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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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as opposed to the millions of children who play a game that dumbed down and polished EQ's game model?


Can you stop posting in this thread? You are not helping any one, just messing around.

If you don't have the problem, then move on. Stop saying there isn't one, just because you can't see it or don't have it. We have it! Thousands of people. So please... stop it.

I honestly dont need anyone telling me there is no issue, because I am having it!

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Some ppl still think "serious pvp" is world ganking or 200v200 clusterf***'s :D



Wow arena is really best a finest tuned MMO teamplay so far requiring insane amount of management and precision.


And yes before this is fixed we can't have truly competitive PVP/PVE. So far we only compete vs our UI

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perception is a funny thing. you came here expecting twitch-based combat and didn't get it so you think there's a flaw in the game's engine. i'm able to seamlessly chain together attacks by mashing buttons. get a new isp. Edited by supertouch
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Wow arena is really best a finest tuned MMO teamplay so far requiring insane amount of management and precision.


Yes, so fine tuned that only cookie cutter class combos are used. That points to massive imbalance, not fine tuning and precision. :rolleyes:

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I cannot even fathom how anyone at Bioware can play this game in PvP and say, “Yup, this is the feel of pvp that we were going for. High five guys!” Here are some words of advice Bioware: If you’re going to try to emulate the most successful MMO ever created, can you at least emulate the thing that made it so successful?


People like to be in control of their characters and sadly, the game in its current state is just clunky as hell. I would be a very happy subscriber if this issue were fixed in a timely manner, but I’m not holding my breath. If not, this game will stand no chance for growth. It’s sad, really. There is so much potential here!

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Yes, so fine tuned that only cookie cutter class combos are used. That points to massive imbalance, not fine tuning and precision. :rolleyes:


It's pretty much impossible to make it 100% even, he's saying they have it fine tuned to the best any MMO has done so far. No matter how they balance things a combo or class will be too powerful or underpowered. Completely impossible to avoid.

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perception is a funny thing. you came here expecting twitch-based combat and didn't get it so you think there's a flaw in the game's engine. i'm able to seamlessly chain together attacks by mashing buttons. get a new isp.


Because mashing buttons trying to chain attacks was intended? Other mmos like rift and wow have no delay at all so yes I will blame this game's broken engine.

Edited by Seraphiq
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The game is not meant to be a twitch based PVP game. It is a story-driven PVE game first off with a side of PVP.


People who came to a Bioware game looking for a competitive PVP game obviously were looking in the wrong place.


Blizzard had a history of making competitive PVP games (in the form of Starcraft 1 most significantly) so of course World of Warcraft was going to have that element.



The way that the current systems works actually makes PVP more casual friendly (which of course drives the competitive hardcore PVPers absolutely crazy) if you can't jump around and pvp better because your twitch skills are more finely tuned then you lose your advantage in PVP. This game imo is based on combat strategy more so then twitch. You need to know what skill you are going to hit next and when to hit. The combat is more responsive then LOTRO and that combat system works just fine for their game.

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we get it. WoW was your first mmo and your first love. other games did it much better.


there's a quickbar recovery period in swtor and no auto attack. you're only perceiving a delay.


There ya go, glad you agree with us. We are in fact 'only' perceiving a delay.


P.s. look up the definition of perceiving pl0x.

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The game is not meant to be a twitch based PVP game. It is a story-driven PVE game first off with a side of PVP.


People who came to a Bioware game looking for a competitive PVP game obviously were looking in the wrong place.


Blizzard had a history of making competitive PVP games (in the form of Starcraft 1 most significantly) so of course World of Warcraft was going to have that element.



The way that the current systems works actually makes PVP more casual friendly (which of course drives the competitive hardcore PVPers absolutely crazy) if you can't jump around and pvp better because your twitch skills are more finely tuned then you lose your advantage in PVP. This game imo is based on combat strategy more so then twitch. You need to know what skill you are going to hit next and when to hit. The combat is more responsive then LOTRO and that combat system works just fine for their game.


That's all fine and dandy, but don't you think that Bioware wants their game to grow and rival the Goliath that is World of Warcraft? This thread is simply trying to help Bioware achieve that. Not only that, players want this as well. People like to compete and achieve greatness. The current system is severely holding players back from achieving this.

Edited by Dumpiduke
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the ones complaining haven't acclimatized to the combat system and don't really know how to play.


after you use an ability, you repeatedly click or tap a succeeding ability as the quickbar is recovering. swtor doesn't actually use a queue system (at least with my settings). the quickbar recovery is there for a reason. there's no auto attack or animation clipping. the combat is simply not as fast-pasted as you were expecting.

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There ya go, glad you agree with us. We are in fact 'only' perceiving a delay.


P.s. look up the definition of perceiving pl0x.


i meant "misperceive." stick to using comma splices and stupid 4-chan memes.

Edited by supertouch
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the ones complaining haven't acclimatized to the combat system and don't really know how to play.


after you use an ability, you repeatedly click or tap a succeeding ability as the quickbar is recovering. swtor doesn't actually use a queue system (at least with my settings). the quickbar recovery is there for a reason. there's no auto attack or animation clipping. the combat is simply not as fast-pasted as you were expecting.


So first it wasn't as clunky as we were expecting so we were imagining this, but now it's not as fast-paced as we were expecting! My god you sir are the most epic troll ever.

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That's all fine and dandy, but don't you think that Bioware wants their game to grow and rival the Goliath that is World of Warcraft? This thread is simply trying to help Bioware achieve that. Not only that, players want this as well. People like to compete and achieve greatness. The current system is severely holding players back from achieving this.


By appealing to Casuals as opposed to the Hardcore pvp crowd I bet they will in fact find more success when it comes to PVP.


One of the biggest thing that turns people off to WoW PVP (and I played from launch with breaks in between until the end of WoTLK as both a Rogue and Off Tank Death Knight) was the twitch based combat. For many casual players it was impossible to overcome and so they didn't partake in Arena combat or PVP much at all.

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By appealing to Casuals as opposed to the Hardcore pvp crowd I bet they will in fact find more success when it comes to PVP.


One of the biggest thing that turns people off to WoW PVP (and I played from launch with breaks in between until the end of WoTLK as both a Rogue and Off Tank Death Knight) was the twitch based combat. For many casual players it was impossible to overcome and so they didn't partake in Arena combat or PVP much at all.


So basically they are leveling the playing field in PvP by giving handicap to bad players over good ones?

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Whatever excuses anyone makes for the clunky combat system, there is no excuse for abilities advertised as being 'off the global cooldown' like interrupts not actually going off when you press them. The delay can be as high as 2 seconds which is a deathknell when you have to interrupt a crucial boss ability. If you want to see the delay consistently try doing the standard shot with your rifle/blaster then pressing interrupt. It's a huge delay and has to be fixed for this game to be taken seriously. I don't see how anyone could be against this.
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