected, and a few things seems a bit rushed, but thats what patches and expansions are for :)


You have to be an absolute neanderthal to not notice the animation/ability delay FAIL. Its gamebreaking. When bosses have tight enrage timers and content is tuned with max-dps in mind, then its GAMEBREAKING. Sure, they can undertune the content make everything tank and spank and make it super easy to leave room for bugs, but then its just BORING AS HELL.

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Real gamers received these faulty game mechanics as slaps in the face. Super scrub weekend gamers don't even know what we are talking about.


Game was never intended to be second life for basement dwellers, you are dying breed anyway, nobody is going to waste time making game for elitists after WoW proved that it's better to just go with the mainstream crowd.

Yes, small lags between abilities that makes combat feel unresponsive are extremely annoying and needs to be fixed, eventually. But if you are a 14 days/hour sitting in front of PC type, just quit TOR now before you start hating it.

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As we don't know the realy active player base we can't say "MANY" ;).


But some points are common:

- player who like the game PLAY and don't post at forums

- player who don't like the game do not play but post at forums

-> this leads to more whine posts then like posts


In addition it has happened, that concurent publisher "hired" players to spam negativ posts (Chinas 1 cent army). They paid 1 cent for every anti-post. Maybe it happens here too


PS: this is very common for hotel rankings!!

Edited by Jahor
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As we don't know the realy active player base we can't say "MANY" ;).


But some points are common:

- player who like the game PLAY and don't post at forums

- player who don't like the game do not play but post at forums

-> this leads to more whine posts then like posts


In addition it has happened, that concurent publisher "hired" players to spam negativ posts (Chinas 1 cent army). They paid 1 cent for every anti-post. Maybe it happens here too


PS: this is very common for hotel rankings!!


Yes Blizzard has nothing better to than hire chinese people to point out how crappy this game is. Not like they are busy with diablo, next starcraft installment and their next MMO on top of working on WoW :rolleyes:

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Game was never intended to be second life for basement dwellers, you are dying breed anyway, nobody is going to waste time making game for elitists after WoW proved that it's better to just go with the mainstream crowd.

Yes, small lags between abilities that makes combat feel unresponsive are extremely annoying and needs to be fixed, eventually. But if you are a 14 days/hour sitting in front of PC type, just quit TOR now before you start hating it.


Nobody would play WoW if the hardcores werent running around in their epic raid loot and titles making everyone drool.




The small portion of hardcore gamers provides a VALUABLE resource to game developers. You see, while we play and tear up content, you little peons drool over our gear and accomplishments and that drives you to continue playing and pay for the game, thus creating a large revenue stream for the company so that they can continue to churn out free patches full of casual content for you nooblets. The hardcores act as a carrot dangling for all the noobs...the whole 'that could be YOUR character one day' mentality.


Noobs are so cute.

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The quiz is: I've been playing for a week


From level 30 you'll begin to see the bugs.


From level 2 you will beging to realize the planet looks kind of strange. Then as you are questing you will realize that you cannot really explore, the planet is not truly 3D. Everyone around you runs on those marked paths. Then you also realise that you cannot level at another place , this is it.


Then, at level 10 you will hit Coruscant and you be blown away by the sheer size. Soon after you discover that it all is really backdrops, you cannot go to any of the buildings you see around you and it all is a series of long corridors.


After 6 laborious levels of running inside the same corridors, again following marked paths with no degree of exploration you then get your spaceship at level 16. By now you have realised that you are following your class quests and you have no choice on the matter.


At 16 you visit another planet Taris, which is another disappointment just like Tythos. Marked paths have to be followed in order to go from A to B. It is like a giant supermarket full of aisles and high stacked shelves so you cannot see or go to the other side unless you do the full loop.


At this point you realise that you still have not seen an open, fully three dimensional world.


4 very laborious levels later, at 20, you go to Nar Shaddaa. Simply a copy of Coruscant. If you thought Coruscant was despicable well, good luck to you trying to grind through Nar Shaddaa.


At 24 you realise that the chances of actually an open, explorable, three dimensional world with multiple zones, big cities etc, are nil.


Coupled with the rest of the horrible issues, AH, combat, lack of LFG, etc you quit.

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Nobody would play WoW if the hardcores werent running around in their epic raid loot and titles making everyone drool.




The small portion of hardcore gamers provides a VALUABLE resource to game developers. You see, while we play and tear up content, you little peons drool over our gear and accomplishments and that drives you to continue playing and pay for the game, thus creating a large revenue stream for the company so that they can continue to churn out free patches full of casual content for you nooblets. The hardcores act as a carrot dangling for all the noobs...the whole 'that could be YOUR character one day' mentality.


Noobs are so cute.


Well, its good you can justify your existence and back in the days of Burning Crusade it still might have worked like this. As former hard core raider I realized that all Im getting from the game is feeling of being "burned out" and epics started feeling less and less rewarding, but you are obviously much better in deluding yourself than I was so I guess you have a few more years ahead of you. Now you nolifers are good for testing new content pre launch I give you that, but really not a single person from my days in WoW actually stayed in game becouse droling over some purple flexing in front of AH. Yes they all went casual more or less, but stayed in the game becouse it was a good way to let off steam after school or work and becousethey had social ties in the game.


Epic used to be motivation before Blizz started giving it out for free, but hey don't let me rob of your little bubble where hard core raiders are still important and admired:)

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Well, its good you can justify your existence and back in the days of Burning Crusade it still might have worked like this. As former hard core raider I realized that all Im getting from the game is feeling of being "burned out" and epics started feeling less and less rewarding, but you are obviously much better in deluding yourself than I was so I guess you have a few more years ahead of you. Now you nolifers are good for testing new content pre launch I give you that, but really not a single person from my days in WoW actually stayed in game becouse droling over some purple flexing in front of AH. Yes they all went casual more or less, but stayed in the game becouse it was a good way to let off steam after school or work and becousethey had social ties in the game.


Epic used to be motivation before Blizz started giving it out for free, but hey don't let me rob of your little bubble where hard core raiders are still important and admired:)


Okay. So, obvious social regrets aside, you seem to 100% agree with me.

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