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Win\Lose Ratio Imp vs Rep


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If imperials have more players queuing for warzones, then surely that means only imperials will ever experience imp vs imp in huttball, and every single imp vs imp match is a win for imperials in these statistics?


That's like saying that only an American could win the civil war.


I'm guessing that even Bioware lacks the retardation required to count Imp vs. Imp huttball wins in the total.

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Some people are just plain stupid really i mean, how are bioware supposed to fix the faction imbalance? People choose what they want to play. What bioware sais oh sorry too many imperials you have to be republic. I mean are the people just plain iq free or what. Sigh really.



Also republics has upperside on voidstar because they defend first, so if they defend well then they know they can win, if they defend badly then they can just go around ganking or w/e.

Edited by Icecrypt
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47% vs. 53% surprisingly close. Just hope they dont make any too hasty decisions based on this 3% difference. I mean obviously they need to fix the animation lag for some combat moves to put them in balance with Imp side. Just hope this does not mean any nasty nerfs for imps...


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Remeber thats 53% of only 60% of total games as 40% has been hutball. The number cold actually be more like 6% if we only had pure Imp vs Rep.


In response to the guy earlier who said about people rolling Imp : I can totally see why most kids have rolled imp, being able to fire lightning from your hands?!? Its considered cooler to be a baddy anyway. Pretty much every warzone i play will have T least 4 sorc in, they are as common as muck.


TO address the faction imbalance i thikn they need to make some cosmetic buffs to the republic, give them better looking gear\more mounts better animations. Whatever really to make it more appealing, because ultimately both sides gain from a healthy balance. So dont QQ about it not being fair they have better looking mounts.

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If imperials have more players queuing for warzones, then surely that means only imperials will ever experience imp vs imp in huttball, and every single imp vs imp match is a win for imperials in these statistics?





"Bad news for Republic players, though - the Empire currently leads overall, having won 53% of all Alderaan Civil War and Voidstar matches (across all servers). Huttball has been played the most, accounting for 39% of all matches – and yes, we’ll be adding a new same faction vs. same faction enabled Warzone in the future."


They don't mention win % in huttball. Only the two oposing side warzones. Huttball only mentions % of games played, were it to be balanced they would all be about 33%. Due to population imbalance huttball pops more than the other warzones and it has jumped to 39%.

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I wish these lowbies would go and level instead of trying to play Obi Wan Kenobi in Warzones and take on the level 50 Sith Inquisitors.


Never played mmo before then?


Last time I checked there was quests to go pvp at level 10 + 20. The problem is just there are no brackets.

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I studied marketing and work for different advertising companies. The root cause of the problem largely is in the way the game was marketed. From the very first "Decieved" trailer I saw I knew the imperial side was going to be grossly overpopulated. Trailers should not matter at all, but they do. They heavily influence what inspires someone to play a game and what role they wish to play. Every trailer that they released if the Republic characters won anything it always came at a great cost, and they looked weak. In "Decieved" the republic just flat out gets rolled. In "Hope" in order to fight Malgus, Satele has to gang up on him with the Trooper who basically saves her life. And in the last trailer that's name escapes me as I have just woke up this morning Satele's master does OK for a bit and then gets outright terminated by Malgus. All of this set the stage for sending a message to the minds of the consumers that being Empire was going to be "cool" and "strong" choice. Especially in the ever-more-elitist gaming culture, if they wanted people to play Republic, they did not depict the Republic as interesting, or desirable.


Marketing out of the way, there is also a huge issue I have seen since the full beta. The Republic players do not play Sages, and they do not play many Smugglers. This is slowly starting to change at least on the Smuggler end, but these two classes are critical to PVP and the population of people who play them is very low. I think most of this is due to aesthetics. Throwing rocks at people or a storm of pebbles just does not look as cool as wave after wave of force lightning. And the concept of the smuggler just does not come off as interesting as the "Imperial Agent". Hell even I wanted to play an Agent and they were not even in any of the trailers. And I am strictly Republic.


Both of these classes are critical to PVP. To many people they are OP, and that is still being hotly debated. But the fact that particular set of mirrors is more powerful and one side is playing them more then the other is inevitably going to sway the win ratio in the favor of the faction that plays those classes.

Edited by Torleen
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Imperials only have a 53% advantage due to their insta-animations making them win more on Voidstar. I can't count the number of times I've been stopped at 7.8 seconds or over 7. Due to the proximity of the starting spot to the doors, the empire has a MASSIVE advantage on that map with the animation buff. Empire wins this like 80% of the time.


Alderaan on the other hand, where you can't just drop down and be next to a door and defend it instantly, the Republic wins 80%+ of the time. Like 3 outta the last 4 matches we even had all 3 turrets at some point.


Huttball the Republic just doesn't know what to do since we don't see it!


So on Rakata Mind Prison PVP-West, it's been around 50% Voidstar, 40% Alderaan, and 10% Huttball as a Republic.

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Im republic and I win 90% of my games. If I see in the starting area is filled with lvl 10s-30s I immediately queue dodge.


This is the mentality that results in an imbalance of wins for one faction.


Players get in, quickly look around and leave if they think there will be a problem when there probably wouldn't have.


Their leaving (as a higher level) results in the actual imbalance.

Edited by Algamish
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As republic my win rate is 12% and thats only cause I think I ended up with a premade and we won 6 in a row. I havent won since then. I did 27 Warzones yesterday and lost every single one and they werent even close. Havent won so far today either. Rerolling Empire till republic gets fixed.


BTW this is Republic on US Mind Trick. Maybe Im just being very unlucky but it seems like no one on my team knows *** is going on. Even when Im lowest level I have more mission objective points than our 40+ people. We get 3 capped in the one with the cannons and then spawn camped. In hutt ball we never score. In the one where you have to blast open the doors I have made it to the second set of doors only ONCE. BioWare please fix Republic I cant take being "alliance" all over again.

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I find when im in a guild premade, we win most of the time. When i solo queue, i lose most of the time. I'd say the numbers are about right. As republic, we lose most voidstars, win modt civil wars, huttball seems about half and half.
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WAIT wait wait wait... imps win more warzones and this is due to faction imbalance..


8 on 8...


8 republic


8 imp..


How is that imbalance... not to go with the cheese answer but Republic needs to learn to work together and play...


Warzones is nothing to do with more Imps...

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I'm certain the BioWare numbers also don't factor properly the number of Hutt Ball games where it is Empire vs Empire.


That totally throws off win/loss ratios for players.


You obviously just skimmed the post cos it blatantly states the 47-53% ratio is on the cross factions warzones and does not include Hutt ball. It's funny how many people have come here completely misread the post and how many pull bull**** stats out of their 4ss to 'prove' that these stats are incorrect. While I acknowledge the stats will be shifted more in one direction than the other on some servers it's not going to be to the point of actually getting 90% loss ratio's (unless your talking players who happen to do low numbers of WZ's each day and think it's a statistically viable number on which to base evidence).


Quite a few with supposedly high loss ratio's claim the players on their side are just awful. How is this Biowares fault? If players are bad that's not faction balance, thats not class issues that's PEBKAC. that's completely a L2P issue and will occur whether those players were imp or rep.

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As in most games, the "Good" side sucks. Although, on Anchorhead Repub wins most WZs so I tend to play there most. On my other main server - Venzallow(sp?) - we lose horribly most of the time. Edited by sithkllr
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WAIT wait wait wait... imps win more warzones and this is due to faction imbalance..


8 on 8...


8 republic


8 imp..


How is that imbalance... not to go with the cheese answer but Republic needs to learn to work together and play...


Warzones is nothing to do with more Imps...


I think your missing the point. As theres more imperials it means they have more lv50's which is very imbalanced in wz's, also as the empire have more 50's they win more wz's and so get pvp gear quicker making the curve worse.

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